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Sheet 2
YAQUINA HEAD L.S., Oregon. Continued
8 Sep.
2 Sep. 13 ??? writes rel. to ??? of Keepers at ------
9 Sep.
31 Aug. Mr. Edwin Stone writes rel to lease of land at ------- for hotel purposes.
9 Sept. Wrote 13 D. O. and refd letter of Mr. Stone rel to lease of land, for joint report.
29 Sept
24 Sept 13 D.O. send jt pert rel to leasing old light house reservation
2 Oct. Wrote 13th D.O. rel to leasing Yaquina Bay L.H. Res.
3 Aug
29 July. 13 Inspr. sends resignation of E. Rice & c
Aug. 9. ??? & ??? ???
12 Aug.
9 Aug. Dept accepts resignation of - Edward Rice.
15 Aug. Wrote 13 Inspr. that Dept. has accepted resignation of --Edward Rice, take effect 30 June
17 Aug.
9 Aug. 13 Inspr trans complaint of F. M. Plummer, kpr at rel to appt of a 2nd asst keeper.
30 Aug Wrote 13 Inspr. requesting to nominate suitable person for 2nd Asst. Kpr at-as it h as decided to allow 2 n A.K.
12 Sept.
6 Sept. 13 Inspr. sends letter recommending Mr. Michael Ludescher for appointment as Second Assistant Keeper at Yaquina Head Light Station, Oregon.
16 Sept. Wrote 13th Inspr askg further rec for proba appt to position od 2nd Asst. Keeper at Yaquina Head, Oreg., Lht. Station
30 Sept
24 Sept. 13 Inspr. writes rel to appt of MichaleLudescher as 2nd asst kpt at-
1 Oct. Wrote Dept askg proba appt of Michael Ludescher as 2nd Asst. Keeper of Yaquina Head, Oreg., Light-Station.
17 Oct.
4 Oct. ept. makes proba appt of Michael Ludescher.
18 Oct. Sent 13 Inspr, prob. appt. Michael Ludescher, Informed 13 Engr
31 Oct
26 Oct. 13 Inspr. req temp appt of M. Ludescher from 13 Sept
1 Nov. Wrote Dept askg temp appt of Michael Ludescher, 2nd Asst.

??? Sheet 3

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