



Status: Complete

Dear Friend,

This first of the Month, and first of the Year I desire
with all the remainter of my Days, to devote to thee. I would
follow no voice but thine; O let me be not [word is crossed out] impatience
at Thy delay; My God, Thy long delay to save.
Would sink thy poissoner to the grave.
My heart grows faint and dim my eye.
Make haste to help, before I die.
For Thee I think I pray I mourn
When will Thy smiling Face return?
Shall all my joys on earth remove
And God forever hide his love?
O Blessed Friend, Entrust me not to leave Thee or to return
[edge is torn] following after thee, for where thou goest I willl go and
[edge is torn]re thou lodges I will lodge [next two words I can not read] shall be my people
and thy God my God: O' that I will see the Triumph
hour; But I am confind, my watch, this is some one afar
(?), yet, by no means, renders me able to go out dors
and that seams to be but a little in the way (for i could
rye above my own weakness if that was all) but the
Anvesary of all my Joys, has a greated bear than round
of health. May it please the Lord to disappoint the enemy
and turn him backward, and to enlarge my steps [edge of paper torn]
I go whence I shall not return. I desire to wait pat[rest of word missing]
for the Lord. To wait at Wisdoms gait & to watch at
the past of his Doors; O Let my Name engraven stand
Both on Thy heart, yon thy hand;
Seal me upon thine arm and near
That pledge of love forever there.
But I am jealous of my heart,
Lest it shout once from thee depart;
Than let thy Name be well imprest
As a fair signet on my brest.
May I be remembed in mercy. May my faith be increased.
May everything that unfiteth for thy Coming & king
dom. be removed: O May the fire of Divine Love cleanse
me from every sin I see at fault, and let me to looke
to they Face in peace: May the Wicked ways from theirs
cruetly & sage; O may the Friend be with us & live.
While the wicked are no more. Yes, live in every heart,
That may become a temple for the living God.
To The Universal Freind. Ruthe Spencer

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The area where this was taped by someone, is very hard to read clearly, and the writers spelling is a version of phonic. The edges of the page are torn and in fragile condition, I noted such edges inside of brackets [ torn edge].