JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Yaquina Head, Oregon
16: Moderate breeze East and light S. East wind these 24 hours with frequent rain showers - Sea smooth - Barometer 29.42 to 29.33 - General duties for the day - 2nd ass't working in shop - Keeper cleaning walks.
17: Light S. to S. West wind first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate to fresh breeze West with frequent rain showers during 24 hours - Sea moderately smooth - Barometer 29.33 to 29.42 today - 1st ass't soding grounds around tower - Keeper and 1st putting plate glass pane in lantern that was broken by duck - 2nd ass't working in his quarters.
18: Moderate and fresh breeze West these 24 hours with frequent rain and hail squalls - Sea rough - Barometer 29.48 - Keeper went to Newport after supplies.
19: Fresh breeze West to light N. West wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours frequent rain hail and snow squalls - Sea quite smooth - General duties for the day - Barometer 29.40 - 2nd ass't went hunting - Keeper and 2nd ass't sawing wood.
20: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze East with frequent snow squalls - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Barometer 29.40 - Keeper gathering beets in his garden - 2nd ass't went to Newport after mail and supplies.
21: Moderate breeze to light East wind these 24 hours with clear and cold weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Barometer 29.42 to 29.64 - Keeper working in garden and doing house work - 1st ass't went fishing - 2nd ass't went hunting.
22: Moderate breeze and light wind E. to S.E. and South these 24 hours cold and clear first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours fair and cloudy - Sea smooth - General duties for day - 2nd ass't went for a short walk - 1st ass't went fishing.
23: Fresh breeze to light South wind these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours rain and warmer weather - Last part of 24 hours fair weather - Sea smooth - General duties for the day - Barometer 29.80 to 30.15 - 2nd ass't went hunting today.
24: Light S. East wind with rain these 24 hours - Sea quite rough - General duties for the day - Barometer 29.70 - 1st ass't went to Newport after mail and supplies - 2nd ass't working in the shop.
25: Gale to fresh breeze South with hard rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze to light wind S. West with frequent rain showers and thick weather - Sea quite smooth - General duties for day - Keeper went to Newport to get mail and supplies.
26: Light South wind with rain first part of 24 hours - Last part of 24 hours light North wind fair and warm - Sea quite rough - Barometer 29.80 to 30.16 - Keeper washing - 2nd ass't working in the shop and and working in his quarters.
27: Fresh breeze to light East wind these 24 hours with clear fine and warm - Sea very smooth - General duties for the day - Keeper doing house work - 2nd ass't working in his quarters - Barometer 30.15 to 29.98 - 1st ass't went to Newport after mail and supplies.
28: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze S.E. to South these 24 hours - First part of 24 hours fair weather - Last part of 24 hours rain and thick weather - Sea quite smooth - Barometer 29.96 - 1st ass't went fishing - General duties for day.
29: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze S. East to South these 24 hours with rain - Sea quite smooth - Barometer 30.00 - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper and ass'ts putting 200 gallons of mineral oil in the oil butts in office.
30: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze S. West these 24 hours with frequent rain showers - Sea quite rough - Barometer 27.90 to 30.06 - Keeper cleaning out hen-house - 1st ass't went fishing - Keeper makeing out monthly reports to Inspector and Engineer.
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