



Status: Complete

GHuata allexandria per ponente secta
et ghuata ad tramontana se talia
e terra riccha nobile et perfecta
et ha gram porto dimerchatantia
da indi ad focie ove il nilo immar giecta
cinquanta miglia son per ricta via
et chiamasi ivi ilfiume dirossetto
et son tremilia miglia dallo stretto./ :~

UNaltra focie sanza far girata
piu su cinquanta miglia almar dichina
passata quella truovi damiata
poi son dugiento miglia dimarina
fino alla rissa che lapiu ingholfata
et che piu almar rosso savicina
et quivi dallevante ad tramontana
illito gira et tucta /e/ terra piana./ :~

DAlla rissa allaiza dherminia
ricta costiera son miglia seciento
per tramontana tucta quella via
va verso grecho per quarta divento
ilporto dibaruti di soria
nel mezo sta apunto alle treciento
et quindi sono ad chilpileggio piglia
fino alexandria cinqueciento miglia./ :~

[Guide letters]
Written on the left of stanza initials:

Image description: Map on the left-hand side represents the gulf of Sirte in green and includes two cities on the mainland in white: The right-hand side represents the African coast in white and the Mediterranean Sea in green. A fish emerges from the waters. Distances between the inscribed cities that punctuate these lands are indicated in the illustration and follow the text of the stanzas. The illustration also represents two rivers, including the Nile that leads to Cairo, the second river’s outlet, and a gulf.
Text within images, top to bottom, left ot right:
zunarra (zunãra)
caro (represented as a fortified city with crenellated walls and three towers)
da miata
fiume nilo
Alexandria (represented as a fortified city with a building in the middle)
Golfo della larassa
Geographical distances are also indicated: (Larissa to da miata) 200; (da miata to rossetto) 50; (rossetto to Alexandria) 50; (Alexandria to luco) 400.

[Page description]
Page number in Arabic numbering (21), marked in pencil on the top right corner of the page. Probably added at a later time.

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