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FORM 306.}
JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Calm to light west wind showers to clear sea smooth. Bar 30.22. Keeper working on annual account. 1st and 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower.

2 Calm to light east wind cloudy showers sea smooth. Bar 29.98. Keeper went to Newport for supplies. 1st and 2nd asst working in carpenter shop.

3 Light to fresh south east breeze rain stormy sea mod. Bar 29.72. Keeper and asst keepers working in there resp quarters. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

4 Moderate to light south east to north west wind showers sea smooth. Bar 30.16. Keeper showing visitors in tower. First and 2nd asst went to Newport. 2nd asst left station at 11 AM.

5 Light north west wind to calm dry sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Keeper and 1st asst working in garden. 2nd asst returned to station at 11 AM.

6 Fresh south west breeze rain to light NW wind sea moderate. Bar 29.86. Keeper left station at 2 P.M. General duties for the day. 1st and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower.

7 Moderate north west breeze clear sea moderate. Bar 30.04. First and 2nd asst showing visitors in tower. Keeper returned to station at 8:00 P.M.

8 Calm to light E. to south east wind cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper and first asst working in the shop & showing visitors in tower. 2nd asst went to Newport.

9 Moderate south east wind rain stormy sea moderate. Bar 30.08. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers mowing grass. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

10 Calm to light north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.25. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

11 Calm to light north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.22. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

12 Light north west wind rain squalls sea moderate. Bar 30.07. Keeper and asst keepers mowing grass and cleaning up grounds. Recd to day by McDonald team one box brass 510 lbs one iron ladder 75 lbs.

13 Calm to light west to north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing 70 visitors in the tower. General duties for the day.

14 Calm to mod north west wind dry sea smooth. Bar 30.22. Received to day one parapet door, copper chimney cover and ventilator ??? of copper delivered by Mcdonald teams.

15 Light northerly wind cloudy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.22. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower and cleaning up grounds.

16 Light to fresh north west breeze hazy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.22. First and 2nd asst working in the carpenter shop. Keeper went to Newport for supplies.

17 Fresh north west breeze hazy dry sea moderate. Bar 30.04. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

18 Light north west breeze clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

19 Calm to light northerly wind cloudy hazy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Keeper and 1st asst working in there respective quarters. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

20 Light notherly wind dense fog damp sea smooth. Bar 29.98. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

21 Light southerly wind dense fog damp sea calm. Bar 29.94. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

22 Calm to light southerly wind hazy foggy sea calm. Bar 29.98. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

23 Calm to light southerly wind dense fog dry sea calm. Bar 30.01. Keeper and asst cleaning up grounds and working in there respective quarters.

24 Light southerly wind hazy dry to fog damp sea calm. Bar 30.00. Keeper and assts showing 180 visitors in the tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

25 Calm to light variable winds dense fog damp sea calm. Bar 30.01. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

26 Light variable to north west wind fog to hazy sea calm. Bar 30.02. Keeper and asst keepers mowing and cleaning up grounds.

27 Calm to light north wind hazy fog to clear dry sea calm. Bar 30.01. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

28 Light north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

29 Light to fresh northerly breeze clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.20. Keeper and first asst showing visitors in the tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies. Recd to day by Newport Transportation Co one brass ???.

30 Fresh north west breeze clear dry sea moderate. Bar 30.02. Keeper and asst keepers working in carpenter shop. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

31 Moderate south east breeze dense fog damp sea moderate. Bar 30.01. Keeper and asst keeper showing visitors in the tower.

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