JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather 1895 February 27: [continued from previous page] of 24 hours light rain with clearing weather - Sea quite rough - Keeper went up North beach trout fishing - 1st asst spadeing in his garden. 28: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze East these 24 hours clear fine but a little cooler - Sea quite rough - Keepers putting oil in Oil-Butts - 1st ass spadeing and planting garden - 2nd asst also working in his part of the garden - Keeper went to Newport to meet his Wife on her return on the steamer Homer - Left the station at 11 A.M. March 1: Strong to fresh and moderate breeze East first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind South with fair weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - 1st asst went fishing and working in garden - Keeper returned to station at 4 P.M. Steamer Homer arrived today from San Francisco. 2: Light South wind to fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours little damp - Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Sea quite rough - General duties for the day - Keeper and 2nd asst went to Newport - 1st asst working in garden - Steamer Alcatraz arrived from Sanfrancisco. 3: Light wind North to moderate and fresh breeze N. West with clear fine but a little cool - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - 2nd asst went over on the beach to hunt Water Agates today - The barometer stands 30.20 today. 2nd asst also went to Newport. 4: Moderate breeze to light wind North first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.W. with clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea a little rough - Keeper and 2nd asst working in garden - 2nd ast son spadeing in his part of garden - 1st asst also went to Newport. A Revenue Cutter passed the light at 10 A.M. going north. Keeper saluted with flag. 5: Light North wind to moderate breeze N. West with clear fine and little cool - Sea moderately smooth - 1st asst went fishing - 2nd asst and his son spadeing garden - Keeper planting garden - The barometer down to 29.86 today. 6: Light wind East to North and N. West with clear fine and warm weather these 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - 2nd asst planting potatoes - Steamer Homer sailed for Sanfrancisco at 7 A.M. - The barometer down to 29.94. 1st asst went fishing. 7: Light variable winds these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours some thick fog and cloudy - Sea quite smooth - Keepers cleaning Reflectors and locks??? on Oil butts and measures??? - 1st asst went fishing. Keeper planting peas today. 8: Light variable winds these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours heigh dry fog - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst and Keeper went fishing - 2nd asst planting garden and digging clams. 9: Light N. West wind these 24 hours with heigh dry fog during 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport after supplies and get and send off mail - 2nd asst went clamming on the beach - 1st asst went fishing - U.S. Steamer Manzanita crossed out of Yaquina at 5.50 A.M. and steamer North passed this light at 6.45 A.M. 10: Light variable winds and calm with light rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing - The barometer down to 29.90 today. 11: Light variable winds with fair weather and rain showers these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 2nd asst planting peas today - 1st asst went fishing and to Newport - The barometer down to 29.77 and still going down. 12: Light wind and moderate breeze West with frequent rain and hail showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Steamer Homer arrived from Sanfrancisco and crossed into Yaquina at 11:30 A.M. - Keeper went over - Keeper went over in the woods and bought??? 24 cords of wood for Keepers at Station. 13: Light wind to moderate breeze East to North these 24 hours with fair and cool weather - Sea smooth - Keeper [continued on next page]
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1895 March 13: [continued from previous page] went to Newport after supplies - 1st asst and 2nd asst working the road today - 1st asst also went fishing. 14: Light East wind to moderate breeze North with clear fine and cool weather during these 24 hours - Sea very smooth. Keeper and 2st asst working the road - 1st asst putting curtains up in 2nd asst quarters - Keeper takeing up first room carpet and cleaning it - 2nd asst went to Newport to see about his Household good that Capt Winant brought from Umpqua. Steamer Bandorville crossed into Yaquina at 8 A.M. and came out at 2:30 P.M. came up to the cape and anchored to wait for the wind to go down. 15: Light East to S.E. and South wind to fresh breeze South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours rain and hail showers. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Sea smooth - General duties for the day. Keeper spadeing garden and putting stair carpet down - 1st asst went fishing - 2nd asst went to Newport and had hisHousehold good hauled to cape - Steamer Homer sailed today. 16: Moderate breeze to light wind S. to East with rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze to light East wind fair weather - Sea rough - General duties for the day - 1st asst planting garden and working on the road - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - The barometer 29.80 - 2nd asst working in his Quarters fixing up the rooms. 17: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light N. West 2ind with clear fine and warm weather - Sea rough - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - 2nd asst showing two visitors in Tower - The barometer down to 29.62. 18: Light S.E. to South wind to fresh breeze these 24 hours with frequent rain showers - Sea smooth - The barometer down to 29.74 today - Keeper working on the road today - Keeper putting carpet down in hallway in Keepers quarters. 19: Gale to fresh breeze South with light rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours Gale S. to S.W. with hard rain - Sea rough - General duties for day - 2nd asst went to Newport - The barometer dwon to 29.38. 20: Moderate to fresh breeze South to S. West with frequent rain and hail squalls these 24 hours - Sea rough - General duties for the day - Keeper cleaning Windows in Keepers dwelling - The barometer is 29.62 today. 21: Heavy Gale to fresh breeze S. to S.W. and West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours hard rain - Last part of 24 hours rain and hail showers - Sea rough - General duties for the day - The barometer down to 29.15 to 29.36 today. 22: Moderate to fresh breeze S. West these 24 hours with frequent rain and hail squalls - Sea very rough - General duties for the day - The barometer down to 29.80 - 1st asst went to Newport after mail and to get supplies. 23: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze South with hard rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds light rain - Sea little rough - General duties for the day - Keeper working on Quarterly return. The barometer down to 29.90 today. 24: Moderate breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain - Last part of 24 hours damp with some fog and clearing weather - Sea quite smooth - General duties for the day - Steam Scotia crossed in over Yaquina from Sanfrancisco. The barometer up to 30.00 25: Light wind to moderate breeze East first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds clear fine and warm weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - Keeper cleaning in his Quarters - 1st asst went fishing - Steamer Homer crossed out of Yaquina at 6 A.M. Steamer Bandorviller crossed out of Yaquina at 8 P.M. 26: Light variable winds dry and warmer with fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze rain showers - Sea smooth. General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - Steamer Scotia sailed for Sanfrancisco from Yaquina. 27: Gale to fresh breeze S. to S.W. with rain these 24 hours - Sea quite rough - General duties for the day - The barometer 29.14 today. 28: Fresh breeze West to S. West these 24 hours with rain hail and snowsqualls first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours hail squalls - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for day - 2nd asst went to Newport - The barometer 29.70 today.
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1895 March 29: Moderate breeze to light variable winds with rain and hail squalls first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze South with fair weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - The barometer 30.10 today. 30: Light East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds fair weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - Keeper making out Quarterly reports. The baromer 29.90 today. 31: Moderate breeze East to S.E. and South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Sea smooth - General duties for day - Keeper and 1st asst went fishing - Keeper working on Quarterly & monthly returns. April 1: Moderate to fresh and strong breeze S. to S.W. these 24 hours with hard rain most of the time - Sea quite rough - Keeper and 2nd asst cleaning and polishing Burner - 1st asst cleaning ceiling in his sitting room preparing to whitewash it - also went to Newport to take mail. 2: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze S.W. to South with rain and hail squalls first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours Gale to fresh breeze South rain - Sea rough - Keepers cleaning and changing lamp and burner in Lenns (?) - Also cleaning and whitewashing Oil-room and Office preparing to paint the wood work - The barometer down to 29.80 today. 3: Gale to fresh breeze S. to S.West and West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours hard rain - Last part of 24 hours frequent rain showers - Sea rough - Keepers cleaning and painting Office and Oil-room attached to Tower - The barometer 29.60 today. 4: Fresh breeze to light wind W.N.W. to South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours frequent rain and hail squalls - Last part of 24 hours fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - Keepers painting in Office and hall and Oil-room - Keeper & 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 30.00 today. 5: Light East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with fair weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - Keepers putting 200 Gallons of Mineral Oil in Oil room - Also putting stores in Lockers painting in Office and scrubbing hall Office and Oil-room floors - 2nd asst painting dining room in his Quarters - Keeper and 1st asst went fishing - Mr. Brownlie arrived at the station to see what is needed for repairs at the station for the year of 1895. 6: Light East wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with fair and warmer weather during 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport - 2nd asst painting in his dineroom (???) - 2st asst planting peas and went fishing. 7: Light variable winds these 24 hours with fair and warmer weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Had five visitors - 2nd asst showing visitors in Tower - 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 30.02 today. 8: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N. West with fair weather during 24 horus - Sea smooth - Keeper painting floor (???) in Office bad collor - 1st asst and 2nd asst working on the road - Keeper went fishing 9: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze with rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze to a gale S. West rain showers - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - Steamer crossed in over Yaquina bar at 11:30 A.M. - The barometer 29.60 today. 10: Fresh and strong breeze S. W. rain hail thunder and lightening these 24 hours - Sea quite rough - General duties for the day - Keeper went over to Newport to take Mrs. Plummer to take the steamer for Sanfrancisco for her health - 1st asst went to Newport after supplies. 11: Light South to East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light South wind fair and warmer weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 30.06 today - Keeper went to Newport to see Mrs. Plummer off for Sanfranciscoon the steamer schooner Nakise??? - 1st asst painting window sashes in Oil room attached to Tower. 12: Light South wind these 24 hours with fair and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing and to Newport after mail - Steamer Bandorville crossed out over Yaquina bar for Portland - The barometer 29.95 today.
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 April 13: Fresh and strong breeze South to S. West with rain showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze S. West fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for day - 1st asst painting ceiling in his Quarters - Keeper went to Newport. 14: Light East to S. East wind damp first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze to a gale rain showers - Sea rough - General duties for the day - The barometer 29.50 - Keeper went over to little creek trout fishing today. 15: Fresh to strong breeze South with rain these 24 hours - Sea rough - General duties for the day - 2nd asst painting front room in his quarters - Keeper makeing out requistition for L.H. supplies for 1895 and 1896 - The barometer 29.70. 16: Strong to fresh breeze South to S. W. these 24 hours with frequent rain and hail squalls - Sea rough - Keeper repairing spare damper pipe and putting a pane of glass in 2nd assts Quarters that was broken today - 2nd asst painting in his front room in Keepers dwelling - 1st asst went to Newport after the mail - The barometer 29.95 17: Light S.E. wind to moderate and fresh breeze South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours cloudy and little damp - Sea moderately smooth - Keeper and 2nd asst putting windown pane in Dwelling - 2nd asst painting in his Quarters - Barometer 30.10 today. 18: Light variable winds with light rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze N. West fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - Keeper completeing requisition for annual supplies - 1st asst went fishing - 2nd asst painting in his Quarters - Barometer 30.00 today. 19: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 light wind to moderate breeze North with clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - Keeper planting peas - 1st asst went to Newport and also went fishing - 2nd asst painting in his Quarters - The barometer 30.12 today. 20: Light wind North to moderate breeze N. West with clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea very smooth - 2nd asst painting in his Quarters - 1st asst working in garden and went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - Steamer Bandorille crossed in over Yaquina bar from Portland - The barometer 30.16 today. 21: Light North wind to moderate and fresh breeze N. West these 24 horus with clear fine and warmer weather seas smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper went over on South beach trout fishing - 1st asst went ocean fishing - The barometer 29.98 today. 22: Moderate breeze to light wind N. West first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh and strong breeze N.W. clear weather - Sea quite smooth - Keepers painting pickett fence around Tower and Keepers dwelling - The barometer 29.90 today. 23: Fresh and moderate breeze N. West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours clear fine weather - Last part of 24 hours some thick fog but mostly fair weather - Sea smooth - steam Schooner crossed in over Yaquina bar - Keeper working on the road today. 24: Fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - Keepers painting on the fence around the Tower and Keepers dwelling - The barometer down to 29.82 today - Keeper mailed Requistions for supplies today. 25: Fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours with high dry fog first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather - Sea smooth - Keeper completed painting picket fence around Tower and Keepers dwelling - Keeper mixing white paint to paint Barn 1st asst Quarters and store house - 1st and 2nd assts cleaning barn preparing to paint it - 1st asst also went to Newport. 26: Fresh breeze to light N. Wet to North wind these 24 hours with fair and warm weather during 24 hours - Sea very smooth - Keepers painting Barn 1st asst Quarters - 1st and 2nd asst cleaning outside of store house preparing to paint it - The barometer 29.70 today. 27: Light variable winds with light rain showers during these 24 hours - Sea very smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - The barometer down to 29.78 today. 28: Light variable winds with light rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N. West with clear fine weather - Sea very smooth - General duties for day - Keeper and 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 30.00 today.
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 April 29: Light North wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours cloudy but dry weather - Last part of 24 hours clear fine and warm weather - Sea very smooth - Keepers painting on Keepers Dwelling - 1st asst also went fishing - Barometer 29.93 today. 30: Light wind S. East to moderate breeze S. to S. West these 24 hours with fair weather - Sea smooth - Keepers painting on Keepers Dwelling today - 2nd asst went to Newport to take Monthly reports - The barometer down to 29.76. May 1: Light South wind these 24 hours with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours some damp fogy weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - The barometer 29.74 today. 2: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze S. West with frequent rain and fog showers - Sea quite smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 29.74 today. 3: Fresh to strong breeze with rain these 24 hours - Sea quite rough - General duties today - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 29.62 today. 4: Gale to fresh breeze South to S. WEst with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N. West fair weather - Sea moderately smooth - 1st asst takeing covers off of Coal oil cases - The barometer 29.88 - Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 5: Light wind East to moderate fresh and strong breeze St. S. West these 24 hours with hard rain most of the 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - The barometer down to 29.62 today. 6: Moderate to fresh breeze S. to S. West these 24 hours first part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours some rain showers but mostly fair weather - Sea quite rough - The barometer 29.88. Keepers cleaning and polishing chimneys Oil carriers and measures & cock on Oil butts. 7: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze S. W. these 24 hours first part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours fair weather - Sea quite rough - Keepers cleaning Lenes Lamp Reflectocs etc - Also putting 200 Gall oil in Oil-room and office - 1st asst went to Newport - Barometer up to 30.05. 8: Light S. W. to West wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light rain showers - Keepers painting on Keeper dwelling and mixing pain - 1st asst working on his Quarters - The barometer up to 30.26 today. 9: Light N. East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N. West with fair weather during 24 hours - Sea a little rough - Keeper painting on Keepers Dwelling and mixing paint - The barometer 30.32 today. 10: Moderate breeze to light N.W. wind first part of 24 hours - last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N.W. with clear fine weather - Sea smooth - Keepers painting lattice of portch of Keepers Dwelling - 1st asst went fishing - Barometer 30.06. 11: Moderate breeze to light North wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N. West with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - Keeper went to Newport on important business - Left the station at 9 A.M. - 1st and 2nd asst whitewashing fences and showing visitors in the Tower - Major Post Light House Engineer for the 13th District with Col. Slickney??? and Major Sears arrived at the station at 4 P.M. Inspected station at left for Newport at 5 P.M. 12: Moderate breeze to light N. West and S. East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light South to N.W. wind with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for day - Had two visitors - Keeper returned to station at 10:30 A.M. Barometer 30.00 today. 13: Moderate to fresh and strong breeze N. West with fair weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - keepers whitewashing the garden fence - The schooner Kate and Anne is hunting Sea Otter along the coast - The barometer 30.10 today. 14: Fresh to moderate breeze North these 24 hours with clear fine and warm weather - Sea quite smooth - The barometer down to 29.80 today 15: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours with fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light South wind with thick fog - Sea smooth (continued on next page)