Mch. 5 2
Please inform this office whether you have received invoices from Saulter Lemormier & Co. of a 1st order F.V.F. lens for Cape Foulweather; also whether the manufacturers of illuminating apparatus at Paris regularly send you invoices with their consignments.
Very respectfully,
George H. Elliot Maj. of Engineers Engineer Secretary
Feby 5th 2
Please inform me whether the lens ordered on the 11th of August last to be sent to the Light House Engineers of the 12th District for use at Cape Foulweather, Oregon, has been forwarded.
Very Respectfully,
George H. Elliot Major of Engineers U.S.A. Engineer Secretary
Lt. Col. I.C. Woodruff Corps of Engineers L.H. Engineers New York, NY
March 7 2
In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, I have to request that you will advise the Board when the lens for Cape Foulweather Light House is sent to San Francisco. The lens should be sent to "Major H.M. Robert, care Major R.S. Williamson, San Francisco" ???.
You will please notify the Board in all cases where lenses are sent.
Very respectfully,
George H. Elliot Major of Engineers U.S.A. Engineer Secretary
Lt. Col. I.C. Woodruff Corps of Engineers U.S.A. L.H. Engineers New York City
Mar. 8 2
12th ???; enclosing Oath & Receipts of New LH Keeper at Yaquina LH, is received, & the receipts are sent to the LH Inspector, 12th & 13th Districts, for his office file, where you will please transmit them in every case hereafter. (this line underlined)
George H. Elliot Major of Engineers, U.S.A. Engineer Secretary
A. Henman Eg. Supt. Lights Astoria