1890 Sept 15 [signed][unclear]W[/unclear] Newton[/signed] , Philamath Sept 15 [signed]D. A Fraser[/signed] , Newport Sept 15 [signed]James Cuyler[/signed] , Dixie Sept 15 [signed]Lizzie Orr[/signed] , Dixie Sept 15 [signed]Fanny Orr[/signed] , Dixie 1294 Sept 16 [signed]G. W. Stephens[/signed] , Dixie Sept 16 [signed]C. P. Christensen[/signed] , Dixie Sept 16 [signed]C. J. Smith[/signed] Sept 16 [signed]E. H. [unclear]Strunnel[/unclear][/signed] , Portland Sept 16 [signed]D. H. Craven[/signed] , Independence Sept 16 [signed]N H Bateman[/signed] , Halsey Sept 16 [signed]H. Chance[/signed] , Halsey Sept 16 [signed]H. W. Chance[/signed] , Brownsville Sept 16 [signed]J. F. Chance[/signed] , Brownsville Sept 16 [signed]Frank Bennett[/signed] Sept 16 [signed]Martha Cooledge[/signed] , Dixie Sept 16 [signed]Sadie Cooledge[/signed] , Dixie Sept 16 [signed]W. R. Martin[/signed] , Buxton Sept 16 [signed]Adra Grigsby[/signed] , Dixie 1308 Sept 17 [signed]John Munro[/signed] , Portland Sept 17 [signed]Mrs John Munro[/signed] , Portland Sept 17 [signed]Mrs John Munro[/signed] , Portland Sept 17 [signed][unclear]Marvin[/unclear] Case[/signed] , Newport Sept 17 [signed]Edward Schoel[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 17 [signed]Henry Voss[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 18 [signed]Herman Schoel[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 18 [signed]Charles A. Voss[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 18 [signed]Henry Schoel[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 18 [signed]Florentena Schoel[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 18 [signed]Josephine Joy[/signed] , Dutchtown Sept 19 [signed]Wena Voss[/signed] , Dutchtown 1318 Sept 19 [signed][unclear]G[/unclear]. B. Cummings[/signed] Sept 19 [signed]John McNeil[/signed] , Halsey Sept 19 [signed]Isabell McNeil[/signed]
1890 Sept. 19 J.N. McNeil. Halsey, " " E. S. Borrows Wife & Daughter Portland 1328 " 20 Mrs. W. F. Flint Gibbon, Nebraska " Nettie Flint " " " S. L. Traut " " " Mrs. G. Ogle Woodburn, Ogn Willie Ogle " " C. Vajs Corvallis L Schoel 20 A L Tabler Albany Ogn 1338 21 S. E. Owen " Mrs S. E. Owen " Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stanton & child, Toledo 1339 22 Mr. & Mrs Stockr Mr. Brand 1343 Sept 23 Edward P. Nisley Jackson, Ill. Sept 23 P D Onegginson Jackson, Ill 1345 " 24 Isaac F. Amend " 24 Bert R. Amend " 25 Louis A Walker Holton, Kansas " " S. Glabe Holton, Kansas " " Henry Russel Chatsworth, Ills. " " W. G. Nesmith Derry Polk Co, Oregon " " Mrs. W. G Nesmith " " " " " M. H. Driskell Heffner, Oregon 1352 " 26 Mrs. E. W. Cooker 1354 Oct 1st Johnnie Moyer Falls City, " " " Marie Starr " " " " Jessie Moyer " " 1356 " 5 Dana Poindextre " " Marie Ball Newport " " S. G. Devin " " W. Applegate & Wife Roseburg,
Oct 7
[Mrs?] K [S?] [Gauber?] West Virginia Ida Case, Newport Nora Case, Newport
Oct 14
Joseph Briggs Waltor Fitzpatric William Megginson
Oct 17
Nellie Briggs, Newport Sara Cahill, Newport Honora Fitapatrick, Newport Agnes Fitzpatrick, Newport Jennie Megginson, Newport Lizzie Briggs, Newport 1373
Oct 21
G T Kelly May [Druin?] 1375
Oct 25
C C Kubler, Toledo J [A? O?] Commins, Toledo 1377
Oct 26
M. W. Davies, Newport John Moore, South Beach 1379
November 2
Mart Shannaro, Toledo Inez Alexander, Toledo C Altree, Toledo Ruth Stakely, Toledo
November 6
Geor F Crist, Salem Or Claudius Potee, London, Ohio
November 10
J E Kelsey, Gibbon Nebraska John Reddy, Gibbon Nebraska 1387
November 26
[Harry/Harney?] Litton, Portland H. W. Stevens, Pendleton W H McNerney, Lincoln Neb.
November 30
John Folmsbee, Newport M. W. Tallman, Dayton Yamhill, Co, Or C C Tallman, North Yamhill Oregon T D Burgess, Lansing Michigan V. W. Burgess, Lansing, Michigan 1396
JOURNAL of Light-house Station at Cape Foulweather
1890 Month, Day, Record of Important Events at the Station, Bad Weather, &c.
December 27 Mr Moyer of Fall City Oregon Geo. Dutton, Ashland Nebraska 1399
Feb 14 Nathan Jones Newton Streau Andrew Wharton
Mar 2 H. L. Miser J. E. Kirkland and Wife
Mar 6 F. W. Cole, Newport
Mar 14 C A Galloway, Broken Bow, Neb. H F Flint, Gibbon Nebraska Fred Wickstrom, Salem Oregon Joseph J. Miles, Clay Center Kansas
Mar 30 J. T. Wallace, Newport Or.
April 15 Jay Loomis John Loomis Chester Brenen
April 19 Mrs. E. R. Lake, Corvallis, Oregon Mrs A. C. Stryker, Niles Michigan E. R. Lake, Corvallis
May 5 Wm Simoner, Baltimore, Md. Rev. P. J. Lynch, Newport P. D Healy, Newport
May 7 J. C. Gochnour, Bedford, Pa M R Gochnour, Bedford Pa
May 17 Clarance Allrett Harry R. Faut F L Tilloston Charles [Alt??/Atb??] Stella Cressy, Newport, Or. F N Ross, Albany Lue Laughlin, Newport, Or. J J Kendall, Albany
June 3rd Mrs E. E. Parsons, Ipswich S. Dak. Mrs A P. Stowe, Lebanon Oregon Mrs. G W Warner, Lebanon Oregon Miss Bessie Warner, Lebanon Oregon Miss C. Hunter, Albany Oregon Miss Ettie Hunter, Albany Oregon Geo W Warner, Lebanon Org
June 7 J. A. Hunter, Albany Org Hark Hunter, Albany Org W Arthur, Albany Org
June 9 W Arthur Rev. J. A. Townsend, Turner Org
June 12 Birdie Williams M. F. Wheeler San Francisco
June 13 N. H. Cummings Maggie Cummings Liddie Holloway May Holloway J E Cherry, Afton Iowa
June 14 Joseph N. Hunter Albany Or. Lizzie M. Hunter Albany Oregon J R Swank, Albany Oregon 52
June 15 Mrs Mary Tisdale, Albany Oregon Ettie Hunter, Albany Oregon Addie Tisdale, Albany Oregon Lizzie Roncosky, Newport, Oregon
June 20 H M Brunk, Yaquina City W Morrow, Salem J. E. Wilson, Chitwood Station W C Dodge, Harrisburg, Ore. T. S. Dean Jr., Lowry City, Mo.
June 25 James Connor, Blackbute, Oregon E. B. Martin, Newport Oregon
June 26 J. E. Kern and three children, Newport, Or. W. P. Ford, Newport