



Status: Complete


if there was anything I could do, or ask him to do, to expidate
matters. Damn it - its nearly £10 from then until now - & time
marches on - & it might as well be in Martins Bank, Bradford.
I do so hope you have had my cable about the bank, & my
expenses & know everything is alright. We arranged to have
no misunderstandings, but that one must have been difficult
to understand. And you did your very best to make excuses for
me, which were not necessary, but which were very sweet
of you. But I am still very upset that it happened at all, & I
shall not be really happy again or stop thinking about it, until
I have a cable from you that you are reassured. And, of course,
that particular cable of yours which said "worried money, please
economise" - would be the one to go astray & take weeks to
reach me. I had another cable the same day as that one, which
said "address still Nash, Eastlodge etc." Do you know that is the
very first one I had telling me your address! It is wicked, where
they go to, really. You can understand now, why I was so worried
& always asking yu for your address. My letters from you
were from Elinor's place, & I knew you would not be staying
there so very long & never sent any of my letters there. Now
then this last one of yours, is the first I have had giving
Joans address. And so now I can carry out your instrucion
to send any letters which may arrie after May 8 - to Joan's.
I am enclosing another of these photos of me. I sent 3 off to
you by sea mail, in February, so this will probably arrive
first. They are all the same - not very good. I'm afraid.
I sent one to Jimmy cardwell the other day, when I wrote
to him - for the first time since leaving the ship. I told
him your father had died - & so I hoped there would not be
any funny business with my 1/2 salary from the aassociation

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