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FORM 306.}
JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Light northerly breeze cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar 29.86. Keeper and asst keepers scrubbing tower stairs and windows.

2 Station inspected this date. It was found to be in an efficient condition. No special orders were issued. Henry L. Berch???. Insp.

2 Light east to fresh south east breeze dry to rain sea rough. Bar. Keeper and assts painted lantern floor and pedestal of lens metalic brown.

3 Light to fresh south east wind rain stormy sea rough. Bar 29.7. Keeper and assts painted metalic brown from 3 landing to top of stairs of floor of lens also the dead light deck of lantern.

4 Fresh south east breeze heavy rain sea rough. Bar 29.72. Keeper and asst keepers cleaned all lead color ??? work in work room of tower and in hall.

5 Fresh south east breeze to half a gale rain sea rough. Bar 29.84. Keeper and asst keepers painted tower stairs from 3d landing to bottom of tower also radiator.

6 Fresh south east to lt north east wind showers to clear sea smooth. Bar 30.04. General duties for the day.

7 Fresh south west breeze rain sea rough. Bar 29.88. Keeper and asst keepers painting tower stairs, work room, window frames and door of tower.

8 Light south west wind misty to westerly wind dry sea smooth. Bar. Keeper and asst keepers painting lead color in work room of tower and hall.

9 Light east to south east wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.04. Keeper and assts painting and scrubbed marbel floor of tower and store room. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers.

10 Light east to south east wind cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar 29.8. Keeper and 2nd asst painting all lead color paint work in tower and work room. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies. Put 100 gallons of mineral oil in ??? tank. Polished damper tubes.

11 Fresh southerly breeze cloudy damp sea rough. Bar 29.79. Keeper and asst scrubbed and painted floor of work room south side rigged??? staging to paint tower under gallery.

12 Fresh south east breeze showers sea rough. Bar 29.82. Keeper and 1st asst working in carpenter shop. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

13 Light variable winds cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.04. General duties for the day. 2nd asst showed two visitors in the tower.

14 Calme and light variable winds cloudy dry sea calm. Bar 29.90. Keeper and asst keepers painted brackets and panels top of tower.

15 Calm and light south west wind to calm sea calm. Bar 29.80. Keeper went to Newport for supplies. 1st and 2nd asst washing clothes etc.

16 Light variable winds to fresh north west breeze sea mod. Bar. Keeper and asst keepers painted roof of lantern, upper and lower galery railing and parapet. Mixed 11 gall white paint to paint tower.

17 Calm to light west wind to calm sea calm. Bar 29.82. Keeper and asst keepers painted tower from upper ring to foundation plate 7:00 AM till 6:00 PM.

18 Light to fresh southerly breeze rain sea rough. Bar 29.98. Keeper and asst keepers cleaning up carpenter shop and barn.

19 Light south to north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good condition. Keepers cleaning up grounds.

20 Calm to light west to north west wind cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar. General duties for the day. Keepers showing 20 visitors in the tower.

21 Fresh north west wind rain squalls sea moderate. Bar 30.1. Keeper and asst keepers working in carpenter shop and garden.

22 Moderate northerly breeze clear dry sea moderate. Bar 30.40. Keeper and asst keepers painted foundation to bottom of tower also flag pole, window sashes inside watch room.

23 Calm to light north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and assts painted oil house, chimneys on work room and keepers dwelling, 2nd asst dwelling and south side ???.

24 Light to fresh northerly breeze clear to dense fog damp sea mod. Bar 30. Keeper and assts painted 2nd assts dwelling and carpenter shop, also gutters and rain spout on barn.

25 Calm to light southerly wind clear to misty rain sea smooth. Bar. Keeper and assts driving in nail heads and puttying hole in barn, toilet & north end carpenter shop.

26 Light west to south west winds squally showers sea smooth. Bar 29. Keeper and assts driving nails in barn & main dwelling. 2nd asst left station for Newport at 3:00 PM.

27 Light south west to west wind showers to clear sea smooth. Bar. General duties for the day. Three visitors were shown in the tower. 2nd asst returned to station at 2:30 PM.

28 Light east to south west wind showers sea smooth. Bar 29.80. Keeper and assts painted west end of carpenters shop and north and east end of barn.

29 Light south west to west wind showers sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper and asst keepers working in shop. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

30 Light south west to westerly wind squally showers sea smooth. Bar. Keeper and asst keepers painted south end of barn also on east side barn.

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