



Status: Complete

Waffle Iron

Before using a new iron take salad oil, melted lard,
or any other good unsalted fat and, with a small pastry
brush, paint both grids. Use no oil or grease thereafter.
Attach the cord to the nearest electric outlet.
Connect and disconnect current at appliance end of cord.
Close iron and preheat TEN minutes. Do not guess
the time - Use a timepiece, so that you preheat ONLY
TEN MINUTES and no more. If too hot, waffle will
brown unevenly - if not hot enough it will stick.
Quickly pour in enough batter to almost fill bottom
grid and close iron at once. Bake until waffle stops
steaming. - DO NOT open until then or waffle will
seperate. After waffle stops steaming - lift cover-
remove waffle.
Do not wait to serve the waffle, but immediately
pour in more batter. Always close the iron at once.
Then serve the hot waffle which has just been baked.
Continue in this way.

Take a soft cloth and wipe inside edge of the top
and bottom grids and with a wet cloth remove any
spilled batter from exterior - Do not put iron in water.

If waffle has stuck, use wire brush to remove it.
Leave waffle iron open until cold after using.

NEVER wash grids - Use brush to remove crumbs.
Follow directions and waffles will not burn or stick.

THERMAX WAFFLE RECIPE: 2 cups bread flour,
3 teaspoons baking powderm 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs
(beaten separately), 2 cups milk, 4 tablespoon melted
butter. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into micing
bowl. Beat yolks well and add milk and beat, adding
this to the flour slowly beating until perfectly smooth.
Add melted butter and fold in whites stiffly beaten.

Note: If pastry flour is used, allow 1 1/2 cups of milk
to 2 cups of flour.

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