of the Reservation for the purpose above stated, and reviewed the information contained in your letters, as well as those of the War Department. The Secretary of the Treasury on April 22nd, stated that under the permission granted May 12th, 1906, his Department obtained no title to the Reservation beyond the right to use and occupy the land for life saving purposes and for such purposes only. He stated, therefore, that he was without authority to grant the permission desired by Mr. Jones.
From the correspondence it would appear that the Reservation is strictly under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and Labor, and if permission is to be given for the erection of a chute it must be given by you as head of that Department.
On April 12th, I telegraphed Mr. Jones as follows:-
"In case government permit erection chute on Yaquina life saving reservation subject to their right to order removal at any time, would you care for it if it could be obtained. Cant promise success even under this condition, but would make additional effort if you desire."
I to day received a telegram from Mr. Jones to the effect that he would be glad to acquire the privilege on the condition named, and assured me that he would remove the chute at any time he was requested to do so by your Department.
From my personal knowledge of the locality, I can say that I believe no harm whatever would be done the Reservation if conditional permission was given Mr. Jones to occupy a portion of the beach with his chute. He desires to build the chute on the beach. The main portion of the Reservation, as I recall,
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