therefore unable to grant the request.
I then addressed a letter to the Secretary of War, making of him the same request that I had made of you, and on April 3rd, received a letter from the Assistant Secretary of War, stating that there was some question as to whether this Reservation was under the jurisdiction of the War Department, or the Department of Commerce and Labor. I was somewhat surprised at this and immediately addressed another letter to the Assistant Secretary of War and one to Assistant Secretary Murray, asking them to immediately make further investigation and notify me positively what Department had jurisdiction. It seemed to me that this ought to be a matter of record.
On April 8th, you replied to my letter, stating that the matter was under investigation and on April 12th you wrote me again to this effect:
"Site was transferred to the War Department October 24th, 1888, and upon receipt of the information contained in several endorsements by that Department upon a letter from Senator Gearin, dated March 23rd, 1906, to the effect that the War Department had no further use for the site, the Light House Board reassumed its control. On May 12th, 1906, the Reservation was transferred to the Treasury Department for the use of the LifeSaving Service subject to the future needs of the Light House Establishment.
"This Department also states that the Light House Board, after a careful examination of the locality, a consideration of a possible need to establish additional aids to navigation in the near future upon the Reservation, is of the opinion that it is not advisable either to sell or lease the Reservation, and in that opinion this Department concurs."
Under date of April 13th, the Assistant Secretary of War confirmed the transfer of the Reservation on May 12th, 1906, to the Treasury Department for the use of the Life Saving Service,
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