1908-09 Keeper Logs



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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Light variable westerly winds dense fog. Sea rough. Bar 29.90. Keeper & second asst washing. 1st asst getting wood on the beach.

2 Light southerly wind to calm dense fog damp heavy w swell. Bar 29.96. 1st and 2nd assts showing 30 visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

3 Light north west wind to calm dense fog damp. Sea smooth. Bar 29.90. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 18 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

4 Calm to light north west wind warm fog. Sea smooth. Bar 29.94. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

5 Moderate north west breeze dense fog. Sea mod. Bar 29.92. General duties for the day. Keeper and assts showing 33 visitors in tower.

6 Moderate northerly breeze damp dense fog. Sea mod. Bar 29.94. General duties for the day. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 28 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

7 Calm to light southerly wind dense fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper and 1st asst showing visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

8 Calm to light southerly wind dense fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper washing. 1st and 2nd asst working in garden.

9 Light south west wind to showers dense fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.05. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 33 visitors in tower. 1st asst left station at 6:30 AM for Toledo.

10 Light north west wind showers some fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.14. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. 1st asst returned to station at 5:00 PM.

11 Calm to mod north west breeze to calm li fog dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. 2nd asst working garden. Keeper and 1st asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.

12 Light to fresh north west breeze fog. Sea mod. Bar 30.15. 1st and 2nd asst showing 27 visitors in tower. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

13 Fresh north west breeze dry light fog in PM heavy swell. Bar 30.14. Keeper and asst keepers showing 19 visitors in tower. General duties for the day.

14 Light to mod north west breeze dry to lt fog. Sea mod. Bar 30.12. Keeper and 1st asst showing visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

15 Lt north west wind to calm hazy dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.08. Keeper washing. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. 2nd asst working in his quarters.

16 Light variable westerly winds dense fog to clear. Sea smooth. Bar 30.00. Keeper working in his quarters. 1st and 2nd asst showing 28 visitors in tower. USLH. Tender Manzanita passed station at 3:10 PM.

17 Light north west wind warm hazy dry to lt fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 11 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies.

18 Light northerly to north west wind dry fog. Sea smooth. Bar 30.06. 2nd asst working in garden. 1st asst getting wood on the beach. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

19 Light to fresh S.E. to southerly wind dense fog rain. Sea rough. Bar 30.03. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers showing 35 visitors in tower.

20 Via to light north west wind fog showers damp heavy w swell. Bar 30.18. Keeper and 2nd asst showing 13 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport on business.

21 Calm & fog to light north west wind to clear dry heavy swell. Bar 30.20. Keeper moving furniture. 1st asst showing 3 visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

22 Calm to light and mod. breeze N fair. Sea moderating. Bar 29.80. Keeper went to Newport on business. Left sta at 9:00 AM. General duties for the day.

23 Light east to fresh southerly breeze to showers. Sea mod. Bar 29.70. Keeper returned to station at 5:00 PM. 1st and 2nd asst showing 23 visitors in tower.

24 Light south east wind showers dense fog heavy w swell. Bar 29.82. Keeper working in his quarters. 2nd asst showing 20 visitors in tower. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

25 Calm to light south to north west wind to calm showers to dry. Sea smooth. Bar 29.95. 1st asst getting in wood. 2nd asst putting oil in oil house. Keeper went to Newport for mail. Fifteen (15 cases) of mineral oil delivered to station by Fogarty & Rowen.

26 Calm to light north west wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. Keeper went to wood yard.

27 Light east to light westerly wind clear dry. Bar 30.04. 28 Fogarty & Rowin delivered 39 cases of mineral oil. 13 pkg merchandise. 132 empty cases taken away from station by Fogarty & Rowen.

28 Light east to stiff south to south west breeze showers. Bar 29.80. 29 Twenty cases of oil put in buts (200 gallons). Fogarty & Rowen took away 123 empty cases.

29 South west half a gale with rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.90. Keeper and asst keepers emptying oil in butts. General duties for the day.

30 Fresh south to south east wind rain. Sea mod. Bar 30.01. Keeper and asst keepers working in there quarters.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
Page Status Needs Review


JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Light breeze S.E. to N.W. and calm. Rain showers to clearing weather. Sea moderate. Bar 29.88. Keeper left sta at 10. for New York on important business. 1st asst went to Newport.

2 Calm to mod and fresh breeze N. thick fog to rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.96. Fogarty & Rowin delivered 30 cases oil and taking away 95 empties. 2nd asst went to Newport.

3 Light breeze N. and calm. Light fog and cloudy, dry to damp. Sea moderate. Bar 30.10. 1st and 2nd assts showing 32 visitors in the tower.

4 Calm and light southerly breeze, cloudy, dry to fair. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. 1st and 2nd assts changing lens lamp, polishing brass work and stowing oil. Fogarty & Rowin delivering oil.

5 Light to moderate and fresh breeze S.E. and S. to N.W. with rain. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. 1st asst cleaning reflector. 2nd asst went to Newport.

6 Moderate to light breeze N.W. to N. with rain showers. Sea very rough. Bar 30.26. 1st asst washing. 2nd asst painting floor. 1st & 2nd assts cleaning paint in ???.

7 Calm to light breeze N. light fog to fair. Sea rough to mod. Bar 30. Fogarty & Rowin delivering 25 cases kerosene and 1 case linseed??? oil, 2nd asst picking berries 2 miles from sta. Had 41 visitors.

8 Calm and light variable winds. Part cloudy. Dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.25. 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies. 2nd asst showing 11 visitors in tower.

9 Calm to light breeze N. Clear and warm. Sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Fogarty & Rowin completed delivering annual supplies and taking 100 empties. 1st asst picking berries 2 m from sta.

10 Calm clear fine and very warm. Sea smooth. Bar 30.12. 1st and 2nd assts showing 22 visitors in tower. General duties for the day.

11 Calm and light variable winds. Fair to thick fog and to high dry fog. Sea smooth. Bar 29.98. 1st asst went 1 1/2 miles from sta after berries. Had 2 visitors.

12 Calm to light breeze N. fair and warm to high fog and light damp fog. Sea rough. Bar 29.95. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.

13 Light breeze S. to N. partly foggy. Sea rough. Bar 30.14. 1st asst went to Newport on business. General duties for the day.

14 Light to moderate and fresh breeze N. light fog to fair. Sea rough. Bar 30.10. 1st asst showing 7 visitors in the tower. 2nd asst working in his quarters.

15 Light to moderate breeze N. clear and fine. Sea rough. Bar 29.97. 1st asst went to Newport. 2nd asst showing 2 visitors in the tower.

16 Calm to light breeze N. to S. Fair. Sea moderate. Bar 30.10. 1st & 2nd assts scrubbing paint in watch room, watch room & lantern floors also brushing and scrubbing stairway and landings.

17 Light south easterly winds and calm, partly cloudy. Dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. 2nd asst showing 8 visitors in tower. General duties for the day. A dead whale was sighted about 5:10 PM. Bearing about W.S.W. distant about 1 mile.

18 Light breeze S.E. cloudy, dry, to rain. Sea smooth to moderate. Bar 29.70. 1st and 2nd assts cleaning oil carriers and scrubbed tower, oil room and office floors.

19 Gale S.E. to S. with heavy rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.70. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail and supplies. General duties for the day.

20 Gale to moderate and light breeze S. to S.E. Rain and hail squalls to occasional showers and steady rain. Sea very rough. Bar 29.69. 2nd asst hunting geese. 1st asst cleaning up around barn and grounds.

21 Fresh to moderate and light breeze S. to S.E. rain showers. Sea rough. Bar 30.02. 1st asst working in his quarters. 2nd asst hunting geese 1 mile from sta.

22 Light to moderate breeze E. to S. Cloudy, dry. Sea moderate. Bar 30.10. 1st asst went to Newport. 2nd asst showing 7 visitors in the tower.

23 Light to moderate breeze S.E. to S. and light breeze N. cloudy, dry to rain and light fog. Sea moderate. Bar 30.22. 1st and 2nd assts repairing garden and boundary fences.

24 Calm to light breeze N. Clear and fine. Sea smooth. Bar. 30.18. 1st and 2nd assts putting in window glass. 2nd asst showing 4 visitors in tower.

25 Calm to light breeze N. Clear, sea smooth. Bar. 30.12. 1st and 2nd assts putting in new wicks and changing burners. 2nd asst washing. 1st asst working in the garden.

26 Light and moderate breeze N. clear to partly foggy. Sea very smooth. Bar. 29.99. 1st asst washing. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.

27 Calm and light breeze S.E. to E. Cloudy damp to steady rain. Sea smooth. Bar 29.60. 1st asst went 2 miles from on business. General duties for the day.

28 Moderate and fresh breeze S.E. and S. to gale S. and W. and fresh breeze N.W. Occasional rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.50 - 29.78. 1st and 2nd assts killing a beef today.

29 Light and moderate breeze south easterly. Heavy rain showers. Sea moderate. Bar 29.70. 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies. Keeper returned to station at 10:00 PM from leave of absence 28 days.

30 Fresh south to south west breeze increasing to a gale sea rough. Continuous rain. Bar 29.68. Twenty cases of oil put in butts. General duties for the day.

31 Fresh to mod south west wind rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.90. General duties for the day.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Gale south with continuous heavy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.75. Keeper left sta for Newport at 9:30 A.M. 1st working in his quarters. 2nd measuring wood 1m from station.

2 Southerly gale continuous rain thick weather. Sea rough. Bar 29.98. Keeper returned to station at 10:30 A.M. 1st and 2nd asst working in there quarters.

3 South west gale to light south wind fog rain. Sea rough. Bar 30.10. Keeper and 2nd asst working in there quarters. 1st asst getting wood on the beach.

4 Calm and light variable winds. Rain. Sea moderate. Bar 29.84. Keeper left station at 9:30 AM for Newport. General duties for the day.

5 Light breeze S.E. to N.W. Rain showers. Sea moderate. Bar 30. 1st asst went to Newport for mail and supplies. General duties for the day.

6 Light south east wind clear to rain. Sea mod. Bar 29.86. Keeper returned to station at 3:00 P.M. 1st and 2nd asst repairing garden fence.

7 Moderate south east to fresh south wind rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.72. General duties for the day. 1st asst left station on leave of absence at 3:45 P.M.

8 Moderate to light south east wind rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.60. Keeper and 2nd asst fitting new damper tubes. General duties for the day.

9 Fresh south to south west wind squally rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.62. Keeper repairing stove. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.

10 Fresh south to westerly wind rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.86. Keeper sawing wood. 2nd asst working in the barn. General duties for the day.

11 Calm to light east wind clear dry. Sea mod. Bar 30.02. 2nd asst working in the barn. Keeper showing two visitors in tower.

12 East to north west wind rain squalls. Sea mod. Bar 30.01. Keeper sawing wood. 2nd asst working in his quarters.

13 Light north west wind squally rain to clear. Sea mod. Bar 29.92. 2nd asst working in barn. Keeper went to Newport for mail & supplies.

14 Fresh to light to fresh easterly breeze clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.14. 1st asst returned to station at 8:00 PM. 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. General visitors for the day.

15 Fresh to light east to light west wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.26. 1st and 2nd asst working on the road. Keeper working in the shop.

16 Mod to fresh south east wind rain. Sea mod. Bar 30.14. Keeper washing. 2nd asst working in garden. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

17 South west half a gale stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.80. Keeper sawing wood. 1st and 2nd asst cleaning out cisterns.

18 Fresh south west breeze stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.70. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

19 Fresh south west breeze stormy thick weather. Rain to N.W. wind. Sea rough. Bar 29.58. Keeper and asst keepers working in the shop. General duties for the day.

20 Light N.W. to S.E. wind cloudy dry. Sea mod. Bar 29.80. 2nd asst washing. Keeper and 1st asst went to Newport for mail & supplies.

21 Light to fresh S. to south west gale stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.42. General duties for the day.

22 Fresh to mod to fresh south west wind stormy rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.60. 1st asst working in garden. Keeper repairing wagon shed. 2nd asst working in the barn.

23 Fresh south to south west half a gale stormy rain. Sea rough. 29.72. Keeper showing 3 visitors in tower. 1st asst working in garden. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

24 Variable westerly wind ??? north west rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.64. 2nd asst moving into 1st asst quarters. Keeper and 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

25 North west rain squalls to south east rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.74. Keeper and asst keepers filling oil butts. 200 gallons put in buts (20 cases).

26 South east wind hail rain and ??? snow. Sea rough. Bar 30.04. 2nd asst showing 8 visitors in tower. Keeper working in the barn. 1st asst Mr. Ford left station at 11:00 AM to go as keeper of Cape Meares ???.

27 South to south west gale rain. Sea rough. Bar 30.02. Keeper sawing wood. 2nd asst moving into 1st asst quarters. General duties for the day.

28 Southerly to south east gale rain. Sea rough. Bar 30.08. Keeper helping 2nd asst to move in to his quarters. General duties for the day.

29 South east gale to light north west wind. Sea rough. Bar 29.78. Keeper and 2nd asst working in there respective quarters. General duties for the day.

30 Light east to south wind showers. Sea rough. Bar 30.12. Keeper helping 2nd asst to move to his quarters. 2nd asst went to Newport for mail.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1 Light to fresh north west breeze with squalls rain & hail. Sea rough. Bar 30.02. Mr. Thomas Quinn joined this L.H. station today as 2nd asst keeper.

2 Light to fresh N west showers wind to calm to N.E. and wind. Sea smooth. Bar 30.24. Keeper and asst keepers working in garden. General duties for the day.

3 Light to fresh easterly breeze clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.04. Keeper and 2nd asst working in barn. 1st asst went to Newport for mail.

4 North east gale and snow storm to south east and rain. Sea mod. Bar 29.20. General duties for the day. Keeper and 1st asst working in barn. 2nd asst sawing wood.

5 Light easterly wind clear dry. Sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Commander J.M. Elliott U.S. Light House Inspector inspected the station today.

6 Easterly gale snow to south west squally rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.24. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

7 South west breeze squally rain to south east wind rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.5. 1st asst working in barn. 2nd asst working in his quarters. Keeper went to Newport for mail & supplies.

8 East to south east gale and rain to south west rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 28.98. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers working in there own quarters.

9 South to south west wind and rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.50. General duties for the day. Mr. Woodford brought a ??? of wood to station to day.

10 South west breeze rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 29.92. Mr. Woodford hauling wood to station. 1st asst went to Newport for mail and supplies.

11 South west gale rain. Sea rough. Bar 29.90. Keeper and 1st asst working in the shop. 2nd asst working in his quarters.

12 Mod south west showers to light and west wind & rain squalls. Sea rough. Bar 30.28. General duties for the day. 1st asst showing 5 visitors in tower.

13 Mod to light north west wind showers heavy swell. Bar 30.38. 1st and 2nd asst cleaning up the grounds and barn. Keeper went to Newport for mail.

14 Light north east to northerly wind clear dry heavy swell. Bar 30.38. Keeper, first and second asst working on the grounds in yard and road.

Last edit about 6 years ago by caroleholmson
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