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in a way, & so being so new to each other. And we shall have so
much to tell each other & so much to ask each other. This will
be a glorious, wonderful time, & such a magnificent beginning to
our new life - & it must & will continue. I wonder where
we shall go to? I expect somewhere in England in the country
or by the sea - & far away from anybody we know. Nobody
must distract us from each other - except the baby, who must
of course come with us.
Oh dearest Barbara - I feel so proud, & satisfied, & enchanted to
have made you happy. It is an achievement, & I am very proud
of myself. And it gives me enormous courage & confidence for
the future, because having done so already, now I know that
I always can & always will do so. And so this future is assured,
& we can look forward to life.
You are right, my dear sweet, never for one single instant
did I ever wish that I was not worried to you. I suppose it is
almost a record - but then you are unique, & there is nobody
like you. And we certainly never became staid or settled - very
far from that, I'm quite sure, we never will do. As far
as love & passion was concerned, I always felt that I had
to make love to you, & I know I always shall feel that.
Haven't we had glorious, heavenly times? You have always
been so sweet & glorious & passionate, my darling - & when
we have been making love, you have always allowed ^me to do
everything I wanted to do to you. Oh darling one, I have
such wonderful memories of you, such gloriously wonderful
memories. And such wonderful thoughts for the future.
I think about yo so much. I'm quite certain that there
is nobody else who is as lucky & fortunate & blessed as I am.
And so to my so very lonely bed. xxxxxx Harry
Wednesday 26th March I'm always so late when I begin to

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