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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1st Light north west wind clear to dense fog damp. Sea smooth. Bar 30.20. Keeper and 1st asst showing 16 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

2 Light north west wind dense fog damp. Sea smooth. Bar 3??? Keeper first and second asst put 20 cases of mineral oil in oil butts.

3 Light north west wind clear in AM dense fog in PM. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. Painted railing tower balcony. 13 visitors were shown in tower.

4 Light south west wind dense fog. Sea very smooth. Bar 30.0??? 2nd asst showing 6 visitors in tower. Keeper & 1st asst scraping paint off oil house.

5 Calm light fog. Sea calm. Bar 30.01. 1st asst working in his garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst went to Big Creek on business.

6 Light south east wind misty damp. Sea smooth. Bar ???. General duties for the day. 28 visitors were shown in the tower.

7 Fresh south to south west wind rain to north west clear. Sea mod. Bar 30.02. General duties for the day. 8 visitors were shown in the tower.

8 Light west to north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Keeper and 1st asst scraping and painting oil house. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

9 Calm to light north west wind clear dry. Sea very smooth. Bar 30.??? Keeper, 1st and 2nd asst scraping and painting oil store house.

10 Light to fresh north west breeze clear to dense fog at night damp. Bar ???. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 17 visitors in tower.

11 Light north west wind dense fog. Sea rough. Bar 30.1. 1st asst went to Toledo. Left 8:00 AM. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 28 visitors in tower.

12 Light north west wind dense fog. Sea mod. Bar 29.9. 1st asst returned to duty 5:30 PM. Keeper went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst washing.

13 Light north west wind to calm hazy dry. Sea mod. Bar 29. General duties for the day. Eleven visitors were shown in the tower.

14 Light south to north west wind rain to clear. Sea mod. Bar 29. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. Keeper sawing wood. 2nd asst showing 7 visitors in tower.

15 Light to fresh to light north west wind dry. Sea mod. Bar 29.9. 1st asst showing 7 visitors in tower. Keeper working in his quarters. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

16 Moderate to calm north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper 1st and 2nd asst cleaning the stairs from lantern to bottom of tower.

17 Light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. 1st and 2nd asst went to Newport for mail & supplies. Tender Heather passed the L.H. at 1:00 PM. 16 visitors were shown in the tower.

18 Calm to light west wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.9. Keeper working in his quarters. 1st asst washing. 2nd asst showing 5 visitors in tower. Engineer of U.S.L.H. at work putting stationary brace plate to north of tower.

19 Calm to light west wind showers fog in PM. Sea heavy swell. Bar 2???. Keeper went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst polishing lens reflector. 1st asst working in his quarters.

20 Light northerly wind to fresh N.W. wind cloudy dry. Bar 30.1. General duties for the day. 1st asst went to Newport. 10 visitors shown in tower.

21 Light to fresh north west breeze clear dry. Sea heavy swell. Bar 30. 1st asst gathering wood on the beach. 2nd asst showing two visitors in tower. Keeper washing.

22 Fresh north west breeze clear dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.2. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail. Keeper and 1st asst showing 11 visitors in tower.

23 Fresh to north west breeze dry to light fog. Sea rough. Bar 30. 1st and 2nd asst went berrying. Keeper working in his quarters.

24 Light north west wind hazy dry. Sea mod. Barr 30.22. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

25 Calm to light south west wind calm showers. Sea calm. Bar 30.20. Keeper 1st and 2nd asst washing lantern windows. 29 visitors were shown in tower.

26 Calm to light north west wind. Sea calm dry. Bar 30.30. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst working in his quarters. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

27 Calm to light north west wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.2. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd asst showing 22 visitors in tower.

28 Light to fresh north west breeze foggy. Sea mod. Bar 30.12. Keeper working in his quarters. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst showing 5 visitors in tower.

29 Light to fresh north west wind to calm smoky. Sea mod. Bar 30. Keeper writting in the office. 1st and 2nd asst working in there quarters. 1 visitor shown in tower.

30 Light north west wind to calm smoky to dense fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and 1st asst repairing board walk front of out houses. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

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