Vol 601Topographical survey and lens description 1883

Vol 601Topographical survey and lens description 1883




RG 26 - Records of the US Coast Guard

Lighthouse Service

Letters received from district engineers and inspectors, Feb. 1853 - Dec. 1900

Thirteenth District inspector an Engineer, July 1883 - June 1884

Vol. 601

Box 384 entry 24

Last edit about 7 years ago by edleectc


Office of Light-House Engineer, THIRTEENTH DISTRICT Portland, Oregon, July 7th, 1883

To the Chairman Of the Light-House Board, Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to request authority to continue detailed topographical surveys of light stations similar to those authorized by the Board’s telegram of May 23rd, 1883. Of the $500.00 then allotted, from appropriation for “Repairs & C of Light-House, 1883”, but $276.86 were used, owing to the short time before close of fiscal year. Such surveys are needed of seven stations, and estimates for them were included in the statement of expenditures from appin for “Repairs & C of Light-House, 1884,” forwarded on the 3d inst., as follows:---

Last edit over 7 years ago by yaquinalights


Cape Blanco Light Sta. Or. $195.00 Cape Foulweather “ “ “ $152.00 Shoalwater Bay “ “ “ $158.00 Ediz Hook “ “ “ $90.00 New Dungenness “ “ “ $98.00 Smith Island “ “ “ $85.00 Point Wilson “ “ “ $83.00

A report on the necessity for these surveys was submitted by me Dec. 5th 1882 in compliance with request from the Board.

With the results of these surveys and the maps and notes of the other light stations in the district now on file, it is intended to compile a uniform set of charts showing in detail the topographical features and location of all structures at each station. The charts to be about 24 by 36 inches in size and as far as possible on the same scale.

Last edit over 7 years ago by yaquinalights


Very respectfully Your obedient Servant Chad F. Powell Captain of Engineers L.H. Engr. 13th Dist

Last edit over 7 years ago by yaquinalights


Office of Light-House Engineer, THIRTEENTH DISTRICT Portland, Oregon, August 12th, 1883

To the Chairman Of the Light-House Board, Washington, D.C.

Sir: In compliance with the Board’s letter of June 15th, 1883, requesting certain information concerning the apparatus of first order lights in this district, I have the honor to forward herewith the desired information for Cape Foulweather, Tillamook Rock, Cape Disappointment and Cape Flattery Light Stations. The only other first order light in this district is at the Cape Blanco station, the information for which will be forwarded as soon as it is received from the stations.

Very respectfully,

Last edit over 7 years ago by yaquinalights
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