1892 Lighthouse Keeper Logs

1892 Lighthouse Keeper Logs




Journal of Light-House Station at Cape Foulweather 1892


17: [continued from preceding page] fog showers first part cloudy but dry. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went fishing. Had seventeen visitors today.

18: Light N.W. wind and calm first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W. with clear, fine weather during the 24 hours. sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't working in garden and showing 24 visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport for supplies.

19: Light N.W. to East wind and calm first part of 24 hours, with cloudy weather but dry. Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind, clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. Keeper painting 2nd ass't's back steps and pump covering. Had six visitors. 1st ass't went to Newport.

20: Light wind to moderate breeze N.West these 24 hours with clear, fine and warm. Sea very smooth. Had fourteen visitors today. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport on important business.

21: Light N. West to S.E. wind and calm first part of 24 hours with little damp weather. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds and calm, clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't went fishing. Keeper weeding out his garden & showing visitors in tower.

22: Light N.West wind and calm with light rain showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W., clear, fine and warm weather. Sea very smooth. General duties for day. Keeper showing visitors in tower. 1st ass't went fishing. Had eight visitors today.

23: Light N. West to East wind & calm first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze N. West with fair weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper showing visitors in tower. Had 34??? visitors. 1st ass't went to Newport. Steamer George M. Chance??? crossed Yaquina bar at 5 A.M.

24: Light wind to moderate breeze N. West these 24 hours with with high dry fog during most of 24 hours. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Had seventeen visitors today.

25: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours little thick damp fog showers. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Had 26 visitors today. Keeper went to Newport. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower & went fishing. A.H. Hampton, Mr. George Washington & an Indian were crossing the bar this morning and were capsized but were picked up by another boat and were saved.

26: Moderate breeze N.W. these 24 hours with high dry fog during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had thirteen visitors today. 1st ass't went fishing today. Keeper showing visitors in tower. U.S. Steamer Marzanita??? passed by light going north at 6 P.M. 2nd ass't returned to station at 7.30 P.M. from his 21 days leave of Absence.

27: Light N. West wind with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. Had seven visitors today. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower & went fishing. Keeper and 2nd ass't went to Newport on important business.

28: Light South wind & calm and variable winds these 24 hours with thick damp fog most of the 24 hours. General duties for the day. Had twenty-one visitors today. 1st & 2nd ass'ts went fishing. Keeper & 2nd ass't showing visitors in tower.

29: Light South wind with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable wind and calm, cloudy and some fog but dry. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't showing 32 visitors in tower. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport.

30: Light South wind these 24 hours with thick fog showers part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't showering visitors in tower. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport. Had eight visitors today.

31: Light S. East wind and calm first part of 24 hours with high, dry fog. Last part of 24 hours clearing weather with calm & light N. West wind. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had eighteen visitors. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower.


1: Light wind to moderate breeze N.W. first part of 24 hours, little cloudy but dry. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't showing visitors in the tower and watering his garden. Keeper sawing wood. Had 18 visitors. Mr. Isaac L. Smith, 2nd ass't, went to Newport on important business. Left the station at 9. A.M.

Last edit over 6 years ago by Owlivia


Journal of Light-House Station at Cape Foulweather 1892


2: Moderate breeze N. West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had twenty-eight visitors. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower, watering his garden and went to Newport. Keeper cleaning up the yard a little. 2nd ass't returned to the Station at 3. P.M. Had 28 visitors. Steamer Willamett Valley arrived today.

3: Moderate breeze to light wind and calm these 24 hours with fair weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 2nd ass't went to Newport. 1st ass't went fishing and showing visitors in tower. Had 24 visitors today.

4: Light to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours with high dry fog. Sea very sooth. General duties for the day. Had thirty-eight visitors. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in the tower today.

5: Light to moderate breeze N.West these 24 hours with high dry fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine wether. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper cleaning the Illuminating apparatus. Had 20 visitors. Steamer Willamett Valley sailed today.

6: Moderate breeze to light N. West wind first part of 24 hours with fair weather. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate fresh and strong breeze N. West, some fog but mostly clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't went to Newport. Keeper went berrying.

7: Fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours, first part damp fog. Last part some fog but mostly fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had thirty-two visitors. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in the tower today.

8: Fresh to moderate breeze N. West with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh brreze N.W. with thick damp fog most of 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Keeper & 2nd ass't showing 21 visitors in tower. 1st ass't went fishing. Steamer Chance??? passed by cape going north at 1 P.M.

9: Moderate breeze to light N. West wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light South to N. West wind with thick damp fog during 24 hours. Sea very smooth. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower. 1st ass't went fishing and working in garden. Had 39 visitors.

10: Light N. West wind with thick dap fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light N.W to South wind cloudy but dry. Sea smooth. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower. Had sixty two visitors today. 2nd ass't Isaac L. Smith went to Newport to see his wife off to Willamett Valley. Left station at 1.P.M. Keeper went to Newport on business.

11: Light S. East to South wind with light rain showers during first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 1st ass't went fishing. Had twenty visitors today. 1st ass't showing visitors in the tower. 2nd ass't Isaac L. Smith returned to the station at 5 P.M.

12: Light East to S.E. and South wind these 24 hours with cloudy but dry and fair weather during 24 hours. Keeper and 2nd ass't went up the north beach on a picnic. 1st ass't showing 33 visitors in tower and went fishing. Steamer Willamett Valley arrived today.

13: Moderate to fresh breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Last part of 24 hours rain. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went fishing. Keeper and 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Had thirty-nine visitors.

14: Light South wind with light rain & fog showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours thick fog most of the time. Sea quite smooth. General duties for the day. Had 26 visitors. Keeper went to Newport. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower.

15: Light variable winds and calm with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. clear, fine, warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Keeper went fishing. 1st ass't went to Newport. Also 2nd ass't and 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Had 59 visitors today.

16: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours with clear, fine, and warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 2nd ass't went to Newport. Had 61 visitors today. 1st ass't showing visitors in the tower.

17: Light N. West wind and calm first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze N. West [continued on next page]

Last edit over 6 years ago by Owlivia


Journal of Light-House Station at Cape Foulweather 1892


17 [continued from preceding page] with clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport. Had 24 visitors. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower.

18: Moderate breeze to light N.West wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze to a gale N.W. clear, fine weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Had 41 visitors. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in the tower.

19: Strong to fresh and moderate breeze N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick, damp fog. Last part of 24 hours high dry fog. Sea smooth. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower and went to Newport on business. Had twenty-seven visitors today. 2nd ass't Isaac L. Smith went to Newport for recreation. Left the station at 10.A.M.

20: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick, damp fog. Last part of 24 hours high dry fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had 29 visitors. Keeper and 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. 2nd ass't returned to station at 3.30 P.M.

21: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. with thick damp fog during the 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had thirty one visitors today. Keeper and 2nd ass't showing visitors the tower.

22: Light N. West wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with thick, damp fog during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't went fishing and showing visitors in tower. 2nd ass't went to Newport. Had 18 visitors.

23: Light South wind & calm with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds to N.W. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Had 26 visitors. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. 2nd ass't went to Newport on business.

24: Light N.W. wind & calm with little damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W. with clear fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went fishing. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors in tower. Had 50 visitors. Keeper went to Newport on important business. Left the station at 9.A.M.

25: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours with clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Keeper returned to station at 11 A.M. 1st ass't went to Newport. Had [blank space, apparently left for insertion of # of visitors] today. 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower.

26: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours with clear fine weather most of the 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went fishing. Keeper showing visitors in the tower. Had 27 visitors. Steamer Willamett sailed at 1.P.M.

27: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. these 24 hours with high dry fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had 21 visitors. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport.

28: Moderate to fresh breeze N. to N.W. these 24 hours with clear but somewhat smooky??? [smokey?} weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had 26 visitors. today. Keeper showing visitors in the tower. Mr. A. J. Brownlie, Superintendent of L. House Construction visited the station at 10.A.M. and left for Newport at 11.A.M. U.S. L.House tender passed by the light at 2.30 P.M. and crossed the Yaquina bar to Newport.

29: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light S.W. to South wind & calm. Thick, damp fog. Sea little rough. General duties for the day. Keeper and 2nd ass't went to Newport to take the Library and get another. Had 44 visitors. 1st ass't showing visitors in the tower. U.S. Light-House Inspector arrived at the station at 9.30 A.M. Inspected the station and left for Newport at 10 A.M. Also landed the annual supplies for the station.

30: Light South wind with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze N.W., clear fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Mr. Oliver hauling supplies. Keeper storing away supplies and showing visitors in tower. Had 22 visitors. Keepers putting new stove up and new stove in 1st and 2nd ass'ts quarters today. [continued on next page]

Last edit over 6 years ago by Owlivia


Journal of Light-House Station at Cape Foulweather 1892


30: [continued from previous page] U.S. Steamer Manzanita left Yaquina bay and sailed South to supply stations south of this light.

31: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.West these 24 hours with clear fine weather but a little smokey. Sea smooth. Keeper putting the supply of Oil in Oil house. 2nd went to Newport. Oliver hauling supplies. Keeper and 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Had 11 visitors.


1: Moderate to fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine but little smokey weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Keeper putting oil in Oil-house. Oliver hauling Oil from Newport. Keeper went to Newport. Had eight visitors.

2: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours with smokey weather. Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind, clear, fine weather. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Mr. Oliver hauling Oil from Newport to the Cape. Keeper putting Oil in Oil-house. 1st ass't went to Newport. Had 10 visitors today. 2nd ass't showing visitors in tower. Steamer Willamett Valley & George Chance crossed bar at 3.30 P.M. Steamer Manzanita passed by the light going north within about 1 mile north of light, turned and went back and went into Yaquina bay.

3: Light variable wind and calm first part of 24 hours with fair and smokey weather. Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind. Sea smooth. Keeper putting Oil in Oil-house. Mr. Oliver finished hauling Oil from Newport. 1st ass't went fishing. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport. Had 4 visitors. U.S. Steamer Manzanita came out of Yaquina bay and passed by the cape at 7.30 A.M., bound north. Keeper & 2nd ass't hauling hay hauled from Newport to cape.

4: Light South wind and calm with thick, damp fog and smokey weather during these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Had twenty visitors today. The barometer has been down to 29.80 and 27.90 for the past week.

5: Light wind S. to S.E. and calm with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze East to S.E. and South with frequent rain showers. Sea quite rough. Keeper putting hay in barn. Had 9??? visitors. The barometer is down to 29.78 at 4.P.M.

6: Moderate breeze to light South wind with thick, damp fog showers. Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind, some fog but clearing weather. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Had 4 visitors today. 1st ass't went to Newport after mail.

7: Light N.W. to variable winds with thick, damp fog. Last part of 24 hours light to moderate and fresh breeze N.W., fair but some smokey. Sea quite smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't showing visitors in the tower and went fishing. Steamer Willamett Valley sailed for San Francisco at 11 A.M. Had 24 visitors. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport today. Mr. Stimpson??? hauled the last load of hay today.

8: Light wind to moderate fresh & strong breeze N.W. these 24 hours with fair weather but some smokey. Sea very smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower & went fishing. 2nd ass't went to Newport. Had 14 visitors. Keeper fixing platform of the east side of barn. Keeper had a letter from owners of sealing boat on beach to sell her and pay all charges and send bill amt to them.

9: Fresh to moderate breeze to light N.W. wind with thick, dap fog most of the 24 hours. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Had 12 visitors today. 1st ass't went fishing and showing visitors in tower. Keeper & 2nd ass't went up north beach trout fishing today.

10: Light South wind with thick, damp fog during the 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Had 9 visitors today. 1st ass't went fishing. 2nd ass't practicing graining. Keeper went to Newport to get supplies.

11: Light South wind & calm with thick, damp fog during these 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties. 2nd ass't learning to grain wood work. 1st ass't showing visitors in tower. Had seven??? visitors today.

12: Light South wind with thick damp fog and smoke during most of 24 hours. Sea smooth. The barometer is down to 29.64 at 3.P.M. Keeper putting 200 Gals of Oil in Oil room. 2nd ass't digging potatoes. 1st ass't went fishing today. Had three visitors.

13: Light South wind these 24 hours with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went fishing and to Newport. 2nd ass't showing visitors in tower & working in garden and packing wood from beach to top of bluff. Had fourteen visitors today.

14: Light South wind & calm these 24 hours. Dry, fair, cloudy & smokey during these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. [continued on next page]

Last edit over 6 years ago by Owlivia


Journal of Light-House Station at Cape Foulweather 1892


14 [continued from previous page]: General duties for the day. 1st ass't digging potatoes and went fishing. 1nd ass't packing wood up from the beach. Had one visitor today.

15: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light N.West wind, fair but smokey. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had 14 visitors today. 1st ass't showing visitors, working in garden, and went fishing. Keeper & 2nd ass't went to Newport. Steamer Willamett Valley arrived today. Light-House Inspector O.W. Farenholt sent a flag to this station, received it today.

16: Light N.West wind and calm these 24 hours with dry, some high dry fog and smokey. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd ass't graining today. Had 8 visitors. 1st ass't went to Newport and fishing today.

17: Light S.E. to South wind & calm these 24 hours, fair weather but little fog and some smoke. Sea very smooth. General duties for day. 1st ass't went fishing. Had 9 visitors today. 2nd ass't showing visitors in tower and graining in his quarters.

18: Light S.E. wind for these 24 hours, light fog and smoke. Sea very smooth. Keeper F.M. Plummer left at 10. A.M. today for Toledo???? on a 6 days leave of absence. 2nd ass't I.L. Smith went to Newport at 10.A.M. and returned at 2.P.M. today.

19: Light S.E. wind for these 24 hours, first part of 24 hours dry with light smokey fog, last part of 24 hours damp with light fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd ass't sawing wood & making a table.

20: Light S.E. wind to N.E. and N.W. breeze, dry to rain first part of 24 hours, light S.E. wind, dry last part of 24 hours, fresh N.E. to N.W. breeze with rain. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd ass't whitewashing woodshed.

21: Light N.W. to S.E. wind damp to dry with light fog for these 24 hours. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went to Newport for the mail at 8.30 A.M. and returned 12.M. 2nd ass't making wash stand. Sea rough. Had 12 visitors.

22: Light S.E. to S.W. wind to gale with rain for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light S.E. wind with rain; last part of 24 hours light S.E. to S.W. wind to gale with rain. Sea very rough. General duties for the day.

23: Strong S.W. to light S.E. wind with showers to light and thick, damp fog for these 24 hours. Sea very rough. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went to Newport for the Mail. 2nd ass't graining quarters. Had 7 visitors today.

24: Light S.E. wind to moderate breeze with rain today for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain, last part of 24 hours dry to clear and cloudy. Sea very rough. General duties for the day. 2nd ass't sawing wood. 1st ass't same??? Had 2 visitors.

25: Light variable winds and calm these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine and warm weather. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. 2nd ass't went to Newport after the Keeper today. Keeper Frank M. Plummer returned to the station at 11.30 A.M. from his vacation of One week. 2nd ass't received his appointment today.

26: Light South wind with thick damp fog during first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours clearing weather. Sea quite rough. Had nine visitors today. 1st ass't and Keeper showing visitors in tower. Keeper and 2nd ass't went 2 1/2 miles from Station and cut a flag pole for the station and brought it to the station. And Keepers making it and getting it ready to put up.

27: Light East to South wind with clear, fine and warm weather during these 24 hours. Sea quite smooth. Had three visitors today. 1st ass't preparing the hole to receive the flag pole. Keeper & 2nd ass't went after a longer pole for the flag today.

28: Light South wind and calm these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy and little damp. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea quite smooth. Keepers getting flag pole ready to put in and set up. Had two visitors. 1st ass't went to Newport today.

29: Light South to N.West wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick, damp fog. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but dry. Sea smooth. Steamer Willamett Valley arrived today. Keepers painting and putting pulley on flag pole. 1st ass't went fishing today.

Last edit over 6 years ago by Owlivia
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 26 in total