Oct. 23 Charts Nos. 655_656_and 659, 13th Dist. to be sent
Oct. 26 Charts 659 [2 copies] 649 & 658 - forwd.
Oct. 27 Columbia River Walker's Isld. Channel_change in buoyage action approved
Oct. 27 Columbia River Martins' Isld Bar - lump - buoyage - ???
Oct. 30 Chart No. 641 ??? forwarded
Nov. 9 Chart No. 662_forwarded_
Nov. 12 Cape Blanco condition of tower &c., Keeper to be admonished
Dec. 5 Cape Disappointment - Condition - Kper. to be admonished
Dec. 5 Columbia River Prairie Channel-3 single pile beacons
Dec. 5 Cape Foulweather Keepers to wear Uniforms _ Regulation
Dec. 5 Columbia River Whistling buoy - repairs - authority
Dec. 8 Columbia River Land Isld. - day beacon - rebuilding views asked
Dec. 9 Chart No. 641 - forwarded
Dec. 9 Cape Arago Boat_authority
Dec. 14 Cape Foulweather Expenditure of oil - Brilliancy of Lt. - to be maintained
Dec. 19 Channels, Rivers &c., Buoys for marking_Regulations
Dec. 31 Cape Arago Boat - purchase - authority
Dec. 31 Cape Arago - Boat - recovery - Payt - authd.
Dec. 31 Coal & Provisions Departure Bay and Victoria Shubuck - authority not granted
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