Box 252 List of supplies 1885, YB, YH Emery Pay 1887

Box 252 List of supplies 1885, YB, YH Emery Pay 1887


Needs Review


P. 485

24 April 6

Sir: Herewith is transmitted a copy of a letter dates 16 Apl. '86, from Hon. John H. Mitchell, U.S. Senate, together with a copy of its enclosures, being a communication addressed to him by Dr. J. R. Bayley in which he expresses a wish to purchase a portion of the Yaquina Bay, Oreg., lighthouse reservation. The Board requests that you will report with recommendation your views as to the advisability of selling any part of the reservation in question. Very respectfully, ??? ??? Commander, u.s.n., Naval Secretary.

Lieutenant Uriel Selree, u.s.n., Inspector 13th L.H. Dist. Portland, Oreg.

Last edit over 5 years ago by jerikawallace
Needs Review


2 Enclosures.

3 February, 1887.

Sir: Enclosed there is sent to you, a copy of the letter from Senator Mitchell of 2 Feb'y '87, and a copy of a letter from Colonel F.E.Hogg, President of the Oregon Pacific Railway Company, in which he suggests the establishment of a whistling buoy on the sunken reef opposite to the entrance to Yaquina Harbor, on the Oregon Coast. The Board requests your opinion as to the necessity, aivisability and practicability of establishing the aid to navigation in question. Very respectfully, ??? Commander, U. S. N., Naval Secretary.

Lieut. Uriel Sebree, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H.District, Portland, Oreg.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by jerikawallace
Needs Review


24 March

Sir, Referring to your letter of 21 Feb (???) recommending that a whistling buoy be established off the entrance to Yaquin Harbor, Oreg., I have to inform you that this matter was considered by the Board at its session held on 23 March (???), when it was ordered that a whistling buoy be established in accordance with your recommendations. You are requested to carry out this order of the Board, and to foreward in advance of doing so, a form of Notice to (???) for publication by the Board Lieutenant Very respectfully, Uriel Sebree, Inspector 13th LH Dist. Portland, Oreg.

Last edit over 5 years ago by EarthYake
Needs Review


1 Encl

April 14 Sir: Hereinwith is transmitted a copy of Notice to Mariners No.10 if 1889, giving notice of the Establishment of a Whistling Buoy off the entrance to Yaquina Bay, Oregon, on or about the 15 April '87. Please have the provisions of the Notice carried into effect. Very respectfully, [signature] Commander, ???, Lt. U. Sebree, U.S.N., Inspector 13 L.H. Distr., Portland, Oregon

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
Needs Review


5 Sheets

31 May 7 May 1

[signature] Commander, U.S.N. Lieut. ??? Sebree, U.S.N. Naval Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oreg.

Cape Blanco Light Station, Oreg. 1 No. 1 Buck's cooking stove and fixtured complete. 3 Drip pans. 2 Spiders??? 2 Coffee pots 2 Sippers 1 Wash boiler 1 Steamer and Lid 1 Iron Tea Kettle 4 Pot covers, (tin) 2 Stove Kettles, 2 Galls Agate ware -

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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