1898-99 Keeper Logs

1898-99 Keeper Logs


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JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head Oregon


June 1: Fresh breeze S. to S.W. and West with rain first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light variable winds fair weather. Sea quite rough. Barometer 29.40 to 29.90. 1st Asst went to Newport. Keeper painted pump & steps back of dwelling. 2nd Asst working in 2nd Asst also painted steps in the wagon house.

2: Moderate to fresh breeze N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain. Last part of 24 hours fair weather and heigh fog. Sea smooth. Keeper & Assts painted bracketts and took down stage. 1st Asst whitewashing & painting in his quarters. Keeper weeding in his garden and writeing in the office. Barometer 30.04 today.

3: Fresh breeze N.West these 24 hours with fog showers. Sea smooth. Barometer 30.20 today. Keeper and Assts painted aron railing and parapet black. Keeper & 2nd Asst painted the chimney s in office attatched to tower. 1st Asst painted window sash and window frames in tower. 1st also painting in his quarters. 2nd Asst painted back steps. Keeper weeding in his garden.

4: Fresh & moderate breeze to light North wind and fair weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate & fresh breeze South to S.W. & West with rain. Sea smooth. General duties for day. Barometer 29.92. 2nd Asst went to Newport.

5: Fresh breeze N.West these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours rain showers. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea quite rough. Keeper & Assts scrubbing hall and oil room floors & painting door stools??? black. 1st Asst whitewashing the north ??? board fence and his dwelling. Also painted inside of dwelling & went to Newport after mail & supplies. Barometer 29.94 to 30.08. Keeper weeding in his garden.

6: Moderate breeze to light North wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze North clear fine weather. Sea smooth. Keeper & Assts whitewashing fence. Keeper and 2nd Asst working in the garden. Barometer 29.98 to 30.08 today.

7: Fresh & moderate breeze to light North wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze North with clear fine weather these 24 hours. Sea smooth. Keeper & Assts cleaning windows in tower and whitewashing fences. Barometer 30.10 today. 1st Asst cleaning out paint & work shop today.

8: Fresh & moderate breeze North clear fine weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze North thick fog & fair weather. Sea smooth. 1st Asst cutting grass around dwelling. Barometer 30.10 to 30.02. Keeper & 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies.

9: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fair weather and thick fog. Sea smooth. Keeper went over to Big Creek to pay for a cow & trout fishing. 1st Asst cutting grass. Barometer 30.00.

10: Fresh breeze North to light South and thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. 1st Asst cutting grass around dwelling. Keeper weeding out in his part of garden. 2nd Asst went after Razor Clams & cutting agates. Barometer 29.98 today.

11: Light South to variable winds these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours light rain showers. Sea smooth. GEneral duties for the day. 2nd Asst went hunting for birds. 1st Asst went fishing. Keeper went to Newport. Barometer 29.96.

12: Light West wind these 24 hours with frequent light rain showers. Sea smooth. 1st Asst cutting grass around the outbuildings. 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 29.98 to 30.08. Keeper working on quarterly returns to Inspector and Engineer.

13: Light variable winds & calm with clear fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. Keeper weeding out his part of the garden & working on quarterly and annual returns. 1st Asst rakeing up hay. Barometer 30.10. 2nd Asst putting coal oil cases in barn & weeking in his garden. 1st Asst Mr. Edward Rice went up in the tower with two visitors. 2nd Asst went for a walk with his family.

14: Light South wind to moderate and fresh breeze N.West with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather. Sea smooth. Keeper weeding out his part of garden. 2nd Asst working in wagon house. Barometer 30.03 to 20.16.

15: Fresh and moderate breeze these 24 hours with clear fine weather. Sea smooth. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 1st Asst burning??? hay. 2nd Asst weeding out his part of garden. Barometer 30.14 today.

Last edit almost 7 years ago by sellner.samantha
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JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head Oregon


June 16: Fresh and moderate breeze North with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. 1st Asst working on the road and went to Newport after supplies. Keeper working on the road. 2nd Asst cutting agates & working in shop. Barometer 30.10 to 30.06.

17: Moderate to fresh breeze North damp fog to dry these 24 hours. F. M. Plummer keeper left the station 9 A.M. for a short vacation. 1st Asst making??? hay. 2nd Asst working in his shop. Sea smooth. Four large steamers passed today. Barometer 30.10 to 30.00.

18: Fresh N. to North West breeze and dry for these 24 hours. General duties for the day. First Assistant raking hay. Second Assistant went to Mr. Waughs for milk. Sea smooth. Had four visitors today. Barometer 30.10 to 29.82.

19: Fresh N. to light S. breeze with rain showers for these 24 hours. General duties for the day. First Asst puting hay in the barn. Second Asst went to Newport for the mail at 8 A.M. returned 1 P.M. Barometer 29.80 to 30.60.

20: Light South to moderate North breeze and dry for these 24 hours. General duties for the day. First Asstistant working on the road and cleanung windows in his house. Sea smooth. Barometer 31.0 to 30.25.

21: Moderate North to fresh North West breeze dry for these twenty four hours. General duties for the day. First Assistant went to Newport for mail at 7 A.M. and returned to station at 11:30 A.M. Barometer 30.25 to 30.90.

22: Fresh N.W. to moderate N. breeze and dry for these 24 hours. General duties for the day. 1st Asst cleaing oil carriers and mesures. 2nd Asst went to Newport at 8 A.M. and returned to station 1 P.M. Barometer 30.70 to 30.00.

23: Moderate to light North breeze and dry weather quite warm for these twenty four hours. General duties for the day. First and second assistants showing visitors through tower and 2nd Asst cleaning shells. Barometer 30.00 to 29.85.

24: Light variable winds and calm with light rain showers these 24 hours. SEa smooth. General duties for teh day. 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies. 1st Asst went over on the rocks after mussells. Barometer 29.83 today. Keeper Frank M. Plummer returned to the station at 3 P.M. from a hunting & fishing trip up the Yaquina river haveing been gone one week.

25: Light variable winds little damp first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze South with frequent rain showers. Sea smooth. General duties for day. 1st Asst went fishing. Barometer 29.70. 2nd Asst went up on the North beach for recreation.

26: Fresh and moderate breeze S. to S.West these 24 hours with frequent rain showers. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 2nd working on the road and cutting agates. Barometer 30.02. 1st Asst showeing six visitors in tower.

27: Light variable winds and calm these 24 hours with light showery weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st Asst went fishing and showing visitors in the tower. Keeper working on annual quarterly returns. 2nd Asst cutting shells. Barometer 30.05.

28: Light variable winds with showery weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.W. clear fine weather. Sea smooth. 1st Asst showing visitors in tower. 2nd Asst cutting shells & showing visitors in the tower. Keeper went to Newport after strawberries. Barometer 30.12. U.S.L.H. Tender Manzanita passed this station at 2 P.M. from N entered Yaquina crossed out going North.

29: Moderate to fresh breeze North these 24 hours with clear fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st Asst showing twenty visitors in the tower. Keeper went to Newport after supplies & working on annual returns. 2nd Asst went up to Otter rock. Barometer 30.22.

30: Fresh and moderate to strong breeze North with clear fine weather these 24 hours. Sea moderately smooth. Keeper completed annual quarterly and monthly reports. Also weeding garden. 2nd Asst cleaning out stall in south end of barn & went to Newport. Had two visitors. Barometer 30.20.

Last edit almost 7 years ago by sellner.samantha
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JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head Oregon


July 1: Strong fresh & moderate breeze North these 24 hours with fair weather and some thick fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 2nd Asst repairing stall for his horse in barn. 1st Asst putting wood in woodshed. Barometer 30.10 to 29.95.

2: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours with fair weather and thick fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper writing in general account book and sawing wood for furnace. 2nd Asst working in his work-house. Barometer 29.96 to 30.02.

3: Fresh and moderat breeze to light wind North these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick fog. Last part of 24 hours light fog showers. Sea smooth. Keeper writing in general account book. 2nd Asst showing visitors in the tower. 1st Asst putting wood in his woodshed. Barometer 30.02 today.

4: Light South to North wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain showers. Last part of 24 hours clear fine weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st & 2nd Assts showing seven visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport after strawberries. Barometer 30.02.

5: Light variable to light North wind these 24 hours with heigh dry fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper and 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies. 1st Asst went fishing & showing five visitors in tower. Barometer 29.96.

6: Light variable and North winds with heigh dry fog these 24 hours. Sea very smooth and calm. 1st Asst went to Newport after supplies. 2nd Asst washing today. Keeper wrint in office. Barometer 29.96 to 29.98.

7: Light South East to South wind these 24 hours heigh dry fog & cloudy weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. 1st Asst went fishing and showing visitors in the tower. Barometer 30.03. Keeper cleaning out his celler. 2nd Asst cutting agates etc today.

8: Light East to variable winds & calm these 24 hours fair and warm weather during 24 hours. SEa very smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper & 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies. 1st Asst went fishing & showing five visitors in tower. Varometer 30.06.

9: Light variable winds and calm with clear fine and warm weather these 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper & Assts showing twelve visitors in the tower. 1st Asst went hunting for wild pigeons. 2nd Asst went after razor clams. Barometer 30.05.

10: Light variable winds and calm to moderat and fresh breeze North these 24 hours with clear fine and warm weather. Sea very smooth. 1st Asst went fishing. Barometer 29.98. 2nd Asst painting wind sash in his quarters. Keeper cleaning windows in his quarters.

11: Fresh to moderate breeze and light North wind these 24 hours clear weather and heigh dry fog. Sea very smooth. 1st and 2nd Assts showing 21 visitors in the tower. Keeper painting window sash in his part of dwelling and writing in office. 1st Asst went to Newport after mail and supplies. Barometer 29.92. 2nd Asst went over to South beach.

12: Fresh and moderate breeze North these 24 hours fair weather and heigh dry fog. Sea smooth. Keeper painting winds sash in his quarters. 1st Asst sowing visitors in tower. Had fifteen visitors. 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies & mail. Barometer 30.06.

13: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours fair weather & heigh dry fog. General duties for the day. Had five visitors today. Assts showing visitors. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. Barometer 30.02 to 29.96.

14: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours with heigh dry fog and fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st Asst showing visitors in tower. Barometer 29.92 to 29.80. Keeper and 2nd Asst showing visitors in tower.

15: Fresh and moderate breeze North with heifh dry fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light South wind thick fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd Assts showing visitors in the tower. 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies and repairing approach to barn door. Barometer 29.80 to 29.92. Keeper went to Newport after supplies.

16: Light variable winds first part of 24 hours with thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours moderat to fresh breeze North fair weather & thick fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd Asst showing eight visitors in tower. 1st Asst went fishing. Barometer 30.00.

Last edit almost 7 years ago by sellner.samantha
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JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head Oregon


July 17: Fresh and moderate breeze North with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Barometer 29.98 to 30.04 today. 1st Asst showing visitors in tower. 2nd Asst cleaning out his celler. Had three visitors.

18: Fresh & moderate breeze North these 24 hours thick damp and heigh dry fog during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties fort he day. 1st Asst showing visitors in the tower. Had three visitors. 2nd Asst went about one mile from the station hunting. Barometer 30.10. U.S. Light House Tender Manzanita passed this station at 3:30 P.M. going south.

19: Fresh and moderat breeze North these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. Barometer 29.94. Keeper went to Newport after supplies. 2nd Asst went over to Little Creek after black sand. 1st Asst showing 10 visitors in tower.

20: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours with fair weather and heigh dry fog. Sea smooth. 2nd and Keeper showing visitors in tower. 1st Asst went to Newport after supplies. Keeper weeding out his part of garden. Barometer 29.92. Had seven visitors today.

21: Light S.E. to South wind and calm these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours light rain. Last part of 24 hours clear fine and warm weather. Sea very smooth. Keeper & Assts cleaning lamp reflectors and all other brass work. Had five visitors. Barometer 29.90 to 30.04.

22: Light S.East wind and calm fair and cloudy. Last part of 24 hours moderat to fresh breeze N.West clear fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. 1st Asst showing visitros in the tower. 2nd Asst went to Newport after supplies. Had thirty nine visitors. Barometer 30.00 to 30.13. Keeper went to Newport after supplies and post mail. General duties for the day.

23: Inspected Station W.L. Field Commander - Fresh breeze to gale North these 24 hours with fair weather hazy and thick fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Barometer 30.00 to 29.95. Keeper went over on the south beach after razor clams. 1st Asst showing sixteen vistors in tower. U.S. Light House Tender arrived off the Yaquina bar at 2:30 P.M. and crossed into Newport. Commander W.L. Field arrive at and inspected the station at 5 P.M. and left station at 6 P.M. for Newport.

24: Fresh breeze North these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours heigh dry fog. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. SEa smooth. Keeper went to Newport after supplies and toke medicine chest & library to Steamer Manzanita. Mr. Whitten and Stimpson hauling annual supplies. 1st and 2nd Assts stowing oil in oil-house and showing visitors in the tower. Had twenty nine visitors. Barometer 29.87. U.S. Light House Tender came out of Yaquina at 1 P.M. and went North.

25: Fresh and moderate breeze to light North wind these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours fair and warm weather. Sea smooth. Mr. Whitter and Stimpson hauling supplies. Keeper & Assts showing 31 visitors in tower. Barometer 29.80.

26: Moderate breeze to light South wind with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. Keeper and 1st Asst showing fifty visitors in tower. Barometer 29.86. 2nd Asst went toNewport after supplies. Mr. Witten and Stimpson hauling annual supplies.

27: Light South to variable winds and calm these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours heigh dry fog & fair weather. Sea smooth. Steamsters hauling annual supplies. 1st Asst showing visitors in the tower. Had seventeen visitors.

28: Light South wind and calm with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. 1st and 2nd Asst stowing away mineral oil in oil-house. Steamsters hauling oil. Assts showing seventeen visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport. Barometer 29.84.

29: Light South wind and calm with thick damp fog these 24 hours. Sea smooth. 1st and 2nd Assts putting mineral oil in oil-house. Mr. Stimpson completed hauling annual supplies today. Barometer 29.85 to 29.90 [Cont'd on next page].

Last edit almost 7 years ago by sellner.samantha
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JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head Oregon


July 29: [Cont'd from previous page] Assts showing visitors in tower. Had six visitors. Keeper went to Newport after supplies.

30: Light South wind and calm these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick damp fog. Last part of 24 hours heigh dry fog. Sea smooth. Keeper and Assts showing visitros in tower. Had fourty nune visitors. Baormeter 29.96 today.

31: Light S.E. to variable vinds and calm these 24 hours heigh dry fog and fair & warm weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd Assts showing twenty six visitors in the tower. Barometer 29.96. 1st Asst went to Newport after mail & supplies.

Last edit almost 7 years ago by sellner.samantha
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