(in)spection of the premises resulted in the opinion that a change of Keepers at this Station would be for the interests of the service.
The Board concurs in this opinion, and begs leave to add that the successor of Mr. Miller should be a person who understands machinery sufficiently to enable him to attend and keep in repair the new fog-signal at that Station, a trumpet sounded by a caloric engine. The letter of Mr. Smythe is returned.
Feb 25, 1869
From Chairman L.H. Board Adml. W.B. Shubrick
Yaquina Bay - necessity of light for
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the communication from the Committee on appropriations (???), referred by you to this Board for report.
The Board has had under consideration the question of the necessity for a light at or near Yaquina Bay, Oregon, in connection with a general programme for lighting the Pacific coast, and as a necessary preliminary have secured by reservation a sufficient quantity of land for this purpose.
It is not deemed advisable, in advance of the next annual estimates, to call for further appropriations for the Pacific coast
Feb 25, 1869
From Naval Secretary Adm. A.A. Harwood. U.S.N
Notice of Board (Bd ???)
Sir: I have the honor to state that the regular
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