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(All communication should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD")
Treasury Department
Office of the Light-House Board,
M.M.B. Washington, 9 Oct. '93
Inclosures..... One
Subject: Yaquina Bay, Oreg.
Additional Lights.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N.,
Inspector 13th L. H. Districts,
Portland, Oreg.


Enclosed is sent you a copy of a letter from Hon. Binger Hermann, M.C., dated 3 Oct. '93, relating to the necessity for stake lights at the entrance to, and on Yaquina Bay, Oreg.

The Board requests you to confer with the Engineer of the District, and with him make a joint report and recommendation as to the necessity for the lights in question. The Engineer has been requested to make an estimate of the cost of these lights, if any are recommended, which should be embodied in the joint report.

signature ???
Captain of Engineers, U.S.A,
Engineer Secretary.

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