JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 July 29: [continued from previous page] fair and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Mr. McCullen hauling Mineral oil today - Keeper stowing away Oil in Oil-house and other supplies - Mr. Hermann haveing wood hauled to the station - Barometer 30.06 today. 30: Light N. West wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours fair and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't putting Mineral Oil in Oil-house and showing visitors in Tower - Had 27 visitors - Mr. McCullum completed hauling animal supplies today - Keeper went to Newport to post mail - Barometer 29.98 today. 31: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N. West with fair weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for day - 1st ass't went fishing and to Newport after supplies - Had 20 visitors - 2nd asst't showing visitors in Tower - Steamer Farallon arrived from Sanfrancisco. August 1: Light N. West wind and calm first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W. with fair weather weather and ??? smooky - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st ass't showing visitors in Tower - Had 8 visitors - 2nd ass't went to Newport - Barometer 29.98 today. 2: Light North wind and calm these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather and smooky - Last part of 24 hours heigh fog and smook - Sea smooth - 1st and 2nd ass't putting 200 gallons of mineral oil in office - 1st and 2nd ass't showing 19 visitors in Tower - 1st ass't went to Newport to post and get the mail. 3: Moderate breeze to light N. West wind thick damp fog first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate fresh and strong breeze N. West fair weather - Sea smooth - General duties the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors in the Tower - Had fifteen visitors - Mr. Elsworth hauling wood for Mr. Hermann - Keeper went to Newport - Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco today. 4: Fresh and moderate breeze to light N. West wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate fresh and strong breeze N. West with fair and smooky weather - sea smooth - General duties for the day - Barometer down to 29.94 today - Had 9 visitors today. 5: Fresh breeze to light N. West wind first part of 24 hours - last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh and strong breeze N. West with fair and smooky weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Had 27 visitors - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors in Tower - Keeper went to Newport today. Barometer 29.70 today. 6: Strong to fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours with thick damp fog - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper showing visitors in the tower - Had thirty seven visitors today - The barometer down to 29.98 today. 7: Fresh to moderate breeze N. West with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N.W. clear fine weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Had 39 visitors - Keeper and 1st ass't showing visitors in the Tower - 2nd ass't went to Newport - Barometer down to 29.93 today. 8: Moderate breeze to light North wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N. West with fair and smooky weather - Sea smooth - General duties for day - Mr. Elsworth hauling wood for 2nd ass't - Keeper showing 31 visitors in Tower - 1st ass't went to Newport. 9: Fresh to moderate breeze N. West first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N.W. with thick damp fog during 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keepers showing 15 visitors in the Tower - Mr. Elsworth hauling wood for Keeper - Barometer 29.74 today. 10: Fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours some fog and smooky weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in Tower - Had 19 visitors - Keeper went to Newport - Keeper haveing wood hauled to the light - Barometer 29.78. 11: Fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing 23 visitors in the Tower - Keeper went to Newport after the mail - Barometer 29.80 today. 12: [handwriting change] Fresh N. West breeze these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours and dry. Last part of 24 hours fresh N. West breeze dry - General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Keeper, F.M. Plummer left station at 9 A.M. for San Francisco for a vacation. Sea smooth had forty six visitors today. Barometer twenty nine 89. 13: Light to Fresh N.W. breeze with thick smoke for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light N.W. breeze with thick [continued on next page]
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 August 13: [continued from previous page] smoke last part of 24 hours fresh N.W. breeze with thick smoke. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors tower. Barometer 29.84. 14: Fresh N.W. breeze with thick smoke for these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fresh N.W. breeze with thick smoke - Last part of 24 hours fresh N.W. breeze with thick smoke - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors tower. 15: Fresh to moderate N.W. breeze with thick damp fog for these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fresh N.W. breeze with thick damp fog - Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze dry - General duties for the day - 1st ass't stacking lime??? 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Barometer 29.94. 16: Moderate N.W. breeze with light fog for these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze with light fog. Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze with light fog - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors tower - Mr. Leaman arrived 7 P.M. Baromter 29.99. 17: Moderate N.W. breeze with light fog for these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours moderate n.W. breeze light fog - last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze with light fog - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower - Mr. Leaman tearing down plaster in Keeper's fron trooms. Barometer 29.88. 18: Moderate N.W. breeze with thick fog to dry for these 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze with thick fog - Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze dry - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower - Barometer 29.89. 19: Moderate to light N.W. breeze light fog for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze light fog. Last part of 24 hours light N.W. breeze with light fog - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower - Mr. Leaman commenced to build wagon shed - Barometer 29.90. 20: Moderate N.W. breeze to calm light to thick fog for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze light fog. Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze to calm light to thick fog. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went for mail 12 M. returned 4 P.M. 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower (Barometer 29.85). 21: Light S.E. wind with thick damp fog for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light S.E. wind, thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours light S.E. wind with thick damp fog. General duties for the day. First and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Barometer 29.92. 22: Light S.E. to N.W. wind with damp fog to dry for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light S.E. to N.W. wind with damp fog. Last part of 24 hours light N.W. wind with damp fog to dry. General duties for day. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors tower. Mr. Leaman working on tower (Barometer 30.2). 23: Light N.W. wind to fresh N.W. breeze dry for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light N.W. wind. Last part of 24 hours light N.W. wind to fresh N.W. breeze dry. General duties for the day. 1st ass't went for mail 12 M. and returened at 4 P.M. 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Barometer 29.96. 24: Fresh N.W. to N. breeze with thick damp fog to dry for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours fresh N.W. breeze and thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours fresh N.W. to N. breeze with thick damp fog to dry. General duties for the day. 1st ass't cleaning burner. 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Barometer 29.98. 25: Fresh N. to moderate N.W. breeze and dry for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours fresh N. to moderate N.W. breeze dry. Last part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze dry. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Baromter 30.2. 26: Moderate to fresh N.W. breeze dry to light fog for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours moderate N.W. breeze dry. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh N.W. breeze with light fog. General duties for the day. 1st ass't cleaning reservoir. 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Mr. Leaman working on dwelling. Barometer 29.94. 27: Fresh to light N.W. breeze thick smoky fog for these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours fresh to light N.W. breeze with thick smoky fog. Last part of 24 hours light N.W. breeze with thick smoky fog. General duties. 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through tower. Barometer 29.80. 28: [Handwriting changes back] Light N. West to North wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick smook and fog - Last part of 24 hours thick smook and warmer weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors through the tower - Had twenty seven visitors today - Mr. Leamann working on Dwelling - Keeper F.M. Plummer returned from San Francisco at 10 A.M. where he had been to see Mrs. Plummer she being sick there. 29: Moderate breeze to light S. East wind thse 24 hours with tick smook and fog - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors in the tower - Had eight visitors today - Keeper went to Newport to post mail and get some supplies - Mr. Leaman working on dwelling.
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 August 30: Light variable winds with rain showers thick fog and smoke first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind fair weather and smooky - Sea smooth - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper and 2nd ass't assisting Mr. Leaman - Mr. Leaman working on furnace in 2nd ass't's quarter and on front of Keepers dwelling. 31: Light variable winds thick damp fog and smook these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - 1st and 2nd ass't showing eleven visitors in tower - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers dwelling. Barometer 29.85. September 1: Light variable winds and calm these 24 hours with light rain showers thick fog and smook - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went fishing - 1st and 2nd ass'ts showing visitors in tower - Had nine visitors - Barometer 29.92. 2: Light S. East wind and calm these 24 hours with light rain showers and thick damp fog - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Mr. Leaman repairing front of Keeper Dwelling - Keeper and 1st ass't putting there wood in under cover - Also showing visitors in the tower - 1st ass't went fishing - Had twelve visitors - 2nd ass't went to Newport on business - Barometer 29.90 today. 3: Light S. East to North wind light rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds cloudy weather - Sea smooth - Mr. Leaman repairing front of Keeper's dwelling - Barometer down to 29.86 today - Had seven visitors today. 2nd ass't showing visitors in Tower - 1st ass't putting wood in wood shed went fishing - Keeper putting wood in his cellar - 1st and 2nd ass't cleaning and picking up pieces of boards laths etc. today. 4: Light S. East wind and calm fair weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for day - 1st and 2nd ass't cleaning up the dirt that Mr. Leaman made in repairing the front of Dwelling - 1st ass't went fishing - 1st and 2nd ass't showing visitors in the Tower - Keeper went to Newport on business. 5: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light North wind - Clear fine and warm weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - Keeper putting wood in celler - 1st ass't went to Newport after supplies and went fishing - 2nd ass't cleaning up his celler also putting wood in celler - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers Dwelling - Steam Farallon arrived from Sanfrancisco - Had three visitors. Barometer 30.15 today. 6: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours - last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N. West clear fine weather during 24 horus - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper digging potatoes - 1st ass't taking covers off of Coal Oil cases prpeparing to empty them - Had no visitors today - Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco at 1 P.M. today - Mr. Leaman completed the Wagon House today - Barometer 29.98 today. 2nd ass't cleaning and putting wood in his celler. 7: Moderate breeze to light N. West wind with clear fine and warm weather these 24 horus - Sea smooth - Keepers putting 200 Gallons of Mineral Oil in Office - 2nd ass't showing visitors in the Tower - Had eight visitors - 1st ass't digging his potatoes and taking them to his quarters - 1st ass't also went fishing - Mr. Leaman completed the Wagon shed - Ang??? lathing in Keeper Quarters - Had 8 visitors. Barometer 29.89 today. 8: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze S. to N. West these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours rain showers - Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper went to Newport after fruit - Barometer 29.88 today. 9: Light N. West wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds - Clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - 2nd ass't showing visitors in Tower - Had ten visitors today - 1st ass't working in his garden and went fishing - Barometer 29.83. Keeper went to Newport after fruit - Mr. Leaman ??? and lathing in front part of Keepers Dwelling today. 10: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours with fair weather - last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze South with light rain showers - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 2nd ass't putting wood in his celler and showing visitors in Tower - Had six visitors - 1st ass't went fishing - Also went to Portland to be gone a few days - Left the Station at 1 P.M. - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers Dwelling - Barometer down to 29.78. 11: Moderate to fresh breeze East these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours hard rain - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper and 2nd helping Mr. Leaman prepare flashing for windows in front of dwelling - Mr. Leaman putting caseing and flashings on front of Keeper Dwelling - Barometer 29.41 today. 12: Moderate breeze to light wind S. East to South these 24 horus - First part of 24 hours - rain - Last part of 24 hours fair weather - Sea quite smooth [continued on following page]
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1895 September 12: General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport to mail letters and get supplies - 2nd ass't showing visitors in the Tower - Had [s]even visitors - Barometer 29.80 today - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers Dwelling - 2nd ass't opening gutters allong the road. 13: Moderate to fresh breeze S.E. to South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours frequent rain showers - Sea quite smooth - 2nd ass't showing 5 visitors in the Tower - General duties for day - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers dwelling - The barometer down to 29.82 today. 14: Light S. East wind with light rain showers first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable wind and calm - Sea quite smooth - General duites for the day - Keeper went to Newport to post the mail - The barometer 20.00 today - Mr. Leaman working on the front of Keepers Dwelling. 15: Light East wind to moderate breeze South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours rain showers - Sea smooth - Edward Rice 1st ass't returned to the station at 8 P.M. - General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport - Barometer 29.75 - Steamer Bandorille sailed from Yaquina for Portland at 1 P.M. 16: Moderate breeze to light South wind with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze South fair weather - Sea quite rough - General duites for the day - 2nd ass't showing four visitors in Tower - Mr. Leaman working on fron of Keeper Dwelling - Barometer 29.99. 17: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N. West fair weather during 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - 2nd ass't showing three visitors in the Tower - Keeper and 2nd ass't Mr. Leaman to replace the front portch of Keepers Dwelling - 1st ass't went to Newport after supplies and went fishing - Mr. Leaman repairing front portch - Barometer 29.90 today. 18: Fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours with fair weather and heigh dry fog - Sea moderately smooth - General duties for the day - Keepers weeding and working in garden - 2nd ass't showing visitors in Tower - Had seven visitors - Mr. Leaman working on front portch - Barometer down to 29.98 today. 19: Fresh variable and light winds these 24 hours with frequent rain showers - Sea quite rough - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went fishing - Mr. Leaman putting in drain pipe from ??? to Water-closets in Keeper and 2nd ass't quarters - Keeper went to Newport - Barometer 29.90 today. 20: Fresh variable winds with rain hail and lightening first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze to light N. West wind with frequent rain showers - Sea rough - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went hunting upon the North beach and also went fishing. Steamer Farallon arrived and crossed in Yaquina at 11:30 A.M. Barometer 20.00 today. Mr. Leaman makeing new slop hopper??? for 2nd ass't and working on part of Keepers Dwelling. 21: Light East wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light N. to N. West wind clear fine weather with light frost this morning - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st ass't went fishing and putting dressing on his garden - Steamer crossed into Yaquina from the North at 3 P.M. - Steamer Portland arrived and crossed into Yaquina at 1 P.M. from San Francisco - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers Dwelling - Barometer 30.28 today. 22: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light N. West wind with clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for day - Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco at 1 P.M. - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper went to Newport - Barometer 30.08 today. 23: Light S. East to South wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours light rain and mist showers - Sea quite smooth - Keepers reputtying and drawing window sash in front of Keepers dwelling - 1st ass't went fishing today - Steamer Portland sailed for Sanfrancisco at 3 P.M. - Mr. Leaman working on front of Keepers Dwelling today. 24: Moderate breeze South rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light variable winds and calm clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - Keeper putting glass and reputtying strom panes windows in front of Keepers Dwelling - 2nd ass't cleaning and rakeing up the yard in front of Dwelling - 1st ass't went fishing and to Newport - Mr. Leaman prepairing to plaster front of Dwelling and went after sand. 25: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze North with clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea smooth - Keeper Drawing sash in storm windows - 1st ass't went fishing - Keepers putting hay in Barn for Keeper - Mr. Leaman lathing and plastering front of Keepers dwelling - Mr. Jonston and Mr. Briggs hauling sand - Barometer 30.12 today.
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather, Oregon 1985 September 26: Light wind to moderate breeze North these 24 hours with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - 1st asst went fishing - 2nd asst helping Mr Leaman - Mr Leaman plastering front of dwelling - Barometer 29.92 today 27: Light wind to moderate breeze North with clear fine and warm weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst putting dressing on his garden & went fishing - Mr. Leaman has stoped on the repairs at the station for want of money today - Barometer 29.88 28: Light North wind and calm with clear fine and warm weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst putting dressing on his garden and went fishing Keeper and 2nd asst cleaning the glass in storm windows - Keeper also working on his Monthly & Quarterly returns - Steamer Farallon arrived & ??? in to Yaquina at 10 A.M. Mr Leaman painting the front of Dwelling on the outside - Barometer 29.84 today 29: Ligh wind to moderate and fresh breeze North with fair and warm weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - 1st asst showing visitors in the tower - Had five visitors today - Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco at 10 A.M. from Yaquina - Barometer 29.78 today 30: Moderate breeze to light wind N.West first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.West with thick damp fog during 24 hours - Sea little rough - General duties for the day - Keeper went to Newport to mail Quarterly & monthly returns - 29.78 Barometer today October 1: Light South wind thick fog showers during 24 hours - Sea very smooth - General duties for the day - 1st and 2nd assts went to Newport - 1st asst also went fishing - Keeper cleaning chickenhouse and Barn - Keeper showing two visitors in Tower - Barometer 29.93 today 2: Light South wind thick damp fog first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours some fog and fair weather - Sea very rough - General duties for the day - Mr Brownlie Superintendent of Construction arrived at the station to see about completing the repairs and left the station for Newport at 4:30 P.M. Barometer 30.12 today 3: Light N. West to variable winds first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate & fresh breeze N.W. clear fine weather during 24 hours - Sea quite smooth - General duties for the day Mr Leaman working on the walks and plastering in Keepers dwelling - Mr Brownlie sent 300 brick - 100 lbs of White lead to the station today - Keeper went to Newport after supplies - 1st asst putting dressing on his garden. 4: Light wind to moderate breeze North with clean fine weather these 24 hours - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Mr Leaman plastering rooms in Keepers Quarters - Also cleaning brick and painting the outside of Dwelling - 1st asst putting dressing on his garden and went fishing - Barometer 29.82 today 5: Light variable winds these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours thick damp fog - Sea quite rough - 1st and 2nd asst assisting Mr Leaman - Mr Leaman taking out the window in hallway leading to Tower and Bricking the space up with brick - Also painting the front of the Keepers Dwelling. Keeper went to Newport after supplies - Barometer 29.88 - Steamer Farallon laying off Yaquina bar in fog 6: Light variable winds damp first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours high??? dry fog - Sea moderately smooth - General duties fo the day - 1st asst went fishing - Had two visitors Steamers Farallon & Yaquina arrived from San Francisco & crossed into Yaquina - Barometer 29.78 7: Light N. West wind thick damp fog these 24 hours - Sea smooth. Keepers cleaningup the grounds shop and hall leading to Tower - 1st asst went to Newport after mail - Mr Leaman working on window joining on to Tower - Working on fence North of Barn - cementing on the walks putting window and door casings and hanging sash in Keepers Dwelling - Barometer 29.78 - Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco today. 8: Light N.W to South wind with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours Last part of 24 hours light fog showers - Sea quite smooth - Mr Leaman - working on Furnaces??? fence north of Barn and putting hard finish in front room of Keepers Dwelling - Barmoeter 29.90 today 9: Light variable winds light rain showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W with clear fine weather. Sea moderately smooth - Keepers putting 200 gallons of mineral oil in oil butts - 2nd asst showing visitors in the Tower. Barometer 30.15 today - Had five visitors - Mr Leaman working on the walks today cementing them - Also putting on storm windows on front of Dwelling 10: Moderate breeze to light wind N. West first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh freeze N.W. clear fine weather