[Accounts with "my Henry": May 21, 1859 - December 1860]



Status: Page Status Indexed

My Henry brott forward - Debits
Debits Brot forward including
every thing to this 21st May $6.00

Date Note Amount
1859 May 21 This sum due Henry 7.46
May 21st By [Amt Credits?] Brot forward of every thing including Tobacco is 13.46
1859 May 21 By Balance due Henry this day pr settlement 7.46
July 25 By 5 not got yet - @ 9d. 8.08
" " To cash paid you this day 5.00
Due Henry 25th July 1859 3.08
1859 Oct 19th To cash paid Mrs L. at Clements for you 3.-00
Decr 12th To 1/2 Bushel Wheat 3/9
17 Cash for wheat in pt 1/6
1860 May 20 To Cash lent you in Lynchg $2.00
- - By cash Recd for your Lugs $ 0.90
- 29th To cash paid Jerry for you 1/6.
Augt To cash given you when going to Lynchg. 3/-
Oct 17 To 1 sell Knives & forks 50 c
- 1 Countirpane took at Mr Hunts sale 75 c
Dec. 20 17lb Pork @ 84 c $ 1.40
" Cr By Cash of you [$?] 7.00
- 22 2 1/2 yds Cloth for little Henry @ 46 c.
[word illegible] settled up to this day 25th Decr 1860
[Document damaged, several words missing] [Bus]hel Wheat 3/9 Henry Washington owes 57 c
[...]s put in my Lug Hhd here @ 2 50[] $3.50
[...]paid you in Lynchg $2.00
[...carrd toward your...]

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I cannot show deleted text in the table format. Any suggestions?

Ben W. Brumfield

I've used the HTML strike tag to represent the deleted text I could see. Take a look and let me know if I got all of the instances of deletion you saw.

Also, thanks so much for your work on this page, bringing to light a possible surname for Henry. Do you read the third-to-last line as "Henry Washington owes 59ct"? If so, and if that refers to "my Henry", that's the first time I've seen a surname for Henry.


Many thanks - I agree that I read the name as Henry Washington and am very glad that is a useful piece of information. I have amended my wild guess at 'Lymly' to 'Lynchg.' in other places it occurs. I have also now read what I previously thought was 'by' to 'big', which means there are refs. to 'little Henry' and 'big Henry'. Does this make sense to you? Something puzzling: although this section of the document (fifth-to-last line) appears in the transcript, it doesn't occur in the preview.

Ben W. Brumfield

My suspicion is that Big Henry is Little Henry's father. That's just a hypothesis, but other mentions of them together might confirm it.

I'm not able to reproduce the preview vs. transcript problem you describe. Does it still happen?


This is the line that seems to be missing when I switch from 'edit' to 'preview'. It is the 1st line following the final table: 'Little Henry Owes me 57 c. Big Henrys acct'


Big Henry is indeed Little Henry's father.