


Status: Indexed

(All communications should be addressed to "THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Sep Package.

Treasury Department,
Office of the Light-House Board,
Washington, July 1, 1895.

Commander O. W. Farenholt, U. S. N.,
Inspector 13th L. H. District.
Portland, Oregon.


Referring to your letter of 21 June '95, transmitting data for Notice to Mariners, of the change in height of Yaquina Bar Range Rear Beacon Light, and proposed establishment of Coquille Point Beacon Light, the Board has to say that the bearings given to locate the last mentioned light do not agree with the position of the light as shown on the chart. The chart is returned herewith in a separate package with the request that you make the necessary correction and return the chart.

The Board directs your attention to the concluding paragraph of its letter of 28 Feb. '95, relative to the Yaquina Bay Beacon Lights, and requests that hereafter data for Notices to Mariners be forwarded not less that four weeks before the establishment of new lights and that when practicable more time be given.

George F. F. Wilde
Commander, U. S. N.,
Naval Secretary.

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