[illegible line of text under tape] [?] has made mention Concerning a man said to be dead and an allem[?] [?]ing made to restore him to life and athero[?] remarkeable Circumstances that is walking on the water I would not Enter into any Lengthy detail on this subject for I believe no Candid reader Could think Either of them true he spakes of a memenaun[?] multhude[?] that attendid there is not one person on Earth winessed the sun that I know [?] I have keen personly resurrected with the friend about forty years and have not seen [crossed out: or heard] any thing of the kind. and have not at any time heard any thing to Differ from the friends Publick advice Either publick or private
Lastly, my author says all think that part of the ten tribes Dwell beyound the Sabbatical river, which is said to be about The caspian sea of which the testemony of Josephus is famous The emperor Titus saith he, passing between Arca and Raphanes, Cities of king Agrippa he saw the wonderful river which Though it be swift yet it is dry on every seventh day, and that Day being past, it resumes its ordinary course as if it had no Change, and it always observe this order, It is called Sabbatical From the Solemn feast of the Jewes, because it intimates their Rest every seven day, on which God himself rested after the Creation of the world. This river runs all the week with such Swiftness and impetuosity, that it Carries away with the sand And stones, which is the cause that the tribes who live beyond It remains shut up and cannot discover themselves for though On the seventh day the river doth rest, and is quiet, yet it is Forbidden to the Jewes to take a journey on that day, and for That reason they have remained there miraculously concealed for Some ages, Neither is this so strange since there are many things Which we know, and yet can give no account of their original Are we not at this day ignorant of the heads of the four capital Rivers Nilus, Ganges Euphrates and Tygris, and many large Countries are yet undiscovered. Yea, some are unknown by being Placed beyond mountains so it happened in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella about 1400 that some Spanyards were Found out by accident at Barneca, about ten miles from Salamaca in Spain, to which place they fled when the Moors Possessed Spain and dwelt there eight Hundred years without Being discovered Furthermore as to the Sabbatical river, I Heard it from my father, saith Manasseh Ben Israel, and Fathers do not use to impose upon their sons, that there was An Arabian at Lisbon in Portugal who, had an hour-glass
Filled with the sand taken out of the bottom of this River which was all the week till the Sabbath, and then Ceased, and that every Friday in the evening this Arabian would walk through the streets of that city, and Then this Glass to the Jewes who counterfiled Christionity, Saying ye Jewes shut up your shops, for now the sabbath Comes. I should not speak of these Glasses, saith he, but that The authority of my father has great power over me, and Induces me to believe the miracle is from God, Let the Reader believe what he thinks fit of these relations, which I thought, for the strangeness of them not unpleasant to insert I shall conclude with the consequences which my Jewish Author deduces from them namly 1 that America or the west Indies was accidentally in habited by a part of the ten tribes Which pased thither out of Tartary by the streights of Annian 2 that the ten tribes are not in any one place but in Many because the prophets have foretold their return shall Be into Palestine out of divers places 3 that the ten tribes Did not return at the building of the second temple 4 that This day they retain the Jewish religion 5 that the propheices concerning their return to their country are of necessety to be fulfilled 6 that from all the coast of the world they Meet in Assyria and Egypt go preparing an easy pleasant Way, and abounding in all things as Isaiah saith Chap XI And from thence they shall fly to Jerusalem as birds to Their nests Lastly that the Kingdom shall be no more D divided but the twelves tribes shall be sbuject to one Prince who is under the messiah the son of David and That they shall never be driven again out of their Land