


Status: Indexed

Cape Foulweather
Nearly four miles northward of Yaquina Point commences the long, bold face of this headland. From Yaquina Point the four miles of shore is bordered with low, yellow broken cliffs, covered with standing burnt timber. A low flat black rock lies about half a mile off shore and nearly three miles north of the point, while a large one the same distance off shore, lies just south of the southern limit of the cape

The whole face of the Cape is about five and a half miles in extent, North-northwest and south-southeast, and marked by six or seven sloping grassy heads, reaching from the sea-cliffs to the heavy timber which growes there, while timber fills the gulches between them. The elevation of the head appears to be about eight Hundred feet.

The westernmost point of the cape is about seven miles northward of Yaquina Point, and is marked by a low grass covered table projecting just to the northward. North of this table, and behind a black point of the same height, stretching southward, is an opening to a small cave with yellow cliff and sand beach within, upon

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