District of West Tennessee towit
Be it Remembered that on the ninth day of April in the thirty fourth year of the Independence of the united States and in the year 1810, Thomas Greayson Bradford of the said District hath deposited in this office the title of a book the right whereof he claims as proprietor in the words fololowing towit
The duty of and authority of Justices
of the Peace in the State of Tennessee
compiled by John Haywood Esquire
Attorney at law.
In conformity to the act of Congress of the united States entitled an Act for the encouragement of learning by Securing the copies of maps charts and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned and extending the benefits through [deleted]April 19th, 1870[/deleted] to the acts of designing engraving and Etching historical and other prints
[signed][unclear]Robt. Starcyteth[/unclear][/signed]
of the District of west Tennessee
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