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4 Enclosures.

(All communications should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Treasury Department,
Office of the Light-House Board,
Washington, D.C., 19 March, '95.

Commander O. W. Farenholt, U. S. N.,
Inspector 13th L. H. District,
Portland, Oreg.


The Board returns to you enclosed; for revision, Forms 87 for post lights recently established in Yaquina Bay, Oreg., enclosed in your letter of 12 March, '95.

The Board requests you to substitute bearings on objects shown on the chart, as required by the explanatory heading of the space in the form set apart for bearings, in order that the positions of the post lights may be accurately plotted from them.

Referring to your Notice to Mariners of the establishment of these post lights, of which you enclosed a copy with the above named letter, the Board requests that when you again issue a Notice you will give bearings so chosen that the mariner will be enabled to plot the aids on his charts without being obliged to seek additional information from other sources.

The Board is of the opinion that the lights marking the chan-

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