


Status: Indexed


(All communications should be addressed to "CHAIRMAN OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD".)

Treasury Department
Office of the Light-House Board
Washington, 16 December, 1889


The Senate Committee on Commerce referred by its letter of 9 Dec. '89, to this Office for its opinion, Senate Bill 459, appropriating $80,000 for the establishment of a first order coast light-house on the headlands near Newport, at Yaquina Bay, Oregon. A copy of that bill is herewith enclosed.

An Adverse report was made upon this matter from your office by letter of 3 Jan'y '88, and the Board in formal session also made adverse report upon the proposition, but as the matter is again formally referred to this Office, you are again requested to make report upon the matter, taking into consideration any new facts which may have come to your knowledge since the date of the last report.



Commander, U.S.N.
Naval Secretary

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