


Status: Complete

Monopolies are the most wicked, tyrannical and injurious Usurpations over other Men, and the greatest Violations of the Law of Nature, of any other, and are so much worse than Robbery, by how much the Quality of them is worse, and the Extent farther. A Monopoly, is the arrogating a Power of Working or Trading, by one Man, or a Company of Men, exclusive to all others. Here consider, that all Men are born naked, and the generality of Manking have nothing but their Labour, industry and Ingenuity ( I do not mean undue Craft and Deceit ) to feed, cloath and provide themselves an Habitation with ; and therefore for one Man, or Company of Men, to impose upon all others besides themselves, a Negative of not Working or Trading, infinitely resolves into all others, who, if this Restriction had not beenm might have not only subsisted in these trades and Imployments, but also have enlarged and improved them by their Industry and Ingenuity ; for all Arts are infinitely improvable, and one Man in the present Time, and another in future Generations, may proveed further in any Art than was known or understood

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