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2 revisions
Wjhoward at Mar 07, 2017 11:10 PM


546 – [[Point Adams]] Work of prevention of sand drift was continued. To September 30th, about 13 acres had been planted with sand grass, most of it being planted in strips, attending with the strips of brush. 547 – [[Shoalwater Bay]] The fence around upper pasture was rebuilt by the keepers. As stations not mentioned in the fore-going, no work is reported Very respectfully, Your obedient Servant, [[Chas F. Lowell]] Captain of Engineers, Engr. 13th LH District

546 – Point Adams
Work of prevention of sand drift was continued. To September 30th, about 13 acres had been planted with sand grass, most of it being planted in strips, attending with the strips of brush.

547 – Shoalwater Bay
The fence around upper pasture was rebuilt by the keepers.

As stations not mentioned in the fore-going, no work is reported
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Chas F. Lowell
Captain of Engineers,
Engr. 13th LH District