December 25, 1833 - January 5, 1834
25th Dec 1833 was fair
26 Do Do Do Do
27 Do Do Do Do
28 Do Do Do Do
29 Dec Sunday cloudy in the evening
It is Said
by some that
the first 12
days after
governs the
12 mos following
each day for a Mo
30 Monday it hailed some in the
night &Monday morning very
soon it was Raining all day cloudy
& drisling of Rain
31st Tuesday still cloudy & warm
Broke off clear in the Evening
at night part of it was cloudy &
the other part fair
Janry 1st Wednesday tolerably fair about
sun rise - very cloudy day & like for
rain & in the night it commenced raining
Jan 2nd Thursday morning rain & continued
till about 9 oclock then stoped &
cloudy the balance of the day
3rd Friday Turned cold about day or
sometime before day wind from S W
& very cold all day — little cloudy in the Evening
4th Saturday cloudy & very cold & began to snow
about 8 oclock in the night
5th Sunday very cold & Saturday night &
snowed all night stoped in the morning
& very cold all day & the 6th very
cold yet & snow has not melted
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