Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1896
1: Fresh breeze W. to W.N.West these 24 hours with frequent rain & hail squalls. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.99 today. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst went fishing today.
2: Moderate breeze N.West to light variable winds first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light East wind with fair and dry wether during 24 hours. Sea moderately smooth. Keeper fastening lightening rod that came loose from the tower. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.38 today.
3: Fresh breeze S.E. to South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours fair weather. Last part of 24 hours rain. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.10 today. U.S. Kight-House Tender Manzanita laying off of Yaquina bar crossed into and out of Yaquina and passed the station going N. at 11 A.M. Hoisted American ensign.
4: Moderate breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain showers. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. Keeper and 2nd asst repairing hen house. Keeper also putting dressing on his garden. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 29.95
5: Gale to fresh breeze S. to S.W. First part of 24 hours light rain showers. Last part rain. Sea rough. General duties for day. Barometer 29.70 today.
6: Moderate breeze to light South wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours little damp. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer down to 29.74 today
7: Gale to fresh breeze South these 24 hours with hard rain. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.90 1st asst to Newport.
8: Fresh breeze to Gale S. with hard rain thee 24 hours. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.80 today.
9: Fresh breeze South to light N.West wind first part of 24 hours with light rain showers. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds, little damp. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.14 today. 1st asst went to Newport after mail.
10: Moderate breeze to light North wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy and little damp. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea rought. General duties for day. Keeper putting dressing on garden & went fishing. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.20 today.
11: Light variable winds with clear fine weather these 24 hours. Sea smooth. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco at 8 A.M. from Yaquina city. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. 2nd went to Newport after mail and supplies. Barometer 29.92 today.
12: Light East wind, dry, clear and cool these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. Keeper went to Newport after supplies and mail. Barometer 29.90 today.
13: Light East wind to moderate breeze North these 24 hours with clear, fine (and cool) weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 29.86 today.
14: Light North wind these 24 hours with fair weather and cool these 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went over in the woods one mile from the station to see about buying wood. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer down to 29.76 today.
15: Strong to fresh breeze East to N. East these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy and little damp. Last part of 24 hours cold rain. Sea very smooth. General duties for day. Keeper & 2nd asst cleaning Marble floor in hallway & Oil room. 1st asst went to Newport, left station 1 P.M. Barometer 29.10
16: Moderate fresh and strong breeze East these 24 hours. Firt part of 24 hours cloudy. Last part of 24 hours rain. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst working in the shop. Keeper sawing wood for the Furnace. Barometer down to 28.94 today.
17: Gale to fresh breeze S.E. to S.& S.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours showery weather. Sea rough. General duties [continued on following page]
Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1896
17 [continued from preceding page] for the day. 1st asst working in shop. Keeper boiling out burner. Seamer Farallon arrived from San Francisco. 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 29.45.
18: Gale South to fresh breeze S.W. to West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours frequent rain showers. Sea rough. General duties for day. 1st asst taking covers off of coal oil cases. Also went to Newport after supplies. Left station at 3.30 P.M. Barometer 29.10 to 29.50
19: Moderate to fresh breeze S. West to S.E. and East these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain showers. Last part of 24 hours rain. Sea quite smooth. General duties for the day. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco from Yaquina at 2.30 P.M. Barometer 29.34 to 29.10
20: Gale to fresh breeze S. to S.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours rain showers. Sea rough. Keepers putting 200 Gallons of Mineral Oil in Oil room. Barometer 29.85
21: Light S. East wind to moderate breeze N.West to West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers. Sea little rough. General duties for day. Keeper & 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst repairing the rounds around his house. Barometer 29.80 today.
22: Light West to S.E. and East wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours little damp. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but mostly fair weather. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for day. 1st asst picke dup a piece of board with the name of AAlace Blanchard on the beach at this station. Barometer 29.95 to 29.70
23: Strong breeze East to N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours rain showers. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper cleaning out Chicken house. 1st asst went to Newport after supplies & mail. Barometer 29.84
24: Light W. to S.E. and East wind with light rain showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh to strong breeze East, fair and cool weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had one visitor today. Barometer down to 29.34 today.
25: Gale to fresh breeze E. to S.E. and South these 24 hours with frequent rain showers. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer down to 29.30 to 29.40 today. Keeper and 2nd asst went to Newport after mail & supplies.
26: Gale to fresh breeze S. & S. West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain showers. Last part of 24 hours rain. General duties for day. Sea rough. Barometer down to 29.25
27: Fresh breeze to light South wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper cleaning up yard around chicken house. 1st asst went to Newport after mail & supplies. Barometer 29.60 today.
28: Light S.E. to N. East wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick, damp weather. Last part of 24 hours rain. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper cleaning and polishing Burner. Barometer 29.60 Keeper went on the rocks after Mushells??? [mussels?]
29: Light variable winds these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours cloudy and little damp. Last part of 24 hours clean, fine and little cool weather. Sea rough. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. 2nd asst went to Newport to post and get mail. Barometer 30.03 today.
30: Light East wind with fair weather these 24 hours. Sa moderately smooth. Keeper cleaning up the grounds. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco. Barometer 30. 00 today. Keeper & 1st asst went fishing.
31: Light wind to moderate breeze East with fair weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze to a gale South with rain. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport to post monthly reports. Barometer down to 29.70 today. Keepers horses ran away while opening the gate coming home from Newport - And broke his buckboard and ran into the fence.
1: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze S. to S.W. and West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours rain showers. Sea very rough. General duties for the day. Keepers repairing fence that was broken by Keeper's horses that ran into it yesterday. Barometer 29.70 to to 29.74. Mr. Briggs that lives one mile from this light was drowned while crossing big creek on horseback today. 1st asst went to Newport after mail and supplies.
2: Light W.N.W. wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain and hail showers. Last part of 24 hours cloudy and fair weather. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. 1st asst went to Newport to post mail. Mr Briggs that was drowned yesterday has not come ashore yet. Barometer 30.10 today.
3: Moderate and fresh breeze N. West first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light W.N.West wind with frequent rain showers during 24 hours. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport to get a team to haul his Buck Board to Blacksmith at Newport for repairs. 1st asst helped teamster with the Buck Board.
Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1896
4: Moderate to fresh breeze N.W. to South first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light South wind with rain during 24 hours. Sea smooth. Keeper working in shop making a box for Mrs Plummer. Also sawing wood for the furnace. Barometer 30.10 today.
5: Fresh breeze S.West to N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours light rain. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Keeper working in the shop today. Barometer up to 30.25 today.
6: Light N.West to S.East wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours little damp. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea moderately smooth. General duteis for the day. Keeper & 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 30.20
7: Light S.East wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours damp. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea quite smooth. Keeper putting dressing on his garden. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. Barometer up to 30.20 today.
8: Light S.East to South wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours clear fine weather. Last part of 24 hours cloudy but dry weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst went fishing. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco. Barometer 30.04 today.
9: Fresh breeze S. to N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Barometer 30.20 today. 1st asst went fishing. Keeper and 2nd asst digging clams on the beach today.
10: Light E. to N.E. and North wind these 24 hours with fair and cool weather. Sea quite rough. Keeper changing Burner today. 1st asst went fishing. Keeper working in the shop. 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 30.04 today.
11: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze East to S.E. and S.W. to West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours rain showers. Sea moderately smooth. Keeper cleaning and polishing lamp and all brass work. 1st asst went to Newport after mail & supplies. Barometer 30.05 today.
12: Light wind to moderate & fresh breeze South with frequent rain showers during these 24 hours. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 30.04 today.
13: Light South wind with light rain showers first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh and strong breeze South, cloudy but dry weather. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd asst went to Newport to post & get mail. Barometer 29.90
14: Gale to fresh and moderate breeze with rain first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light S. wind, fair weather and thick fog showers. Sea quite rough. Keepers putting 200 Gallons of Oil in Oil room. Steamer Farallon arrived from San Francisco for Yaquina today. Barometer 30.10 today.
15: Moderate breeze to light South wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain. Last part of 24 hours fair and warmer weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Keeper went to Newport after mail. Barometer 30.10
16: Light S. wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Had 4 visitors. Barometer 30.30 today.
17: Light North to East wind these 24 hours with clear, fine and warmer weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper working in the garden. barometer 30.40 to 30.20 today. 1st asst Edward Rice went to Newport after mail and supplies.
18: Fresh breeze to a gale East first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light S.East to South wind with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd asst showing three visitors in the tower. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.02 today.
19: Light wind to moderate breeze East these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours some thick fog. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine and warm weather. Sea moderately smooth. 1st asst planing potatoes. Keeper hauling turnips from garden to the barn. 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 29.85
20: Light East to S.East wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours clear fine weather. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze South, cloudy but dry weather. Sea moderately smooth. Keepers fastening lightning conductor on Tower. Barometer 29.70. 1st asst went to Newport after mail and supplies. Left station at 3 P.M.
21: Fresh breeze to light wind S. to S.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain showers. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.70 to 30.08 today. 1st asst returned to the station at 10 A.M. 1st asst went fishing.
Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1896
22: Light wind to fresh breeze East first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with fair weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. Keeper putting dressing on his garden. 1st asst spading garden & went fishing. Hoisted American ensign. Barometer 30.07 today.
23: Light East to S.E. wind with fair weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze S., rain. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.98 today.
24: Fresh to moderate breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers & thick weather. Sea quite smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 29.98 to 30.10 today.
25: Fresh breeze to a gale South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours damp, last part of 24 hours hard rain. Sea rough. General duties for the day. 1st asst went to Newport to post and get mail & supplies. Barometer 29.70 today.
26: Fresh breeze to light wind S. to S.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain showers. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 29.90 to 30.04 today.
27: Fresh breeze to gale S.E. to South to S. West & West these 24 hours these 24 hours with frequent rain showers during 24 hours. Sea rough. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 29.60 today. Keeper went to Newport to post letters and get supplies. Left the station at 1.P.M.
28: Fresh to moderate breeze West to S.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours frequent rain & hail squalls. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers. Sea very rough. General duties for the day. Barometer down to 29.90. Keeper returned to the station at 1 P.M.
29: Fresh breeze to fale W.N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain squalls. Last part of 24 hours frequent rain, hail, and snow squalls. Sea very rough. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.60. 1st asst went to Newport to post Monthly reports.
1: Gale to fresh breeze and light wind N.W. first part of 24 hours with hail & snow squalls. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with frequent snow squalls. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. Barometer down to 29.40 today.
2: Fresh to strong breeze East these 24 hours with fair & cold weather. Sea smooth. General duties for day. St[eamer] Farallon sailed at 1 P.M. 2nd asst went to Newport. Barometer 29.86
3: Fresh breeze to light East and N. East wind these 24 hours with fair and cold weather. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper painting flower pots for Mrs. Plummer. 1st asst went to Newport after mail & supplies. Barometer down to 29.50
4: Light N.East wind, dry & cold first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours lgith variable winds with frequent snow squalls. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 2nd asst went to Newport. Barometer down to 29.56 today
5: Moderate breeze to light S.East wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze S. to S.West with frequent rain & hail showers. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. Steamer Yolanta burned at her wharf at Newport at 11.30 P.M.; is a total loss. Barometer down to 29.55
6: Fresh breeze West to S.West these 24 hours with frequent rain and hail squalls. Sea quite rough. General duties for the day. Keeper sawing wood for the furnaces. 1st asst digging Clams and went to Newport after mail. Barometer down to 29.52 to 29.80
7: Gale to fresh breeze S. E. to S.W. and West these 24 hours with rain first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours rain showers. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer down to 29.80 today.
8: Fresh breeze West to S.W. these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain showers. Last part of 24 hours cloudy and fair weather. Sea rough. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer 30.00 to 30.10 today.
9: Moderate breeze to light wind S.West with rain first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light N.West wind; clear, fine weather. Sea quite smooth. Keeper putting dressing on his garden. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. 1st asst went to Newport after mail. Barometer 30.03
10: Light wind to moderate breeze N.West with clear fine weather during thees 24 hours. Sea rough. Mr Frank Arde and Mr Bullus??? landed on the beach at this Light at 11.30 A.M. They have been 15 miles up north of this light hunting for sea Otter. 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. [continued on next page]
Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1896
10 [continued from preceding page] Keeper spading and working in garden. 1st asst also spading and planting potatoes and peas. Barometer 30.30 to 30.12 today.
11: Light wind to moderate & fresh breeze N.W. thee 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather. Sea rough. Steamer Farallon arrived and crossed into Yaquina at 10.30 A.M. 2nd asst went to Newport Keeper & 1st asst spading and planting garden. Barometer 30.10 today.
12: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours little damp. Last part of 24 hours clear, fine weather. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst working in garden and went to Newport after mail. Barometer 30.04. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco today.
13: Fresh breeze to light N.West wind first part of 24 hours with high dry fog. Last part of 24 hours light East wind; clear, fine and warm weather. Sea quite smooth. General duties for day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies Had 5 visitors. Barometer 29.90. 1st asst went fishing today.
14: Fresh to strong breeze N.East these 24 hours with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. Keepers putting 200 gallons of Mineral Oil in Office. Keeper and 1st asst spading and planting garden. Barometer down to 29.90
15: Fresh to strong breeze East these 24 hours with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day Keepers cleaning lantern glass. Barometer 29.92
16: Light S.East and variable winds thees 24 hours with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea very smooth. Keeper and 1st asst went fishing. Keeper also spading garden and writing on Quarterly returns. 2nd asst went to Newport after mail. Barometer 29.90 to 30.00
17: Light S.East to North wind thee 24 hours with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Mr Drake spading garden for Keeper. 1st asst went fishing. Keeper went to Newport after supplies and post mail. Barometer 30.05 today.
18: Light North to East wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds with fair and warm weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. Keeper working in garden. Keeper & 2nd asst cleaning and Oiling Keeper's harness. 1st asst went fishing. 2nd asst went to Newport. Barometer 29.92
19: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper oiling Harness.1st asst went fishing. Barometer down 29.86
20: Light South wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.West with thick fog showers during 24 hours. Sea smooth. Keeper working on his harness. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer down to 29.75 to 29.85
21: Light North wind these 24 hours with fair weather. Sea quite smooth. Keeper working on his Quarterly return to Inspector and Engineer, also planting garden. 1st asst went fishing 2nd asst went to Newport to have some teeth pulled. Barometer down to 29.90
22: Light S.East wind to moderate breeze East these 24 hours with frequent light rain showers. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. 2nd asst went over to the big creek Hotell to play the piano. Barometer down to 29.82 today.
23: Moderate breeze and light South wind these 24 hours with thick fog and light rain showers. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper repairing milk cubbords [cupboards]. 1st asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer down to 29.88
24: Fresh breeze to light S. Wind, rain & thick [??? fog???] first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light N.West wind, fair weather. Sea moderately smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went clamming on the beach. 1st asst went fishing. Steamer Farallon arrived from San Francisco. Barometer 29.92 today.
25: Light N.East wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.West with clear, fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went trout fishing at Little Creek. 1st asst went Ocean fishing. Steamer Farallon sailed for San Francisco. Barometer down to 29.84 today.
26: Moderate breeze N.W. to light N.East wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze N.West with fair [weather???] during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went fishing. Barometer down to 29.43 today.
27: Moderate to fresh breeze W. to N.W. with light rain showers these 24 hours. Sea rough. General duties for the day. Barometer down to 29.00
28: Moderate breeze N.W. to light S.East wind, dry & cool first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze to gale S.East to S. [continued on next page]