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pay in the same manner as other civilian employees of the Coast Guard. Personnel of the former Lighthouse Service were inducted into the grades and ratings of the Coast Guard on the same basis as other men of the Coast Guard in the same grades and ratings with respect to increase in the promotion and increase in pay. Because of the physical defects, some Lighthouse Servicemen were not inducted but were given every consideration when assignments, promotions and increases of pay were made. Some, who did not desire induction, retained their current civil status and were transferred to positions in the civil establishment either within the Coast Guard or some other department of the Government, as rapidly as positions permitted. Some of officers of the Lighthouse Service indicated that because they were classed as officers in their own service, they were not to be placed in an enlisted status. This opinion arose from a misconception of the duties of a Chief Petty Officer. Such an officer averaged about 14 years of Coast Guard or Naval Service, was trained in the military responsibilities of his position and was highly proficient in his specialty. As all Warrant Officers were selected from the grade of Chief Petty Officer, he was in direct line for promotion, and, since the number of Warrant and Chief Warrant Officers was more than half of that of Chief Petty Officers, his opportunities for promotion were excellent.

Thus it was seen that personnel of the Lighthouse Service who accepted appointments were placed in a very favorable position. They not only retained their higher pay status but they became eligible for promotions, increases in pay and other benefits accorded similar Coast Guard personnel.

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