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2 revisions
Wjhoward at Mar 07, 2017 10:49 PM


Office of [[Light-House Engineer]], 433 Thirteenth district, [[Portland, Oregon]], January 2, 1878 R.A. [[Bensell]] Esg [[Yaquina]] Light station [[Newport]], [[Oregon]] Sir, Your letter reporting repairs necessary of [[Yaquina]] station was forwarded by me to the Lighthouse Board, with the suggestion that repairs should be made. I have this day received a reply stating that “the board would prefer to spend no money on the station unless absolutely necessary” As the facts were plainly set forth in your letter and mine, I conclude that they

Office of Light-House Engineer, 433
Thirteenth district,
Portland, Oregon, January 2, 1878
R.A. Bensell Esg
Yaquina Light station
Newport, Oregon
Your letter reporting repairs necessary of Yaquina station was forwarded by me to the Lighthouse Board, with the suggestion that repairs should be made. I have this day received a reply stating that “the board would prefer to spend no money on the station unless absolutely necessary”
As the facts were plainly set forth in your letter and mine, I conclude that they