1908-09 Keeper Logs



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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1st Light south to south west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.33. Keeper & 2nd asst working garden. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

2nd Fresh north west breeze dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.14. 1st and 2nd asst working garden. Two visitors were shown in tower.

3d Light south to south west wind showers. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper went to Newport for mail. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden.

4 Light south west to north west breeze rain squalls. Sea mod. Bar 29.95. General duties for the day. Two visitors were shown in tower.

5 Light to fresh westerly breeze shower squally. Sea mod. Bar 30.18. Keeper and asst keepers chaning lens lamp burner. Cleaning out lamp and polishing brass.

6 Fresh northerly breeze to calm dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.38. 1st asst left station at 9:00 AM. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail. Keeper washing.

7 Light north east wind to fresh easterly breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.36. Keeper and second asst painting signs. 1st asst returned to station at 4:00 PM.

8 Fresh easterly breeze to calm clear dry. Sea very calm. Bar 30.28. 1st asst washing. 2nd asst showing 5 visitors in tower. Keeper working in shop.

9 Light to brisk northerly breeze rain squalls. Sea mod. Bar 29.98. Keeper and 2nd asst painting signs. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

10 Light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

11 Light northerly breeze to calm. Sea smooth dry. Bar 29.95. General duties for the day. 10 visitors were shown in tower.

12 Calm to light north west breeze to calm dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.26. Keeper washing. 1st and 2nd asst went to Newport for ??? business.

13 Light north west breeze light fog & mist. Sea mod. Bar 30.20. 1st and 2nd asst working garden. Keeper sawing wood. General duties for the day.

14 Calm to light north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Received supplies per Str. Condor the following articles read 5 saw files 2 flat files 180 boxes matches one cook stove one grate for tower heater. 6 length stove pipe. 50 lbs ??? - 14 chests emery cloth. 1 hammer handles one glass cutter.

15 Calm to light north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Rcvd one box supplies per Condor containing matches. 150 hexes. 4 gall black paint.

16 Light to fresh northerly breeze dry cool. Sea mod. Bar 30.14. General duties for the day. 1st asst getting wood on beach. 2nd asst washing. Keeper painting signs.

17 Light north to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.12. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst working garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

18 Light to fresh northerly breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.10. General duties for the day. Keeper & assts painting lantern and upper gallery outside.

19 Calm to fresh north west breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.16. Put 20 cases of oil in butts. Keeper and assts painting brackets at top of tower.

20 Light north west breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.24. 1st asst and keiper painting brackets at top of tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

21 Calm to fresh north west breeze clear dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.18. Keeper and asst keepes painting front and west end of dwelling.

22 Light northerly breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. Keeper and asst keepers painting wood shed & barn. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

23 Light northerly breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.19. Keeper & asst keepers painting on barn and new workshop white paint.

24 Calm to light north wind dry. Sea calm. Bar 30.20. 1st and 2nd asst painting old and new work shop. Keeper went to Newport for mail & supplies.

25 Light variable westerly wind misty fog damp. Bar 30.30. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

26 Light N. west wind to southerly breeze rain. Sea mod. Bar 29.96. Keeper and asst keepers painting front porch roof and oil house metallic paint.

27 Variable to north west breeze squally rain. Sea mod. Bar 30.10. 1st asst washing. Keeper writting in the office. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail & supplies.

28 South west to north west breeze squally showers. Sea mod. Bar 30.20. 1st and 2nd asst painting. Keeper went to Newport for mail and supplies.

29 Light to brisk north west breeze clear dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.33. Keepers painted roof of barn old work shop and privvy with metallic brown paint. 1st asst showing two visitors in tower.

30 Calm to fresh north west breeze to calm dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.22. Keeper & assts painting roof of carriage house and under wood shed. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
Page Status Needs Review


JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1 Calm to fresh north west breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. 1st and 2nd asst painting privy & lattice work. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

2 Calm to light west wind to calm fog damp. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. General duties for the day. 2nd asst showing five visitors in the tower.

3 South east to south west light breeze fog damp. Sea smooth. Bar 30.04. Keeper and asst keepers painting north side picket fence. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

4 Light north west breeze showers. Sea smooth. Bar 30.22. 1st asst and keeper painting west side picket fence. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

5 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.32. Keeper and asst keepers painting south and east side of picket fence.

6 Calm to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.22. Keeper & asst keepers cleaning inside tower lantern & dusting ??? inside tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

7 Light to fresh north west breeze to calm dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.10. Keeper and asst keepers cleaned out ventilators & scrubbed all floors and wood work in watch room. Scrubbed & washed tower stairs.

8 Calm to light to fresh south west wind rain. Sea mod. Bar 30.02. 1st and 2nd asst painting lantern window frames and all wood work in watch room.

9 South west breeze rain squalls. Sea mod. Bar 29.96. General duties for the day.

10 South west to westerly wind rain squalls. Sea mod. Bar 30.14. Keeper and asst keepers painting cowl polishing lens & white washing inside tower.

11 Westerly to north west breeze squally showers. Sea mod. Bar 30.30. Keeper and asst keepers painting floors of lantern & watch room & watch room celing. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

12 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.14. Keeper and asst keepers painting tower stairs and landings from lantern to bottom.

13 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.20. Keeper and asst keepers cleaning tower office and store room. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

14 Light south wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper and asst keeper cleaning tower oil room, office & hall way whitewashing and painting some. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

15 Light south to south west showers. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. 1st and 2nd asst keepers painting and whitewashing. Keeper went to Newport for supplies.

16 Light south wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. General duties for the day. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

17 Calm to light northerly breeze clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper and asst keepers painting treads to tower stairs lower balcony and from wood at base of tower.

18 Light north west wind rain to dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. Keeper and 1st asst painting base of tower & fam??? light in store room & hall to tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

19 Calm to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.14. Keeper & asst keepers painting window sashes in store room and tower burner paint from front door.

20 Calm to light northwest breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. All keepers at work painting & cleaning scrubbed office floor window saches in tower & primed up tower door.

21 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper and asst keeper cleaning marble floor to store room & tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

22 Calm to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. 1st and 2nd keepers painting & cleaning. Keeper went to Newport for supplies.

23 Light to fresh north west breeze. Sea mod. Bar 30.14. General duties for the day.

24 Light north west breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. Keeper & asst keepers cleaning lantern window panes outside & painting office floor & fireplace.

25 Calm to light south west wind dry. Sea very smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper and 1st asst painting chimney of main dwelling. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

26 South to south west wind stormy rain fog. Sea mod. Bar 29.82. General duties for the day. Keeper working in there respective quarters.

27 South west wind stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.60. General duties for the day. Keepers working in their quarters. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

28 Southerly wind stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.62. General duties for the day. Keepers working in there respective quarters.

29 South to south west breeze squally rain. Sea rough. Bar 30.02. 1st and 2nd keepers working in their quarters. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

30 South wind stormy rain. Sea mod. Bar 30.14. General duties for the day.

31 Light south wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper and asst keepers painting roof of wood shed and wood shed steps.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1 Calm to light southerly wind showers. Sea calm. Bar 30.10. Keeper and 1st asst repairing front stop to K. dwelling. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

2nd Calm to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.12. Filled oil butts 20 cases of oil. General duties for the day.

3 Fresh north west breeze dry. Sea rough. Bar 29.90. Keeper and asst keepers painting front porch of dwelling.

4 Fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.16. Keeper and 2nd asst painting door of tower and yard pumps. 1st asst went to Newport.

5 Fresh north west breeze dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.21. 1st and 2nd asst keeper whitewashing. Keeper went to Newport for mail & supplies.

6 Fresh north west breeze clear dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.22. General duties for the day.

7 Fresh north west breeze to calm. Sea mod dry. Bar 30.14. Keeper, 1st and 2nd keepers whitewashing. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

8 Calm to fresh north west breeze hazy fog dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers whitewashing garden fence.

9 Calm to fresh north west breeze to calm fog dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.10. Keeper & asst keepers whitwashing tight board fence south of dwelling also carriage house.

10 Calm to fresh north west breeze to calm to south ??? fog. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper and asst keepers repairing and painting roof of old wood shed.

11 Calm to light south wind to west fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.20. Keeper and asst keepers cleaning oil carriers. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

12 Rain to clear and dry north west breeze. Sea rough. Bar 30.04. Keeper went to Newport for mail. 1st & 2nd keepers working in their quarters.

13 Light to fresh north west to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. General duties for the day.

14 Light south wind light rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper cleaning lantern window pane and cleaning out work shop. 9 visitors shown in tower.

15 Light southerly wind to north west rain dense fog. Sea smooth. Bar 29.95. Keeper and 1st asst cleaning out old work shop. 1st asst showing 3 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

16 Southerly to light north west wind damp. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper and asst keepers over hauling old work shop. General duties for the day.

17 ??? north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.04. Keeper & 2nd asst mowing grass. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

18 Light north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. Keeper working on annual report. 1st and 2nd keeper mowing and putting up notices.

19 South to light north west breeze to calm damp fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.11. Keeper went to Newport for mail and supplies. General duties for the day.

20 Light west to north west wind fog to clear. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. General duties for the day. Eight visitors were shown in the tower.

21 Light west to north west wind cler dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.20. Keeper working on annual report. 1st asst mowing. 2nd asst showing 10 visitors in tower.

22 Light north west wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.22. Keeper writting in office. 1st asst mowing. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

23 Light north west wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.14. Keeper writting on annual returns. 1st and 2nd asst working in there quarters.

24 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.94. Keeper writting in office. 1st asst went to Newport for mail. 2nd asst showing 33 visitors in tower.

25 Calm to mod southerly breeze rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.70. 1st and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. Keeper writting on annual account.

26 Mod south east to south west wind rain fog. Sea heavy swell. Bar 29.76. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail and supplies.

27 Southerly wind stormy rain fog. Sea rough. Bar 29.86. General duties for the day. 1st asst showing 6 visitors in the tower.

28 Calm to light westerly wind dry. Sea mod. Bar 29.94. 1st asst mowing. Keeper writting. 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower.

29 Calm to light south west to westerly wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper working on annual return. 1st asst showing 12 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

30 Calm to light west to north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst cleaning & painting lens burner. Keeper writting on annual returns.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1 Fresh north west breeze dry clear. Sea mod. Bar 30.04. Keeper sawing wood. 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

2 Light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Keeper, 1st and 2nd asst cleaning lantern windows & showing visitors in tower.

3 Light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst working in his quarters. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

4 Calm to light south east wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.82. 1st and 2nd asst showing 61 visitors in tower. Keeper working in his quarters.

5 South to south west wind rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.90. General duties for the day. Keeper & 2nd asst went to Newport to celebrate and get supplies & mail.

6 South west wind rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. 1st asst working garden. 2nd asst showing two visitors in tower. Keeper washing.

7 Calm to light northerly breeze sea mod dry. Bar 30.08. 1st asst cutting wood on the beach. Keeper working in shop. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

8 Calm to light west wind dry. Sea calm. Bar 30.40. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport.

9 Calm to light southerly wind damp light fog showers. Sea calm. Bar 30.04. 1st asst working on the road. 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. Keeper working in his quarters.

10 Southwest wind stormy rain & fog. Sea rough. Bar 29.82. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst working in his quarters. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

11 South west to light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd asst showing 26 visitors in the tower.

12 Light to moderate breeze N. light mist to fair. Bar 30.20. 1st & 2nd assts showing 20 visitors in tower. Keeper went to Portland for medical treatment. Left station at 10:30 AM.

13 Light to moderate and fresh breeze N. dry. Bar 30.07. 1st asst showing six visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

14 Light to moderate breeze N. fair to high fog. Bar 30. 1st & 2nd assts filling oil butts. 1st asst went one mile from sta on business.

15 Light breeze S.E. to N.W. to calm, cloudy to light mist. Bar 30.12. 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies. 2nd asst showing 59 visitors in the tower.

16 Calm to light breeze N.W. fair and warm. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. 1st and 2nd assts showing 29 visitors in tower and cleaning the lantern.

17 Light south easterly wind and calm. Rain showers to clearing weather. Sea smooth. Bar 30.14. 1st asst went 1 1/2 m from sta after wood. 2nd asst washing.

18 Light breeze S.E. to N. fair to cloudy dry. Sea moderate. Bar 29.94. 1st & 2nd assts showing 61 visitors in the tower. 1st asst went to Newport.

19 Light north west wind clear dry very warm. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. Keeper returned to station today from leave of absence arvd at 2:00 PM.

20 Light north west wind clear dry & warm. Sea calm. Bar 30.22. Keeper and 1st asst showing 20 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

21 Calm to light north west wind dry. Sea rough. Bar 30.04. General duties for the day. Keeper washing. 1st and 2nd asst working in there quarters.

22 Calm to light north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

23 Calm to light north west wind clear to hazy dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.11. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in tower. General duties for the day.

24 Light S.E. wind and calm. Cloudy, dry to light rain. Sea smooth. Bar 30.04. 1st asst working in the garden. 2nd asst mowing grass. Keeper went to Newport left sta at 6:00 AM.

25 Light south to south east wind showers. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper ret to station 6:30 PM. 1st and 2nd keepers showing 61 visitors in tower.

26 Light northerly to south east wind showers. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper 1st and 2nd asst showing 50 visitors in tower. New wicks were put in lens lamp burner.

27 Light south east wind lt. showers to fog. Sea smooth. Bar 29.92. Keeper & 1st asst showing visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail & supplies.

28 Light south east wind mist & showers to light N. west breeze to dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. 1st and 2nd asst scrubbing marble floor of store room and front hall. Keeper went to Newport to see doctor.

29 Light north west wind to clam dry. Sea calm. Bar 30.12. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 68 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

30 Light northerly breeze dry to damp fog heavy swell. Bar 30.10. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 48 visitors in tower. 1st asst washing.

31 Calm to light N. west wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail and supplies.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1st Calm to light north west wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. General duties for the day. Showing 53 visitors shown in tower. 1st asst left station at 9:00 AM.

2 Calm to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.20. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 55 visitors in tower. 1st asst returned to station at 5:00 PM.

3 Light to mod north west breeze to calm dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.16. Keeper and 1st asst showing 66 visitors in the tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

4 Calm to mod north west breeze clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Keeper and asst keepers polishing oil carriers, measures etc.

5 Light to fresh north west wind clear dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.12. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 72 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

6 Light to fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing 71 visitors in tower.

7 Fresh north west breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 29.98. 2nd asst working garden. 1st asst went to Toledo. Keeper went to Newport for supplies & mail.

8 Fresh northerly breeze dry. Sea mod. Bar 29.90. General duties for the day. 74 visitors were shown in tower.

9 Fresh northerly breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.92. Showing visitors in tower. General duties for the day.

10 Calm to light N. west breeze to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Showing 100 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

11 Calm to light north wind to calm dry fog in PM. Sea smooth. Bar 29.95. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden. Keeper writting in the office.

12 Calm to very light south wind dry fog at times. Sea calm. Bar 29.98. Keeper and 1st asst showing 61 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

13 Calm to light south west wind misty fog. Sea calm. Bar 29.96. Keeper and asst keepers showing 89 visitors in tower.

14 Light south west wind to li N. west rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. 2nd asst working garden. Keeper and 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies.

15 Light N.W. wind to calm clear dry. Sea calm. Bar 30.12. Keeper and asst keeper showing 89 visitors in the tower. General duties for the day.

16 Calm to light north west wind to calm dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing 48 visitors in the tower.

17 Calm to fresh north west breeze hazy dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.10. Keeper and 1st asst showing 84 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

18 Moderate north west breeze dense fog. Sea rough. Bar 29.98. Keeper and 2nd asst washing. 1st asst working in the garden.

19 Calm to light north west wind damp dense fog. Sea mod. Bar 30.06. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 90 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

20 Calm to light north west breeze to calm fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.09. Keeper and asst keepers showing 62 visitors in tower.

21 Calm to light north west wind to calm clear dry. Sea very smooth. Bar 30.05. 1st and 2nd asst working in the garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail & supplies.

22 Calm to light southerly wind cloudy fog. Sea calm. Bar 30.02. 1st and 2nd asst showing 71 visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

23 Calm to light north west wind to calm dry fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Keeper and asst keepers showing 60 visitors in tower.

24 Calm to light south to light north west wind to calm dry. Sea calm. Bar 30.02. Keeper and 1st asst showing 115 visitors in tower. 2nd asst left station at 9:00 AM for Newport. Returned at 12.

25 Light south west wind fog to li rain. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Twenty cases of oil put in oil butts. 1st asst went to otter rock.

26 Light south west rain to light north west dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in tower. General duties for the day.

27 Light to fresh north west breeze dry to light fog. Sea mod. Bar 30.06. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 116 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

28 Calm to light southerly wind dry to dense fog & damp. Bar 29.70. General duties for the day. 1st asst working garden. Keeper went to Newport for supplies.

29 Light west to north west wind dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.07. General duties for the day. Keeper and assts showing visitors in tower.

30 Fresh north west breeze dry hazy. Sea rough. Bar 30.04. Keeper and asst keepers showing 8 visitors in tower.

31 Fresh northerly breeze dense fog. Sea mod. Bar 29.98. Twenty four visitors shown in tower. 1st and 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 24 in total