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FORM 306.}
JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon


1st Light south to south west wind hazy fog at times sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

2 Calm to light southerly wind hazy to dense fog sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

3 Calm and light variable winds dense fog sea calm. Bar 30.20. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

4 Light variable to north west wind dry sea smooth. Bar 30.12. Keeper went to Newport for supplies. 1st and 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower.

5 Light north wind clear dry sea calm. Bar 30.22. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

6 Light to fresh north west breeze clear dry sea rough. Bar 30.3. Keeper washing. 1st and 2nd asst cleaning tower stairs & hall & polishing brass,

7 Fresh north west breeze light to dense fog sea rough. Bar 30.16. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

8 Fresh north west breeze dense fog clear at times dry sea rough. Bar 30.0. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in tower. Keeper inspected quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

9 Calm to fresh north west breeze clear dry to fog sea moderate. Bar 29.80. Keeper and asst keepers cleaning up tower, grounds and working in there respective quarters. Installed new vapor oil tank.

10 Light southerly wind dense fog damp sea smooth. Bar 29.90. At 2:00 AM lens lamp went out on account of a split in oil pipe inside of tank relit at 2:15 AM. Keeper and asst showing visitors in the tower.

11 Light north west wind hazy dry sea smooth. Bar 30.10. Keeper and asst keepers showing 184 visitors in the tower. Replaced new oil pipe on inside of vapor oil tank.

12 Light north west wind hazy dry sea calm. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

13 Calm to light south wind showers in P.M sea smooth. Bar 29.92. Keeper and 1st asst working in shop. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

14 Light north wind hazy dry sea calm. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing 210 visitors in the tower.

15 Light variable winds and calme hazy dry sea calm. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers showing 125 visitors in the tower. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

16 Light to moderate south wind showers sea moderate. Bar 29.98. Keeper and assts cleaning interior of tower and grounds.

17 Light southerly wind misty to clear dry sea calm. Bar 30.04. Keeper and asst keepers showing 175 visitors in the tower. General duties for the day.

18 Light northerly to north west breeze clear dry sea moderate. Bar 30. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

19 Light to fresh north west wind to calm clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.06. Keeper and assts showing visitors in the tower.

20 Calm to light south wind hazy dry sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper washing. 1st and 2nd assts repairing boundary gate. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

21 Light south wind hazy to fog dry sea smooth. Bar 30.00. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

22 Light south wind hazy dry sea calm. Bar 30.10. Keeper and asst keepers showing visitors in the tower.

23 Light south to north west wind hazy dry to fog sea calm. Bar 30.12. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

24 Light south wind hazy to dense fog sea smooth. Bar 30.01. General duties for the day. Keeper and assts showing 150 visitors in the tower.

25 Light south wind dense fog misty to clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.02. Keeper and 1st asst showing 100 visitors in the tower. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

26 Calm to light north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.20. Keeper and assts showing 75 visitors in the tower.

27 Calm to moderate north west breeze clear dry sea smooth. Bar 30.18. Keeper went to Newport for supplies. 1st and 2nd asst cleaning up tower and grounds.

28 Light south wind hazy dry to thick fog damp sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and assts showing visitors in the tower. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

29 Light south wind dense fog to hazy to lt north wind dry sea smooth. Bar 30. Keeper and 2nd asst showing visitors in the tower. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

30 Light to fresh northerly breeze haze and fog dry sea rough. Bar 29.98. Keeper went to Newport for supplies. 1st and 2nd asst mowing and cleaning up grounds.

31 Light to moderate north west wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 29.90. Keeper and assts showing visitors in the tower. General duties for the day.

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