GW#2 - p9 (8)


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11 revisions
Jennifer Hecker at Feb 13, 2014 08:03 PM

GW#2 - p9 (8)

4. Theres also a 10" record called AMPED [underlined]
(Westworld). It's great, although I like it
best as background/puttering-around-
the-house music. It'll get yer toes
tappin' - you know.

So there are the records. I suggest you
go buy 'em all, but most importantly,
go see 'em live! [underlined]
The live shows are
definitely the best
way to experience
the Fells & I don't
know that I would
think about their
records if I couldn't
imagine that
sumptuous band
up there rockin'!

So there - write 'em
& tell 'em to get
down here.

**Smart me. This isn't a complete discography.
It's only what I've seen & bought. Here's more:
[bullet] Fun Date 7" (3rd World Underground)
[bullet] Visitor 7" (Dark Twist)

+ some songs on
comps. (4 songs
to be exact.)

PO BOX 43291
TUSCON, AZ 85733

PO BOX 1641
TUSCON, AZ 85733

GW#2 - p9 (8)

4. Theres also a 10" record called AMPED [underlined]
(Westworld). It's great, although I like it
best as background/puttering-around-
the-house music. It'll get yer toes
tappin' - you know.

So there are the records. I suggest you
go buy 'em all, but most importantly,
go see 'em live! [underlined]
The live shows are
definitely the best
way to experience
the Fells & I don't
know that I would
think about their
records if I couldn't
imagine that
sumptuous band
up there rockin'!

So there - write 'em
& tell 'em to get
down here.

**Smart me. This isn't a complete discography.
It's only what I've seen & bought. Here's more:
[bullet] Fun Date 7" (3rd World Underground)
[bullet] Visitor 7" (Dark Twist)

+ some songs on
comps. (4 songs
to be exact.)

PO BOX 43291
TUSCON, AZ 85733

PO BOX 1641
TUSCON, AZ 85733