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the question of the necessity for a light at or near Yaquina Bay, Oregon, in connection with a general programme for lighting the Pacific Coast, and as a necessary prelimniary (preliminary???) have secured by reservation a sufficient quantity of land for this purpose.
It is not deemed advisable, in advance of the next annual estimates, to call for further appropriation for the Pacific Coast.
The subject of the improvement of the harbor of Queenstown, Maryland, referred to in the petition, does not come within the province of the Board.
The papers are herewith returned.


Feb 19th, 1869

From Chairman L.H. Board Adml. W.B. Shubrick

Sir: I have had the honor to receive the letter from H. E. Stilley Esq., addressed to Hon John Poole and referred to this Board for report.
The buoys in the District embracing North Carolina are attended ( raised cleaned, painted &c) by the regular Buoy Tender, which vessel, is now provided with a competent master.
The letter is returned.


Feb 19th, 1869

From Chairman L.H. Board Adml. W.B. Shubrick

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