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FORM 306.}
JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1 Light north west to northerly wind showers sea moderate. Bar 30.30. General duties for the day. Keeper working on annual requisition.

2 Light north wind showers to clear frosty sea moderate. Bar 30.20. Keeper and assts sawing and splitting cord wood and piling it up.

3 Light north wind clear frosty to west wind showers sea smooth. Bar 30.2. Keeper and assts sawing and splitting cord wood.

4 Fresh west wind showers to nort wind clear sea moderate. Bar 30.6. Keeper and assts sawing and splitting cord wood. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

5 Moderate to light south wind misty rain to clear calm sea smooth. Bar 30.4. Keeper and assts sawing and splitting corden wood and piling it up.

6 Light south to moderate north wind showers to clear sea smooth. Bar 30.30. Keeper and asst sawing, splitting and piling wood.

7 Light north wind clear sea smooth. Bar 30.24. Light house Tender Manzanita passed the station going north at 8:45 AM.

8 Light north east wind bright & clear sea calm. Bar 30.08. General duties for the day. Keeper and asst showing visitors in the tower.

9 Light east to south west wind clear to rain misty sea moderate. Bar 29.98. Keeper and assts piling stove wood and cleaning up grounds.

10 Fresh south west breeze misty rain sea rough. Bar 29.86. Keeper and piling stove wood and cleaning up quarters.

11 Fresh southerly breeze misty rain clear at times sea rough. Bar 30.08. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

12 Moderate south to south west wind rain sea moderate. Bar 29.96. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order. General duties for the day.

13 Light south west wind showers to north east wind clear sea smooth. Bar 30.30. Keeper and 2nd asst working in the shop. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

14 Light to fresh north east to easterly breeze clear dry sea moderate. Bar 30.4. Keeper and asst keepers working in the garden.

15 Fresh easterly breeze very dry clear sea smooth. Barr 30.00. General duties for the day. Keeper and assts showing visitors in the tower.

16 Fresh easterly breeze dry sea smooth. Bar 29.96. Keeper and asst keepers sawing and splitting cord wood. 2nd asst went to Newport for supplies.

17 Moderate east to south east wind rain squalls sea moderate. Bar 29.8. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

18 Fresh to moderate east wind showers sea smooth. Bar 29.50. Keeper and asst keepers working in the garden. Keeper inspected station and quarters of asst keepers in good order.

19 Fresh easterly breeze to high wind clear dry sea smooth. Bar 29.30. Keeper and asst keepers working in garden and in there respective quarters.

20 Fresh east to south east breeze clear to showers sea moderate. Bar 29.50. Keeper and assts working in garden and carpenter shop.

21 Fresh south east wind south west rain squalls sea rough. Bar 29.60. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

22 Fresh south east breeze S.W. squalls rain sea rough. Bar 29.98. General duties for the day.

23 Fresh south east to south west breeze stormy rain sea rough. Bar 30.20. Keeper and asst keepers put braces on picket fence west side carpenter shop. Put 1- cases of oil in settling tank.

24 Fresh northeast to south east steady rain sea rough. Bar 30.12. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters. Keeper visited quarters of asst keepers found in good order.

25 Light and east to south east wind showers to clear sea rough. Bar 30.2. Keeper and 2nd asst working in the garden. 1st asst went to Newport for supplies.

26 Moderate south east wind rain misty sea moderate. Bar 30.10. Keeper and assts working in the tower polished all brass work in tower & workroom.

27 Variable winds to fresh south east breeze fog rain misty sea rough. Bar 30.00. Keeper and assts working in there respective quarters.

28 Moderate south east breeze rain to south west squalls sea rough. Bar 30. Keeper and asst keepers working in there respective quarters.

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