


Status: Indexed

Yaquina Bay, Oregon.

The following named beacon lights were established here on March 7, 1895, and were paid for from the general appropriation for repairs, etc., of light houses, which provides for the establishment, under certain specified circumstances, of such beacon lights:

Yaquina Bar range front beacon light.
A fixed white lens-lantern light, 12 1/4 feet above mean high water, on a shelf on a white two pile dolphin on the sand flat, dry at low water, making off to the northward from the south point of the entrance to the bay. This light was discontinued on July 29, 1895, as a rock was discovered on the range line about three-eights of a mile outside the jetties. The rock was marked by a first-class red spar buoy.

Yaquina Bar range rear beacon light.
A fixed white tabular-lantern light, 20 1/4 feet above mean high water, on a white gallows frame, at

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