1912-14 Keeper Logs



Needs Review


LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.} FORM 306.} JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Light Station

May 1914

Friday 1 Strong N.W. Wind Foggy Weather Sea Strong Barm 3004. Keeper and 1st Asst Digging under Picket fence and walk to Shop. 2nd Asst returned at 3.P.M.

Saturday 2 Fresh N.W. Wind Weather foggy Sea Mod Barm 3004. Keepers Painting window Sashes in Tower and cleaning Paint from Plate Glass.

Sunday 3 Light N.W. Rain A.M. clear P.M. Sea Mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties for the Day.

Monday 4 Light to Strong N.W. Wind clear. Sea Mod Barm 3008. Keepers Painting Picket fence and Office and other Duties.

Tuesday 5 N.W. Wind Hazy Sea Calm Barm 30.00. Keepers Painting front of Office & end of 1st Assts quarters.

Wednesday 6 Light to fresh S.E. wind Sea Mod Barm 2990. Painting on the 1st Assts quarters visited the assts quarters and found them in good order.

Thursday 7 S.E. Wind Rain in A.M. cloudy P.M Sea Mod Barm 298??? Regular Duties 1st Asst and 2nd Asst working in their Respective quarters Keeper working in Carpenter Shop.

Friday 8 Light to Strong S.E. Wind Rain Storm in P.M. Sea Mod Barm 29??? Began Painting on 1st Assts quarters Rain Stopped us. 1st Asst went to Newport.

Saturday 9 Westerly wind laight cloudy. Sea Smooth Barm 3000. Polished all Brass work in the Tower and other Duties.

Sunday 10 Light westerly wind. Clear Sea Smooth Barm 3024. Regular Duties for the 2nd Asst showing visitors in the Tower. 1st Asst went to Agate Beach.

Monday 11 Strong N.W. Wind. clear Sea Mod Barm 3020. Keepers Painting the Keepers & 1st Assts quarters and other Duties.

Tuesday 12 N.W. wind foggy Sea Mod Barm 2994. Regular Duties Keeper and 2nd Asst went to Newport 1st Asst doing odd jobs around the Station.

Wednesday 13 Variable wind from S.E. to N.W. Foggy Sea Mod Barm 2986. Keeper went to Newport to See Teamsters about Hauling Supplies 1st & 2nd Assts working around the Station.

Thursday 14 Strong N.W. wind foggy A.M. Hazy P.M Sea Rough Barm 2990. Regular Duties, Visited Assts quarters and found them in good order 2nd Asst went to Agate Beach.

Friday 15 N.W. Wind Strong Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3014. Regular Duties for the Day 1st & 2nd Assts went to Nye Beach to vote Keeper showing 19 Visitors in the Tower.

Saturday 16 Stong N.W. Wind Clear Sea Mod Barm 3006. Keepers Painted East end of Keepers Dwelling and other Duties.

Sunday 17 N.W. Wind Hazy Sea mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties for the Day. Keepers Showing Visitors in the Tower.

Monday 18 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3002. Keepers Painting the Front of Keepers quarters and other Duties.

Tuesday 19 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3000. Keepers Painting the front of Keepers and 1st Assts quarters & other Duties.

Wednesday 20 Light N.W. Wind Foggy in A.M. Hazy P.M. Sea Mod Bar 2996. Regular Duties. Keepers Cutting grass in the yard put 12/14 glass in the keepers cellar window.

Thursday 21 Light N.W. Wind Hazy Sea Strong Barm 2972. Painted on North Side of Keepers & 1st Assts quarters & inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 22 Light S.E. wind wet Foggy weather Sea Strong Barm 298? Regular Duties. Cleared up the Yard Keeper went to Agate Beach to get Bidders on Next Years Wood.

Saturday 23 S.E. wind Rain showers sea Mod Barm 2976. Keepers overhauled the Stores Made fire in Tower folded New Curtains Emptied leaky case of oil in Butt.

Sunday 24 Moderate S.E. Breeze Rain Showers Sea Mod Barm 2988. Regular Duties for the Day.

Monday 25 Fresh Southerly wind with Rain Squalls Sea Mod Barm 3000. regular Duties. Slacked lime. Cut grass in the Yard and other Duties.

Tuesday 26 Fresh Southerly wind Rain Showers Sea Strong Barm 30. Regular Duties Asst Keepers Cut grass in Yard & around the fences. Keepers Showing visitors in the Tower.

Wednesday 27 Fresh Westerly Breeze clear in P.M. Rain in A.M. Sea Mod Barm 3028. Regular Duties Keeper working in Carpenter Shop 1st Asst worked in his quarters 2nd Asst went to Newport.

Thursday 28 Light to Strong N.W. wind clear Sea Strong Barm 301? Keepers Painting on N. End of Store room & Base of Tower inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 29 Strong N.W. wind clear Sea Rough Barm 3008. Keepers Painting steps leading into Keepers & Assts quarters & foundation of wood sheds & base of Tower.

Saturday 30 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Strong Barm 2996. Regular Duties. Observed Memorial Day.

Sunday 31 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Rough Barm 2984. Regular Duties. Keepers showing visitors in the Tower.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjlattner
Needs Review


LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.} FORM 306.} JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Light Station

June 1914

Monday 1 Light N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 2. Keepers Painting the Picket fence and other Duties.

Tuesday 2 Light N.W. wind cloudy Sea Mod Barm 3. Keepers Painting Picket fence. Keeper Showing Visitors in the Tower

Wednesday 3 Fresh Westerly wind Rain Showers Sea Mod Barm 3. Keeper & 1st Asst working on the Road 2nd Asst went to Newport to get his Eye treated 1st Asst went to Nye Beach.

Thursday 4 Fresh Westerly wind Rain in A.M. showery in P.M. Sea Strong Barm 3020. Regular Duties. Keepers working in their quarters Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 5 Fresh Southerly wind Rain Showers in A.M. heavy Rain in??? Sea Rough Barm 2962. Keepers Working on the Road & showing Visitors in Tower.

Saturday 6 Strong S.E. wind heavy Rain in A.M. cloudy in P.M. Barm ??? Sea Mod. Regular Duties. Keepers cleaned the Paint Shop.

Sunday 7 S.E. wind light Rainy in A.M. cloudy P.M. Sea Strong 3000. Regular Duties for the Day. 2nd Asst left Stat 2.30P.M. on 25 Day's Leave of Absence granted by the Inspector.

Monday 8 Light southerly wind Rainy in A.M. cloudy in P.M. Sea Mod Barm. Regular Duties 1st Asst went to Newport. Keeper Making garden & showing Visitors in Tower.

Tuesday 9 Light Southerly to N.W. Wind Rainy to Clear Sea Mod Barm. Regular Duties 1st Asst Soldering the Alcolhal??? torches & funnel. Keeper working in Shop & showing visitors in Tower.

Wednesday 10 Strong N.W. Wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 2998. Regular Duties Keeper went to Newport 1st Asst working in his quarters.

Thursday 11 N.W. Wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 29??? Regular Duties. Keeper & 1st Asst working at odd jobs. Inspected 1st Asst quarters found them in good order.

Friday 12 Light Westerly wind cloudy Sea Mod Barm 3018.Regular Duties Keeper & 1st Asst working in their quarters & showing visitors through the Tower.

Saturday 13 Light to Strong N.W. Wind clear Sea Mod Barm 30??? Keeper and 1st Asst Whitewashing the Board fence.

Sunday 14 Strong N.W. wind Dense Fog Sea Mod. Barm 29?? Regular Duties for the Day. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors through the Tower.

Monday 15 Strong N.W. Wind Dense Fog Sea mod Barm 30??? Painted inside Front Porch. Scrubed Office floor showing visitors in Tower.

Tuesday 16 Light to Strong N.W. wind clear Sea Mod Barm 30??? Painted Office floor Front Porch Steps & Floor. Showing Visitors through Tower.

Wednesday 17 Strong N.W. wind cloudy Sea Mod Barm 30??? Keeper and 1st Asst whitewashing fences & other Duties.

Thursday 18 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Bram 3010. Regular Duties Keeper working on annual returns. 1st Asst washing clothes. Inspected 1st assts quarters found them in ??? good order.

Friday 19 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea mod Barm 300??? Regular Duties Keeper & 1st Asst taking Stock and Showing visitors in Tower.

Saturday 20 Light Southerly wind light Rain Showers Sea Mod Barm 30??? Regular Duties Keeper working on Annual Returns 1st Asst Painting his Boat and other work.

Sunday 21 Light Southerly wind Showery. Sea Strong Bar. Regular Duties. Keepers showing Visitor through the Tower.

Monday 22 Light to fresh Southerly wind Rainy Sea Strong Bar. Regular Duties Keeper went to Newport 1st Asst Showing Visitors through the Tower.

Tuesday 23 Fresh S.W. Wind Steady Rain Sea Strong Barm. Regular Duties Keeper working at Annual Returns 1st Asst working in his quarters.

Wednesday 24 Fresh S.E. Wind Rainy Sea Strong Barm. Regular Duties Keeper working at Annual Returns.

Thursday 25 Wind Calm. Clear Sea Mod Barm 3024. Regular Duties Keeper working at Annual Returns 1st Asst cleaning Vaporizer. Inspected 1st Asst house and found it in good order.

Friday 26 Light N.W. Wind Clear Sea Smooth Barm 3??? Regular Duties Keeper & 1st Asst Showing visitors through the Tower.

Saturday 27 Light to Strong N.W. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 30??? Regular Duties Keeper and 1st Asst whitewashing garden fences.

Sunday 28 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 301??? Regular Duties for the Day. Keeper and 1st Asst showing visitors through the Tower.

Monday 29 Strong AN.W. Wind Hazy in A.M. Foggy in P.M. Sea Mod. 3010. Regular Duties Keeper and 1st Asst Showing visitors through the Tower.

Tuesday 30 Strong N.W. wind Hazy in A.M. Foggy in P.M. Sea Strong Barm. Regular Duties Keeper working on annual Returns 1st Asst showing visitors through the Tower.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjlattner
Needs Review


LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.} FORM 306.} JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Light Station

July 1914

Wednesday 1 Strong N.W. Wind. Hazy in A.M. Foggy in P.M. Sea Strong 2980. Regular Duties 1st Asst Cleaning Vaprizers Mailed the annual Return & other Reports.

Thursday 2 Strong N.W. wind. Foggy Sea Strong Barm 2996. Regular Duties Inspected 1st Assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 3 Strong N.W. Wind. Hazy Sea Strong Barm 2996. Regular Duties 1st Asst went to Newport at 8:00A.M. Returned at 8:30P.M. Keeper showing visitors in Tower.

Saturday 4 Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3006. Regular Duties. Keeper went to Newport at 7:30A.M. Returned at 7:00P.M.

Sunday 5 Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties 2nd Asst Returned from his Leave of Absence. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors through the Tower.

Monday 6 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3004. Regular Duties Keepers washed Plate glass & all the windows in Tower & showing visitors in Tower.

Tuesday 7 Strong N.W. Wind. Clear Sea Mod Barm 300??? Regular Duties whitewashed insid of Tower where a visitor had been sick. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors through Tower.

Wednesday 8 Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod. Barm 3006. Keeper and 2nd Asst finished whitewashing garden fence 1st Asst went to Nye Beach.

Thursday 9 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 29??? Regular Duties 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower. Keeper went to Newport. Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 10 Light N.W. wind. Hazy A.M. Foggy P.M. Sea Mod Barm 2??? Regular Duties Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower 2nd Asst went to Newport.

Saturday 11 Strong N.W. wind dense fog. Sea Mod Barm 2??? Keepers cleaned all Brass work in Tower & scrubbed the stairway lower??? floors.

Sunday 12 Fresh N.W. wind Hazy. Sea Mod Barm 30??? Regular Duties 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors through Tower.

Monday 13 Wind calm. Hazy. Sea Smooth Barm 30??? Regular Duties 2nd Asst whitewashed around his quarters. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower.

Tuesday 14 Light N.W. wind. Clear Day. Dense Fog Evening. Sea Mod Barm. Regular Duties. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower. 1st Asst went to Newport.

Wednesday 15 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy and Foggy Sea Strong Barm. Regular Duties. Keeper listing Supplies 1st & 2nd Assts mowing grass in the yard. Put 10 Cases of Oil in Settling Butt.

Thursday 16 Light to Strong N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Strong Barm 30??? Regular Duties. 2nd Asst went to Newport Inspected Assts quarters found them in good order. Keeper & 1st Asst showing in Tower.

Friday 17 Strong N.W. wind. Foggy A.M. Hazy P.M. Sea Strong Barm. Regular Duties. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower. 1st Asst working in quarters.

Saturday 18 Strong N.W. wind Dense fog A.M. Hazy P.M. Sea Strong Bar. Keepers cleaned Plate Glass & Paint Shop. Repaired large gate & graded under gate.

Sunday 19 Strong N.W. wind Foggy A.M. Hazy & Foggy P.M. Sea Strong B. Regular Duties. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors through Tower.

Monday 20 Light to Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3020. Regular Duties Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower 1st Asst working in his quarters.

Tuesday 21 Llight to Strong N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3016. Regular Duties. Keeper Put Hay in Barn 1st & 2nd Assts showing vistors in Tower.

Wednesday 22 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3018. Keepers putting Putty & Paint on Rusty Nail Heads on Barn. Painting water gutters.

Thursday 23 Strong N.W. wind Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower Inspected Assts quarters found in good order.

Friday 24 Light N.W. wind. Cloudy Sea Mod Barm 30. Regular Duties. Keeper Painted his kitchen & Hall floor. 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower.

Saturday 25 Light S.E. wind Misty in A.M. Hazy & foggy in P.M. Sea Mod Ba??? Regular Duties. Keepers washed Plate glass on outside Keeper went to Newport.

Sunday 26 Wind Calm. Foggy in A.M. Clear in P.M. Sea Mod Barm 300??? Regular Duties for the day. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower.

Monday 27 Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy. Sea Mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties. 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower. Keeper working in Carpenter Shop.

Tuesday 28 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Mod. Barm 300??? Regular Duties Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower 2nd Asst went to Newport.

Wednesday 29 Strong N.W. wind Dense Fog Sea Mod Barm 2??? Keepers working in their respective quarters.

Thursday 30 Wind N.W. foggy in A.M. Hazy P.M. Sea Mod Barm 3??? 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower Keeper wheeling wood into his cellar.

Friday 31 Strong N.W. wind foggy & Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3??? Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower Inspected Assts quarters found them in good order.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjlattner
Needs Review


LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.} FORM 306.} JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Light Station

August 1914

Saturday 1 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy & Foggy Sea Mod. Barm 300??? Regular Duties. Keepers washing Picket Fence & around Tower Door.

Sunday 2 Strong N.W. Wind. Foggy Sea Mod Barm 2998. Regular Duties. 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower.

Monday 3 Strong N.W. Wind. Foggy & Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3016. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower. 2nd Soldering in Carpenter Shop.

Tuesday 4 Strong N.W. Wind. Hazy. Sea Mod Barm 3006. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower. 1st Asst working in his quarters.

Wednesday 5 Light N.W. wind, cloudy Sea Smooth Barm 3006. Regular Duties. Keepers cleaning up around the yard and other duties.

Thursday 6 Light S. to N.W. wind cloudy in A.M. Rain Showers in P.M. Sea Mod B 30??? Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower. Inspected Assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 7 Fresh N.W. wind. Hazy Sea Strong Barm 300??? Regular Duties. Mr. Watnee and Mr. Sherman arrived at Sta 10.A.M. Keeper went to Newport Assts showing visitors in Tower.

Saturday 8 N.W. wind Strong. Foggy & Hazy Sea Strong Barm 3??? Keepers washed inside Lamp and All windows in Tower & East end of office.

Sunday 9 Strong N.W. wind Dense fog Sea Mod. Barm 3002. Regular Duties. Keeper & 1st Asst showing visitors in Tower.

Monday 10 Strong N.W. wind Dense fog. Sea Mod. Barm 299??? Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower. 1st Asst went to Newport. Mr. Leick arrived at Station 7:45P.M.

11 Station inspected to day. Repair work at the Tower ??? is in progress. Station otherwise in satisfactory condition. C.Wheickastdy???

Tuesday 11 Strong N.W. wind. dense fog. Sea Mod Barm 299??? 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower. Keeper looking after things with Mr. Lieck.

Wednesday 12 Light N.W. wind. Foggy Sea Mod. Barm 2998. Regular Duties 2nd Asst went to Newport. Keeper & 1st Asst Packing Gravel up from the Beach.

Thursday 13 Light South wind Foggy Sea Mod Barm 2998. Keeper & 2nd asst showing visitors in Tower. 1st Asst helping Mr. Watnee. Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 14 Light S.E. wind cloudy Sea Mod Barm 3000. 1st & 2nd assts showing visitors in Tower. Keeper helping Mr. Watnee.

Saturday 15 Light West wind, cloudy. Sea Smooth Barm 3010. Regular Duties. Keepers helping to do the repair work.

Sunday 16 Light N.W. wind, clear. Sea Smooth Barm 3026. Regular Duties. Keepers showing visitors in Tower.

Monday 17 N.W. wind. clear Sea Mod Barm 3008. Keeper clearing Rubbish out of yard. 1st & 2nd Assts showing visitors in Tower.

Tuesday 18 Light N.W. wind, clear, Sea mod. Basrm. 29.96. 1st & 2nd Asst showing visitors through Tower. Keeper left Sta at 4A.M. on leave of absence.

Wednesday 19 Light N.W. wind. Clear, Sea Smooth Barm. 29.95. 1st & 2nd assts showing visitors through Tower. General duties for day.

Thursday 20 Lt. Southerly wind, foggy, damp. Sea Mod. Barm 30.10. 1st & 2nd Assts helping the workmen, general duties for the day. One lower pane of glass to lens lantern broken by Mr. Sherman, by falling metal strip.

Friday 21 Light Southerly wind, foggy to clear. Sea smooth Barm. 30.10. 1st & 2nd Assts helping the workmen, general duties for the day.

Saturday 22 Light N. West wind, clear, Sea Moderate. Barm. 30.12. 1st Asst. working in his quarters. 2nd Asst assisting Mr. Sherman on the Tower.

Sunday 23 Fresh N.West breeze, clear, Sea Moderate. Barm. 30.10. 1st & 2nd Assts at station all day, General duties for day.

Monday 24 Fresh N.West wind foggy Sea Moderate Barm. 30.15. 1st Asst went to Newport on business. 2nd Asst helping Mr. Sherman on Tower repair.

Tuesday 25 Fresh N West breeze clear to foggy, Sea Moderate Barm 30.12. 1st Asst working in his quarters, 2nd Asst. assisting Mr. Sherman in Tower.

Wednesday 26 Light North West wind clear to foggy Sea Moderate Barm. 30.10. 1st Asst helping Mr. Sherman on tower. 2nd Asst. working around station.

Thursday 27 Light N. West wind clear, Sea Moderate Barm. 30.12. 1st asst & 2nd asst helping with work in progress on Tower.

Friday 28 Fresh N.West wind, clear to foggy sea Moderate Barm 30.10. 1st Asst working in his quarters, 2nd Asst helping Mr. Sherman on Tower.

Saturday 29 Strong N.W. wind, clear to foggy sea Moderate Barm. 29.96. 1st asst helping Mr. Sherman in Tower. 2nd Asst working in his quarters.

Sunday 30 Light N.West breeze, clear, sea Moderate Barm. 29.97. 1st Asst went out in boat fishing. 2nd Asst went to Agate Beach in afternoon.

Monday 31 Light N.West breeze, clear, sea Moderate Barm. 29.95. 1st Asst went to Newport on business. 2nd Asst helping Mr. Sherman on tower.

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjlattner
Needs Review


LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.} FORM 306.} JOURNAL of Light-station at Yaquina Head Light Station

September 1914

Tuesday 1 Light N.W. breeze, clear, Sea Moderate Barm. 30.20. 1st Asst helping Mr. Shermon in tower. 2nd Asst working around station completed repairs at station today (broken lantern frame??? replaced).

Wednesday 2 Light N.W. breeze, clear Sea Smooth Barm 30.12. 2nd & 1st Asst chipping upper balcony railing tried ledding it today.

Thursday 3 Light N.W. breeze, clear, Sea Smooth Barm. 30.14. 1st & 2nd Assts cleaning up inside of lens, scaling off loose paint.

Friday 4 Light N.W. breeze, clear, showery, Sea Moderate Barm 30.26. 1st & 2nd Assts washing lens room & all windows in tower.

Saturday 5 Fresh N.W. wind, clear, Sunshine Sea Smooth Barm 30.02. 1st & 2nd Assts scaling off old paint & red ledding under eaves??? of tower roof & storm door. Keeper returned 8P.M. from his leave of absence.

Sunday 6 Light S.E. wind. Foggy & heavy Rain Sea Mod Barm 2??? Regular Duties for the Day.

Monday 7 Strong S.E. wind with Rain in evening Sea Strong Bar??? Regular Duties.

Tuesday 8 Light S.E. wind. Cloudy with Showers Sea Strong Bar??? Painting Roof of Lantern & other Duties 2nd Asst went to Newport.

Wednesday 9 Fresh N.W. wind. Clear. Sea Mod. Barm 3020. Painted gallery Railing & upper & lower Tower Doors & Eaves of Dome.

Thursday 10 Fresh N.W. wind Hazy & Foggy Sea Mod Barm. Working at clearing Rubbish out of the yard & Painting Storm Windows. Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 11 Light S.E. wind. Rain Showers. Sea Mod Barm 30. Keepers began to Putty the Plate glass outside of Lantern.

Saturday 12 Light N.W. to S.E wind. Clear Sea Mod Barm 30. Puttying outside of Lantern. Keeper went to Newport.

Sunday 13 Light Southerly wind. cloudy with Rain Sea Mod Barm. Regular Duties for the Day.

Monday 14 Light to Strong Southerly wind. Cloudy, Rain. Thunder & Lightening. Keeper worked in Carpenter Shop. 1st Asst in his quarters. 2nd went to Newport.

Tuesday 15 Light to Strong Southerly wind. Heavy Rain Showers Sea Strong B. Keepers working around grounds and showing visitors in Tower. Put 100 galls oil into Settling Butt.

Wednesday 16 Light to Strong S.E. wind, cleear to Stormy. Rain Sea Strong. Keeper working in Carpenter Shop. 1st & 2nd Assts working in their quarters.

Thursday 17 S.E. wind Stormy. heavy Rain Sea Rough Barm 29??? Regular Duties. Inspected assts quarters found them in good order.

Friday 18 S.E. wind Stormy Heavy Rain Sea Rough Barm 299??? 1st Asst left Sta on his Leave of Absence at 12:30P.M. Regular Duties.

Saturday 19 Fresh S.E. wind. Cloudy with Showers. Sea Rough Barm. Keeper & 2nd Asst working in Barn and Carpenter Shop.

Sunday 20 Wind Calm. Hazy Sea Mod Barm 3010. Regular Duties. Keeper & 2nd Asst Showing Visitors in Tower.

Monday 21 Fresh N.W. wind Clear Sea Mod Barm 3012. Keeper went to Newport. 2nd Asst working Tower & showing visitors.

Tuesday 22 Light N.W. wind. Clear Sea Mod Barm 3004. Painted upper gallery to Tower. 2nd Asst went to Newport.

Wednesday 23 Light S.E. wind. Dense Fog. Sea Mod. Barm 29??? Mopped down all Stairs in Tower. Put Storm windows in Keepers quarters.

Thursday 24 Light S.E. wind. Foggy. Sea Mod Barm 2990. Cleaned up in Carpenter Shop & Showing Visitors in Tower. Built Pig Pen.

Friday 25 Light to Strong S.E. wind. Clear to Rain Sea Mod Bar??? Keeper working in Carpenter Shop 2nd Asst Showing visitors in Tower.

Saturday 26 S.E. wind Stormy with Rain in A.M. cloudy in P.M. Sea Strong Bar??? Regular Duties. Keeper went to Ocean Hill Hotel after a Pig.

Sunday 27 Light South wind. Clear. Sea Strong barm 3020. Regular Duties. Keeper & 2nd Asst showing visitors in Tower.

Monday 28 Fresh N.W. wind, clear. Sea Strong Barm 300??? Keeper & 2nd Asst Repaired under the Eaves of 1st Assts quarters.

Tuesday 29 Light N.W. wind cloudy. Sea Strong Barm 299??? Regular Duties 2nd Asst Repaired outer gate. Keeper working in quarters.

Wednesday 30 Strong N.W. wind. Hazy. Showers Sea Strong Barm 30.00. Keeper making quarterly Returns. 2nd Asst went to Newport. 27 Cords of Wood delivered by Mr. Prye???

Last edit over 5 years ago by mjlattner
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 38 in total