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FORM 306.}
JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Oregon



1st Light south wind clear sea moderate. Bar 30.04. ??? Smith and Family arrived at station 12:30 P.M.

2nd S.E. wind fog rain misty sea moderate. Bar 30. Keeper went to Agate Beach and returned. 1st asst + Keeper taking account of stock. 2nd asst working around flag pole.

3rd Light south wind cloudy sea moderate. Bar 29.0. 1st asst went to beach and returned, attended to station duties.

4 S.E. wind stormy rain A.M. cloudy P.M. sea strong. Barm. 29.0. Attended to station duties. Keeper worked in carpenter shop.

5 West wind light clear sea moderate. Barom. 30.10. 2nd asst went to Agate Beach + returned. Attended to station duties.

6 Variable wind N.W. to S.E. light clear sea mod. Barm 30. Keeper went to Agate beach. Scraped white wash of inside of tower + other duties.

7 N.W. wind cloudy sea moderate. Barom 30.01. ??? at white washing and cleaning paint work in tower.

8 Light N.W. wind clear sea smooth. Barom 30.02. 1st asst went to Agate Beach + Newport, worked at cleaning paint work in tower. 2nd asst went to Agate Beach.

9 Southerly wind with rain mist + fog. Barom 29.82. Sea ???. washed paint work in tower and other duties. 1st asst went to Agate Beach.

10 N.W. wind light to southerly with rain sea mod. Barom 30.1. Keeper went to Newport. 1st & 2nd assts cleaning the paint on the lens + other duties.

11 Wind N.W. clear sea mod. Barom 30.14. Attended to general duties. 2nd asst went to Newport. Keepers showing visitors through the tower.

12 East to south wind rain + misty sea mod. Barom 29.84. 1st asst win to Agate Beach. General duties for the day. Keepers showing visitors into tower.

13 Fresh S.E. wind cloudy sea rough. Barom 30.13. Keeper went to Agate Beach. Cleaned and polished the lences??? and mixed paint.

14 S.E. wind stormy rain all day sea rough. Barom 29. Attended to general duties. Painted inside of dome. Keeper visited quarters of assts and found them in good order.

15 Fresh S.E. to west wind with hail and rain showers sea rough. Barm ???. General duties for the day. Keepers working in their respective quarters.

16 Station inspected. Keepers found at work painting tower. Conditions at station satisfactory. Keeper will make "weekly inspection" as per "Instructions to Light Keepers" page 159. Henry L. Beck Insp. Light E. to west wind clear sea mod. Barm. 30.30. Inspector + Keeper looking over station. Assts painting dome + upper gallery of tower.

17 Light east to south wind with mist + rain sea smooth. Barom. Regular duties. Cleaned the hot water pipes in tower + painted in work room + store rooms. Keeper went to Agate Beach.

18 Light west wind cloudy sea smooth. Barom 30.03. Attended to regular duties painted in lantern + watch room.

19 Fresh westerly wind rain showers + cloudy sea rough. Barom ???. Regular duties for the day. 1st + 2nd assts went to Agate Beach.

20 Strong N.W. wind some rain + cloudy sea rough. Barom 29.85. Attended to staion duties. Keeper made garden. 1st asst worked in quarters. 2nd asst went to Newport.

21 Strong N.W. wind clear sea rough. Barom 29.66. Regular duties painting stairway in tower. 1st asst went to Agate Beach.

22 Calm to fresh N.W. wind cloudy sea mod. Barom 29.90. Worked at painting oil house + rigging staging on 1st assts house for painting. Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

23 Wind S.E. rain showers + cloudy sea strong. Barm 30.1. Painting stairway in tower + making garden attended to regular duties.

24 S.E. to N.W. wind light cloudy sea mod. Barm 30. Regular duties, painting in lantern. 1st + 2nd assts working in carpenter shop. Keeper went to Agate Beach.

25 East to S.E. clear to rain sea mod. Barm 29.94. Station duties painted brackets under lower gallery on tower.

26 Fresh westerly wind with rain sea rough. Barm ???. Regular duties for the day.

27 Westerly wind hail rain & cloudy sea mod. Barm 30. Attended to station duties. Keeper worked in carpenter shop. 1st asst washed at home. 1st asst went to Nye Beach. 2nd went to Agate Beach.

28 N.W. wind strong cloudy sea rough. Barm 30. Regular duties. 1st & 2nd assts putting cement around terra cotta pipe. Put 100 galls of mineral oil into settling butt. Keeper making garden in 2nd assts house.

29 Strong N.W. wind clear sea strong. Barom 30.2. Painted the railing and floor of lower gallery and picket fence. Scraped iron rust from base of tower.

30 Strong N.W. wind hazy sea strong. Barom 30.0. Keepers painting picket fence made weekly inspection conditions satisfactory. 2nd asst went to Newport at 5:00 P.M.

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