Box 255 CF to YH 1896, YB 1894 1895

Box 255 CF to YH 1896, YB 1894 1895




RG 26 Records of the United States Coast Guard

Lighthouse Service

Letters sent to District Inspectors and Engineers, 1852-1910

Press Copies

Thirteenth District Inspector Jul. 1, 1894 - Dec. 31, 1895 V1.540 Jan. 1, 1896 - Jun. 30, 1897 V1.586

Box 255 NC-31, Entry 23

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward


(All communications should be adressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Treasury Department Office of the Light-House Board, Washington, 16 September '96.

Lieut. Commander J.P. Merrell. U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oregon.

Sir:- Referring to your report of operations of the tender Manzanita, of 8 September, '96, and the statement there in that "materials for Cape Foulweather Light Station" were landed, the Board invites your attention to the fact that the official name of the station has been Yaquina Head since the publication of the List of Lights, Pacific Coast, 1895, and requests that you use the official name in all future correspondence relative to the station.

Respectfully, Geo F.F. Wilde Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward


(All communications should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Treasury Department Office of the Light-House Board, Washington, 8 Nov. '94.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oreg.

Sir: The Board, at its session on 5 Nov., '94, decided to establish inexpensive beacon lights at Yaquina Bay, Oreg, at a cost not to exceed $300., to be paid for from the appropriation, Repairs of Light-Houses.

The Engineer of the 13th Light-House District has been directed to take the proper measures for the establishment of these lights. The Board requests you to take the proper measures for employing a laborer to act as keeper of these lights, as not more than ten dollars per month, each.

Respectfully, Geo F.F. Wilde Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward


(All communication should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.") 4 Inclosures. Treasury Department, Office of the Light-House Board, Washington D.C., Nov. 23, 1894.

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N., Inspector, 13th Light House District, Portland, Oregon,

Sir: Referring to your letter of the 17th November, 1894, the Board has to say that your recommendations are approved and that you are authorized to pay Mr. J. McCullum of Newport, Oregon, $100.00 for the recovery and delivery on the Government wharf at Newport, Oregon, of the Yaquina Bay whistling buoy which went adrift and lodged among the rocks north of the Cape Foulweather Light Station, and which can not be recovered by the tender. The authority to pay the above amount for the recovery of the buoy is conditional upon its delivery at Newport, Oregon, in fair condition. The bids forwarded with your letter are returned herewith. Respectfully, Geo. F.F. Wilde Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


(All communication should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.") Treasury Department, Office of the Light-House Board, Washington D.C., 1 Dec., '94

Commander O.W. Farenholt, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oreg.

Sir: Your letter of 24 Nov., '94, relating to the lights to be established at Yaquina Bay, has been received. In reply, the Board requests you to confer with the Engineer of the District, and with him make a joint report and recommendatioin as to the location of these lights, and the number of lights now recommended. Respectfully, Geo. F.F. Wilde Commander, U.S.N., Naval Secretary.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights
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