1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Need Review

Box 252 List of supplies 1885, YB, YH Emery Pay 1887

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2 Enclosures.

3 February, 1887.

Sir: Enclosed there is sent to you, a copy of the letter from Senator Mitchell of 2 Feb'y '87, and a copy of a letter from Colonel F.E.Hogg, President of the Oregon Pacific Railway Company, in which he suggests the establishment of a whistling buoy on the sunken reef opposite to the entrance to Yaquina Harbor, on the Oregon Coast. The Board requests your opinion as to the necessity, aivisability and practicability of establishing the aid to navigation in question. Very respectfully, ??? Commander, U. S. N., Naval Secretary.

Lieut. Uriel Sebree, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H.District, Portland, Oreg.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by jerikawallace
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24 March

Sir, Referring to your letter of 21 Feb (???) recommending that a whistling buoy be established off the entrance to Yaquin Harbor, Oreg., I have to inform you that this matter was considered by the Board at its session held on 23 March (???), when it was ordered that a whistling buoy be established in accordance with your recommendations. You are requested to carry out this order of the Board, and to foreward in advance of doing so, a form of Notice to (???) for publication by the Board Lieutenant Very respectfully, Uriel Sebree, Inspector 13th LH Dist. Portland, Oreg.

Last edit over 5 years ago by EarthYake
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1 Encl

April 14 Sir: Hereinwith is transmitted a copy of Notice to Mariners No.10 if 1889, giving notice of the Establishment of a Whistling Buoy off the entrance to Yaquina Bay, Oregon, on or about the 15 April '87. Please have the provisions of the Notice carried into effect. Very respectfully, [signature] Commander, ???, Lt. U. Sebree, U.S.N., Inspector 13 L.H. Distr., Portland, Oregon

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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5 Sheets

31 May 7 May 1

[signature] Commander, U.S.N. Lieut. ??? Sebree, U.S.N. Naval Inspector 13th L.H. District, Portland, Oreg.

Cape Blanco Light Station, Oreg. 1 No. 1 Buck's cooking stove and fixtured complete. 3 Drip pans. 2 Spiders??? 2 Coffee pots 2 Sippers 1 Wash boiler 1 Steamer and Lid 1 Iron Tea Kettle 4 Pot covers, (tin) 2 Stove Kettles, 2 Galls Agate ware -

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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2. 4 Fire backs, for cooking stoves 10 Joints stove pipe. 2 Elbows 2 Barrels Lime. 2 Gallons coal tar.

Cape Arago Light Station, Oreg. 1 Watch room stove and fixtures. 1 No. 8 bucks cooking stove, and fixtures complete. 6 Joints stove pipe. 1 Elbow for stove pipe. 1 Barrel Lime.

Cape Foulweather Light Station, Oreg. 1 Kitchen pump. 2 Blls Lime.

Tillamook Rock Light Station. Oreg. 1sct Linings for cooking stove 25pounds Salt2 Blls Lime.

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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Cape Disappointment Light Station, Wash. 2 Barrels Lime 5 Pounds Rice 2 Fire backs for cooking stove 1 Scythe.

Point Adams Light Station, Oreg. 1 Barrel Lime.

Shoalwater Bay Light Station, Wash. 2 Barrels Lime.

Cape Flattery Light Station, Wash. 1 No. 8 Buck's Cooking stove, with fixtures complete. 1 Fire back for cooking stove 1 Grate " " " 1 Firmer chisel 1 1/2 inch. 1 " " 9/8 " 1 Barrel Lime

Ediz Hook Light Station, Wash. 3 Barrels Lime.

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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New Dungeness Light Station, Wash. 2 Kitchen pumps. 1 No. 8 Buck's cooking stove, with fixtures complete. 2 Grates for No 7. cooking stove 2 Fire backs " " " " 2 Barrels Lime. 5 Gallons Coal tar.

Smith's Island Light Station, Wash. 1 Boat-sail 1 Barrel Lime

Admirally Head Light-Station, Wash. 1 No. 8 Buck's cooking stove, and fixtures complete. 1 piece Zinc for stove. 1 Barrel Lime.

Point Wilson Light-Station, Wash. 2 pieces Zinc for stove 2 Barrels Lime 5 Gallons Coal tar -

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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Point no Point Light Station, Wash. 2 Grates for cooking stoves. 2 Fire backs " " " 2 Barrels Lime.

West Point Light Station, Wash. 1 No. 8 Buck's cooking stove, with fixtures complete. 1 Wash room stove and fixtures. 1 Barrel Lime 2 Gallons Coal Tar.

Point Robinson Fog Signal Station, Wash. 1 Barrel Lime.

Buoy and supply depot 4 Barrels Lime.

Tender Manzanita. 8 Barrels Lime. 1 Eccentric strap???, extra.

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson
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(All communications should be addressed to "THE CHAIRMAN OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD.")

Treasury Department, OFFICE OF THE LIGHTHOUSE BOARD, Washington, 11 June, 1887.

Sir: The Comissioner of Customs has notified the Board of a disallowance made in your accounts because of a payment made to W.G. Emery, Second Assistant Keeper at Cape Foulweather, Oreg., prior to the date of his appointment, viz: Nov. 29, 1886. He holds that service under an appointment commences upon the day it is issued, unless some other day is specified in distinct terms. If the phrases "date of oath," or "date of going on duty" are used, he thinks they cannot refer to any acts that may have been performed prior to the date of the letter of appointment, but that they must be construed as relating to acts to occur after that date. In the present case the man may be considered as employed as a laborer for the time previous to appointment, in accordance with Par. 57, Regulations. To cover this time a certificate on Form 12 should be forwarded.

Very respectfully, [signature] Lieut. Uriel Sebree, U.S.N., Commander, U.S.N., Inspector 13th L.H. Distr., Portland, Oreg. Naval Secretary

Last edit over 5 years ago by caroleholmson

1894 Keeper Logs

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Journal of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather Oregon 1894


12: Moderate breeze N. West to light South wind with thick, damp fog most of 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Steam schooner crossed Yaquina bar into Newport at 11.30 A.M. A steamer crossed into Newport at 2 P.M. could not [identify] what she was, being too foggy. The steamer that crossed over Yaquina bar was the U.S. Tender Columbia and landed rest of Light House supplies.

13: Light wind to moderate and fresh breeze N. West these 24 hours with thick damp fog during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Mr. Stimpson hauled the last of annual supplies. The Columbia having landed them at Newport. 1st asst went to Newport.

14: Light South wind and calm; thick, damp fog during these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. Had 3 visitors today. Keeper and 2nd asst went to Newport after supplies. U.S. Steamer Columbia arrived from herata head??? at Newport at 10 A.M.

15: Light South wind and calm with thick damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light N.West wind, fair weather. Sea very smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went to Newport on important business. Keeper took a walk about one mile from station. Had 5 visitors. U.S. Steamer Columbia left Newport and passed north going to Astoria at 8.30 P.M.

16: Moderate to fresh and strong breeze N.West these 24 hours, fair weather during 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had three visitors. Keeper went to Newport to take calf over and wait for mail. 1st asst went to Newport.

17: Moderate to fresh beeze N.West with fair weather these 24 hours. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went rock oystering. Had six visitors. 2nd asst went to Newport after mail & medicine.

18: Moderate breeze, fair weather first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fresh breeze to light N.West wind, thick, damp fog. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Keeper went to Newport to take mail. Had nineteen visitors today.

19: Light South wind these 24 hours with thick, damp fog first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. 1st asst went over to big creek to see about hauling some wood. 1st asst went fishing and to Newport after the mail. Had 7 visitors. First asst Keeper of the New Dungeness Light Station visited this station today.

20: Light variable winds and clam with fair weather these 24 hours. Sea very smooth. 2nd asst went over on the beach to get a load of wood. 1st asst went up on north beach for pleasure - Had nine visitors today. U.S. Light-House Tender Columbia passed this light going south at 6.30 P.M.

21: Light variable winds and calm first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours light wind to moderate breeze N.West with fair weather during 24 hours. 1st asst went fishing and took 31 visitors in tower. Keeper & 2nd asst went to Newport. A steamer passed by the station going north at 8.15 P.M. and looked like the Columbia but too dark to tell [for] certain.

22: Moderate breeze to light N.West wind first part of 24 hours. Last part of 24 hours moderate breeze N.West with clear, fine and warm weather. Sea smooth. 1st asst went fishing and to Newport after mail. 2nd asst showing visitors in tower and in bathing over on the north beach. Had 22 visitors.

23: Calm to light South wind these 24 hours with fair weather. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had 18 visitors today. 1st asst went fishing. 1st and 2nd assts showing visitors in tower. Steamer Robarts arrived in to Newport at 8 P.M. Keeper went to Newport after supplies Left the station at 10. A.M.

24: Light wind to moderate breeze South these 24 hours. First part of 24 hours thick, damp fog. Last part of 24 hours fair weather. Sea smooth. 1st & 2nd assts showing visitors in tower. Had nine visitors. Keeper returned to station at 3 P.M.

25: Light South wind these 24 hours with light rain showers most of the time. Sea smooth. General duties for the day. Had thirty-two visitors. 2nd asst went to Newport. 1st asst went to Newport after the mail.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by lacyjane
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