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Treasury Department
Office of the Lighthouse Guard
Washington, January 14, 1895

Major James C Post, U. S. A.,
Engineer 12th Light-House District,
Portland, Oregon

Referring to the joint report of the Inspector and Engineer of the Thirteenth Light-House District, dated 13 Dec. '94, the Board informs you that, as its session of 7 Jan'y '95, it was ordered that beacon lights be established in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, as follows:

Two white range beacon as guides to cross in over the bar; the front light to be placed on a two pile beacon on the sand flats opposite the town of Newport, and the rear light to be erected at McLean's Point.

A white beacon light to be placed on a one pile beacon on the Middle Ground near spar buoy No. 4, as an aid in the narrow and sharp turn of the channel.

A red beacon light to be placed on the Government wharf at Newport.

The Board requests you to take the proper measures to carry the above order into effect, and to pay the costs thereof

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