JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon
1st Light south west breeze clear warm and dry. Bar 30.31. 1st asst working garden. 2nd asst getting gravel on the beach. Keeper writting.
2nd Calm to fresh north west to calm clear dry. Bar 30.33 30.00. Keeper went fishing. 1st asst washing. 2nd asst working in his quarters.
3 South west with rain to fresh north west part cloudy. Bar 30.10. 1st asst working garden. Keeper went one mile from station for supplies. 2nd asst working in shop.
4 Light osuth west wind part clear dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.20 30.12. Keeper cleaning lamp. 2nd asst working in his quarters. 1st asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.
5 Strong south west breeze with rain at times. Sea rough. Bar 30.01. General duties for the day.
6 Light to fresh north west wind. Sea moderate. Bar 30.32. Clear. Keeper and assts cleaning lens lamp and polishing all brass ??? in lantern.
7 Light to thick to calm north west wind clear dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.34. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail. 1st asst working garden. Keeper repairing locks.
8 Calm to strong north west wind cloudy dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.20. 1st and second asst working garden. Keeper getting in wood.
9 Calm to fresh to light north west wind. Clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.34. 1st asst working garden. Keeper writting. 2nd asst 2nd asst sawing wood & showing visitors in tower.
10 Calm to fresh north west wind partly cloudy dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.23. Keeper and assts working garden.
11 Fresh north west breeze part clear fog at times. Sea moderate. Bar 30.02. Keeper working on heater in dwelling. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst working garden.
12 Fresh north west breeze clear light fog at times & dry. Sea moderate. Bar 29.91. General duties for the day. 1st asst showing three visitors in the tower.
13 Fresh north west breeze part cloudy dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.01. Keeper and assts mixing paint. 1st asst showing two visitors in the tower.
14 Fresh north west breeze part cloudy dry. Sea moderate. Bar 29.81. Lenns lamp changed to day with all new wicks. No 4 wick holder missing in old lamp. Keeper painting cornice of east end dwelling. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail. 1st asst showing 2 visitors in tower.
15 Light west to south west wind cloudy dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.80. Keeper and assts painting east end of dwelling.
16 Light south west wind increasing to a gale in afternoon rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.70. Keeper and asst painting trimmings of west end of dwellings.
17 South west gale thick and raining. Sea rough. Bar 29.70 - 30.00. Keeper washing. 1st asst working in shop. 2nd asst washing.
18 Light southerly to south west wind thick fog rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.90 to 30.00. 2nd asst cleaning spare lens lamp. 1st asst working in shop. Keeper working in dwelling.
19 South west to weterly winds rain and mist. Sea rough. Bar 29.95. General duties for the day.
20 Light northwest breeze partly cloudy dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.00. 1st asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.
21 Calm to light southerly wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.00. Keeper and assts painting north end of dwellings.
22 Light to strong south to south west wind with rain. Bar 29.60. Keeper and assts painting north west end of dwelling. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.
23 Half a gale from south west rain & mist. Sea rough. Bar 29.70 - 29.81. 1st and 2nd assts getting plank off the beach. Keeper writting.
24 South west to north west wind. Showers in AM. clear and dry in PM. Barr 30.33. General duties for the day.
25 North west wind to calm clear and dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper and assts painting. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst 2nd asst left station at 2:30 PM on business ???.
26 Calm till 8:00 PM then north west squalls showers. Bar 30.33. General duties for the day. Keeper showing two visitors in the tower. 2nd asst was on leave of ??? Arrived back at 3:00 PM.
27 North west squalls from 12 AM to 9:00 AM then steady NW breee. Bar 30.40. Keeper and two assts painting.
28 Light north west to stiff breeze in P.M. to light wind clear dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.38. Keeper and assts painting. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.
29 Calm to fresh north west wind to north east clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.32 - 29.80. Keeper and assts putting oil in oil butts and painting dwelling.
30 South west breeze cloudy dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.80. Keeper and assts painting and putting windows in south side of dwelling.
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