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Poem on Marriage

Poem on Marriage
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Poem on Marriage

[?] [?] [?] lady [?] Scotland did Dwell She was Courted by a Sailor who lovd her full [?] he promised For to mary her return he did then remark What Sad Fortune on this Couple Has [tape] As he was a Sailling All on the Salt Sea A Storm Did Arise at his Sad Surprise Marry A poor Seaman All on the lee Shore and Some they had Sweethearts and Some they wives old and those poor Souls had to Swim for there lives and this poor and unlucky young man had A Chance to be one that lossed. A Short life in the watery tomb As Soon as this fair maid She heard he was dead She was ravin[?] Distracted Quit out of her head Saing A Deiu all pleasures Sense my jois are all [?] and A grave Shall be insted of my new marriage bed as She was [?]ing round robbin hoods Sands crying and [?]ing and ringing [?] crying o cruel [?] [?] my r[?] an shore [?] [?] Sweet face might Wold it one [?] as She was aranging around robbin Hoods bay She Saw a young Sailor washed up by the waves and as She Drew near him in amsed[?] She Did Stand for She new her own Trulove By a mark on his hand She Said have i found youmy own Dearist Dear then She hug him and She kiss him ten thousand times near She Sais iam quite willing for to lay by you Side and A few moment after This fair maid She Died in Robbin hoods Curch yard this Couple was laid with A large double tomb stone plaicd Over there heads Comes all you royal trulovers as you Do pass by now weep and laments while this Couple Doth lie

Last edit almost 2 years ago by eperegrine

Death and the Youth

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Death and the youth Not yet the flowers are in my path The sun is in my sky Not yet my heart is full of hope I cannot beare to die Not yet I never her knew till now

Death and the youth Not yet flowers are in my path The sun is in my sky Not yet my heart is full of hope I cannot beare to die Not yet I never knew till now How joyous life could be My heart is full of love oh death I cannot come withe twain But love and hope enchanted Passed in their falshood by Death came again and then he said I'm ready now to die!" LIL

Last edit almost 2 years ago by eperegrine

Dangerous Curiosity

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Friendly Reader, Dangerous Curiosity

Be not Curious to Search into the Secrets of god. Pick not not the Locks where he hath allowed no key be that will the fitting every Cloud may be Smitten with a thunder Bolt he that will the too familiar with gods Secrets may Be overwhelmed with his judgements Adam would Curiously increase his knowledge wherefore Adam Shamefully, Soft in his goodness, the Bethshemites would need any into the Ark of god therefore the hand of god Slew above fifty thousand of them, therefore hover not about this flame Lest you Scorch your wing, for my part I will Carefully inquire into or after what he hath Reformed.

Book of Conscience Wouldst thou know whether thy name be written in the Book of Life, Why then read what thou hast written in the Book of Conscience, thou neadest not Ask who Shall Ascend up into heaven You to Search the discord[?] of Eternity, thou mayest But Descend down into thine own heart and there read what thou art and what thou Shalt Be; the gods Book of Election and Reprobation Be Closed and kept above with god yet thy Book of Conscience that is open and kept Below in thy very Bosom, and what thou writest here, thou Shalt Be sure to read there, if you write nothing in this Book But the black Lives of Sin, you will find nothing in gods Book but the red lines of dammation, but if you write gods word in the Book of Conscience, you may be Sure god hath written your name in the Book of Life at the great day of judgment when all Books Shall be opened there you will Either read the sweetest or the Sharpest Lines I will therefore so write here that I may not be ashamed to read hereafter

Death Nothing is so sure as death and nothing so uncertain as the time when we may be too old to Live. We can never be too young to die I will therefore Live Every hour asif I were to die the next __

Last edit almost 2 years ago by eperegrine


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[illegible line of text under tape] [?] has made mention Concerning a man said to be dead and an allem[?] [?]ing made to restore him to life and athero[?] remarkeable Circumstances that is walking on the water I would not Enter into any Lengthy detail on this subject for I believe no Candid reader Could think Either of them true he spakes of a memenaun[?] multhude[?] that attendid there is not one person on Earth winessed the sun that I know [?] I have keen personly resurrected with the friend about forty years and have not seen [crossed out: or heard] any thing of the kind. and have not at any time heard any thing to Differ from the friends Publick advice Either publick or private

Last edit almost 2 years ago by eperegrine
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